
chapter 2 No #17

a few more months passed by I was 1 year old

I would run all I could to build stamina but I was careful to not overdo it.

I read some books and stuff a planned and ate in my free.

I heard footsteps approaching it was it was noria " come on you lads I am gonna tell you something" so me and my brother followed her and 3-4 minutes we reached a big house in there were more children about twenty some were crying some were making noise it was annoying then we got assigned names or numbers to be exact.

in our tribe children choose their own names I was a little happy because I always wanted a cool name in my past life , I wondered what I will choose I was assigned no# 17 meanwhile my twin brother got no #16

since he was my brother I decided to train him as well

6 months later

I was now 1.5 years I Chased animals , ran alot like 2km which is alot for my body , I meditated alot to hopefully awaken observation I told my twin to thorough mud and soft things at me I did the same

I found it odd that there was no system or status I. this Isekai after a few attempts I got I said guide a menu appeared


guide( unnamed )



yessss jackpot I focused on status

name : number 17

strength (doriki) : 6


defense: 5

stamina: 18


Devil fruit: none

haki : observation (hardly)

weapons: cleaver(poor) mastery (basic )

just meh I thought I was glad at the observation haki oh yes seems like I had knack for cleavers

2years later

(general pov )

a wolf is running heavily bleeding while 2 little boys with black hair are chasing it "go the other way " 17 said to 16

number 16 ran in the forest , while 17 threw a few dagger at the wolf It dodged a boy come from front and stabbed it

"we finally did time to eat" the said in a union

the boys eat it and went back to their house

" heard we turn 8 all the kids are going to have a battle or so the old hag said" said no 16

"I heard the winner gets a magical fruit " 17 replied

the both talked and went to sleep

while 17 was awake he closed his eyes said guide then status

name : 17

strength :69

agility : 100

defense :80

stamina :79

health :56

devil fruit : none

haki : observation (advanced - basic) armament (high - basic)

weapons: cleavers , short sword , daggers

additional : soru , tekkai , kami -e.

(mc POV )

it was time to up my training

now I daily meditated , 40 km , 200 push ups

200 sit-up , stretching ,breathing exercises , hunting , sparring with my brother .

I was gonna be a legend but I wonder what to do Marines , Roger pirates , rocks, or solo

let's wait and see i first needed to win the devil fruit depending on what it is I might even eat it or give it 16

1.5 years later

mc is now 5 years old

he can easily kill bears and other animals he tripled his training and started collecting information on the other children he would sometimes spar with them there were a total of 21 children altogether he had only lost twice once with his brother no 16 and no 8

he never fought no 13 or 1

even though he lost twice it wasn't a complete defeat it was a close fight and he deafeated them sometimes

1 year later mc was now 6

(mc POV )

I just fought 13 and defeated him is was a pretty close fight , we fought for nearly 4 hours we went and tended to our personal injuries all of us knew basic first aid I went to lay down and called system then status

name : no # 17

strength: 402

agility: 600

defense: 380


devil fruit : none

haki : observation (high- medium) armament (low-medium) conquerer's (-)

weapons : cleavers (high) ,short sword (high) daggers (mid) wires(mid )

additional skills: soru(high), geppo(high) , tekkai(mid), kami-e(mid) , seiman kikan(basic)

night vision(mid), presence remover(basic)

power level= paradise level 2= bon clay

I was happy about my stats it was a great improvement still need to work on my armament though then their is conquerer's haki it was blank maybe I didn't awaken it yet

I also started using wires for hunting and all

I wanted a proper weapon but that is for later I don't really get tekkai and seiman kikan , for kami-e - I should be able to improve it sooner or later

i also adapted my eyes to the night I guess I have night vision now though it can be improved I can also remove my presence again from hunting a good counter against observation haki

by the way if you guys are wonderful about pirate power levels here you go

blue sea pirate (1-5)

paradise pirate (1-3)

supernova (1-3)

new world pirate (1-3)

yonko crew

yonko commander (quasi)

yonko commander (low )

yonko commander ( mid)

yonko commander (high)

yonko commander (peak)=

yonko (quasi)=Luffy after wci

yonko (low )= black beard

yonko (mid )

yonko (high) = kaido

yonko peak= whitebeard prime

pirate king

general pov

2 years later

mc is 8 years old

it is the year 1470