
One Piece : The Voyager's Mark

In a world ruled by the merciless waves, a stranger emerges with a destiny he did not choose but is determined to redefine. The Voyager's Mark follows a young man reborn under mysterious circumstances into the vibrant and perilous world of One Piece. With memories of another life and a cryptic power at his fingertips, Kai Rifter stands at the crossroads of chaos and order. Haunted by flashes of his past and propelled by a system that binds him to unseen forces, Kai must navigate treacherous waters where allies and enemies blur. Each choice carves a path deeper into the heart of a world brimming with insidious powers and celestial tyrants. Will he be the harbinger of the change he seeks, or will the weight of his destiny crush him? Only the marks he leaves behind will tell. [System Alert: New Path Unlocked. Proceed with Caution. Unknown Consequences Await.]

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22 Chs


Kai floated in an infinite void of darkness. The vast expanse stretched in every direction, a canvas of black that seemed to swallow all light and sound. Stars twinkle faintly in the distance, pinpricks of light that offered no warmth, no comfort. They were distant sentinels, cold and indifferent, mere ornaments in the immensity of space.

A cold, silent wind brushed past him, a ghostly whisper against his skin. It carried a chill that seeped into his bones, leaving him shivering in the void. Kai felt weightless, suspended in this emptiness without anchor or direction. Up and down lost their meaning as he drifted, his body turning slowly, aimlessly.

The silence was profound, a heavy blanket that muffled all sound. Even his breaths, slow and measured, seemed swallowed by the darkness. Each inhalation felt like a struggle against the pressing void, each exhalation a surrender to its endless embrace.

The stars, scattered like distant diamonds, flickered as if through a thick veil, their light struggling to reach him. They seemed to mock his isolation, their brilliance a distant reminder of a world beyond this endless night. Kai reached out a hand, the movement slow and languid in the weightlessness, but there was nothing to grasp, nothing to hold onto.

As he drifted, the darkness began to change. The blackness lightened to a deep indigo, a color rich and velvety, enveloping him in a surreal twilight. Gradually, the indigo gave way to a dusky blue, a shade that brought with it a sense of impending dawn or twilight, where the world teetered on the edge of day and night.

Shapes began to form around him, vague at first, like shadows cast against the void. They floated and shimmered, elusive and insubstantial. Slowly, the shapes grew clearer, solidifying into tall, impossibly tall structures of stark white. These buildings loomed above him, their edges sharp and clean, reflecting the faint glow of the distant stars.

Kai found himself standing on a smooth, white street. The ground beneath his feet was cool and unyielding, its surface so polished that it reflected the light of the stars like a mirror. The city around him was silent, the air thick with an eerie stillness that pressed against his skin. The silence was so deep that it seemed to have a presence of its own, a palpable entity that wrapped around him.

Shadows flitted past him, quick and indistinct, like figures in a dream that vanished before they could be fully seen. They moved with a fluid grace, their forms ever-shifting, never solid. They were like wisps of smoke, there one moment and gone the next, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease. These figures moved with purpose, yet their forms remained black and undefined, stark contrasts to the pristine white of the city.

The streets twisted and turned, a labyrinthine maze that seemed to have no beginning and no end. Each turn revealed another identical street, lined with the same towering buildings, creating a sense of endless repetition. The buildings themselves were monumental, their heights reaching into the sky, disappearing into the dusky blue above.

Kai walked aimlessly, his footsteps echoing softly against the quiet. The sound of his steps was the only thing that broke the oppressive silence, a rhythmic reminder of his presence in this ethereal city. The shadows moved around him, always just out of reach, their presence unsettling in its ambiguity. They seemed to whisper secrets in a language he could not understand, their movements too quick to follow, too elusive to grasp.

As he wandered, the sense of disorientation grew. The city was a maze, each street leading to another identical one, each building a mirror image of the last. The uniformity was disconcerting, creating a surreal sense of timelessness. There was no day or night here, no sense of passing time, only the endless maze of white streets and black shadows.

Kai felt a growing sense of urgency, a need to find something, anything, that would break the monotony of this dream. His steps quickened, his heart pounding in his chest as he turned corner after corner, only to find more of the same. The city seemed to stretch on forever, an endless labyrinth that defied logic and reason.

Suddenly, Kai found himself in a vast square, the space opening up around him like an oasis in the desert of endless streets. In the center of the square stood a towering obelisk, its surface covered in intricate patterns that glowed faintly with a pale light. The obelisk reached towards the sky, its apex disappearing into the dusky blue above.

At the base of the obelisk was a reflective pool, its surface unnaturally still. The water was like liquid glass, reflecting the towering structure and the starry sky above with perfect clarity. Drawn by a compulsion he couldn't understand, Kai approached the pool and gazed into the water.

His reflection stared back at him, but it was not as he expected. The image was distorted, the features twisted and fractured. His face split into multiple versions, each one a different shade of emotion. Fear, anger, curiosity, and determination swirled together, merging and separating in a chaotic dance.

The reflections shifted and moved, each one reacting to the other. Fear's eyes widened, anger's brow furrowed, curiosity's gaze wandered, and determination's jaw set firmly. They swirled in the water, each emotion clear and distinct, yet part of a single, fragmented whole.

Slowly, the reflections began to merge back into one. The chaotic dance settled, the features blending together until only one face remained. Kai's face, unified and whole, stared back at him, the emotions still flickering in his eyes.

A sudden sensation gripped him, a feeling of being watched. He looked up, his heart pounding in his chest. Above him, the sky was filled with ethereal beings, their forms shimmering and indistinct. They hovered silently, their presence almost tangible. The only detail he could see clearly was their eyes—large, unblinking, and glowing with an inscrutable light.

The eyes bore into him, seeing through him, their gaze intense and unrelenting. A primal fear took hold, tightening his chest and sending shivers down his spine. These eyes were unnaturally large, occupying almost the entire upper portion of the beings' faces. The sclera was a stark, otherworldly white, making the irises—glowing in an ethereal, luminescent blue—all the more striking.

Within the glow, patterns seemed to swirl and shift, like galaxies spinning in miniature. It was as if the eyes held the secrets of the universe, their depths unfathomable and infinite. The pupils, black and void-like, expanded and contracted rhythmically, drawing Kai's gaze deeper into their mesmerizing complexity. Each blinkless stare seemed to penetrate his very soul, exposing every hidden fear and secret.

A primal fear took hold, tightening his chest and sending shivers down his spine. It was a fear unlike any he had ever known, deep and instinctual. His breath quickened, and his heart raced, the terror overwhelming and all-consuming.

The fear grew, endless and maddening. It clawed at his mind, driving him to the brink of sanity. His body trembled, and his vision blurred, the world spinning around him. The gaze of the beings above held him captive, their eyes filled with a knowledge he couldn't comprehend, a power he couldn't escape.

With a final, desperate gasp, Kai jolted awake. He sat up, drenched in sweat, his heart pounding in his ears. The lingering sensation of the gaze and the primal fear stayed with him, haunting him even as he returned to the waking world.