
Chapter 87


"Next is Tekkai or Iron Body… like the name suggests it makes your body as strong as Iron," Luffy said, pointing his finger gun at Sparky and firing a few shots.

The monkey tensed his muscles and crossed his six arms tanking them with ease. And he was even able to stay in the same place with Geppo while using it.

"An untrained user can only make all of his body go Tekkai at once. And won't be able to use any movements when doing it. But a master user like Sparky and me can do it while moving. It's similar to Sanji's exoskeleton." The chef in question blinked. Luffy added. "Next is Rankyaku or Tempest Kick…"

Sparky who was still in air, kicked his leg in a horizontal swipe which traveled towards Luffy, who backhanded it into the sea.

"Like how a swordsman is able to use wind blades generated from sword strikes, one can also do it without swords but only his legs." Luffy said, "Sparky can even do it with all six of his arms at once."

And that made Hatcahn really interested. He also used swords, but most of the times, he would lose his swords mid-battle, but if he could learn that it would be helpful even while he was unarmed. And he also felt a bit of similarity with Sparky, being a fellow six-armed and all.

Sanji was also interested, he needed a ranged attack. And maybe he would able to combine his flames with it. Who knows…

"The next is… Shigan or finger pistol." Luffy said making a jabbing motion with his hand while his index finger was outstretched. "You literally jab your finger hard enough that your fingertip acts like a bullet, piercing your enemy. Skillful users can also make air bullets out of it, by meshing the concept of Tempest Kick together with a finger pistol." Usopp was interested in it. "And you see I created my own version of finger pistol, by using the rubbery element of my powers."

Luffy then again shot multiple shots at Sparky, who this time loosened up his body like paper and avoided the shots.

"Like how Tekkie is hardening your body, by flexing your muscles. Kami-e is doing the opposite, by making your muscles like paper that avoids getting cut or pierced by anything… both technique falls under Seimi Keiken. Where one can control the full parts of his body." Luffy said, looking at Johnny and Yosaku who gasped in the realization that this was what Luffy was speaking about. They knew they could do some unusual stuff with their bodies, like being more flexible and recovering fast from injuries, but it seemed that they were unconsciously using that technique.

"And lastly…" Luffy positioned both his hands forward and blasted pressurized air from them. The crew was wide-eyed when it completely obliterated a giant rock that they were passing by, leaving only dust. "Rokuogan… this is an advanced form of all of the techniques combined… and if you are able to master Finger Pistol, Seimi Keiken and Tempest Kick, you will be able to do it."

Luffy then raised one arm and blasted it again. "I can do by one arm, and if I try, maybe with my legs too…"

"Now that all the crew has gathered you all will start by learning one or two of the techniques… but first you will need to have physical conditioning to get your body to that certain strength," Luffy said. "The training might be hard, but you will gain something valuable from it. Any questions?"

Coby raised a hand.

"Yes, Coby."

"Captain… uh… where did you get those techniques? And won't we get in trouble from using them, in front of marines?"

Luffy blinked. "Yup, I actually forgot, but you should try to not use them in front of marines… they might actually send Cipher Pol if they sniff out what we have." He chuckled, but it made Coby pale a bit. "But don't worry, in the grandline, it's not uncommon for pirates to be seen using one or two of the Rokushiki. The Marines are corrupt enough to sell them in the black market… but you will be marked if they know you can use them. Maybe use it like how I do, my version of the finger pistol is different enough that the Marines won't suspect that I learned it from their version of the finger pistol… heck one might even think I have some air related devil fruit. I also got this book from the black market with some contacts I have there…"

Coby nodded. Such powerful techniques… and corrupt marines sold them in the black market. It was a good thing that he joined the straw hats not the marines… their rot seems to spread everywhere.

"Any more questions?" Luffy asked. And this time Kuina raised her hand. "Yes?"

"For a blade user like me, I find all of them very interesting… but I was hoping to learn Haki…"

Luffy sighed. "There is no easy way to say it… but I will be blunt. You aren't strong enough to learn Haki. Maybe Observation Haki… and I can train you with Usopp and Coby here who also might have talent in that aspect, but for Armament, you need to have more willpower… which in my case I gained when I was stronger enough. But strength isn't required to unlocking armament… some people have just more willpower than others. Unlocking Armament was even tricky for me… its been what only six to seven months since I have unlocked it. I don't know if I will even be able to help make Zoro unlock it… he might not have the strength but his willpower is already there… So, for now, if you want to learn about Observation Haki, join Coby and Usopp."

The girl nodded, thiking about his words.

Zoro was also surprised that he had a talent for that… all this time he seemed to think he was lagging behind but he might be able to catch up with this…

Luffy observed Zoro's reaction and didn't say anything. Before joining the crew… scratch that, just before the fight with Mihawke, Zoro's will wasn't even close to unlocking Armament. But it seemed fighting a powerful opponent and being exposed to two different Conquers Haki at the same time, made his 'will' grow like weed.

Now that he had observed Luffy had first-hand in experience in seeing such sudden growth. So that's why Garp always said that battle is the best learner in gaining strength. Zoro was the prime example of that.

Internally he was a bit excited… Zoro's character always had a certain charm of coolness to it. I mean who wouldn't like a badass swordsman that had an undying will. So that's why Luffy was excited with how fast Zoro might grow.

Luffy then also remembered something, "Nami… you might also have some talent in Observation so you should also try it out. Imagine how much more you can steal if you know where the treasures are…" Luffy joked, but it seemed that Nami already started fantasizing about it. Her eyes already turning into belly. "But we will also have to get you some strength or at least speed in case you ever get into trouble and need to escape."

"Hmm… Zoro, you might have a talent for Armament Haki… so maybe fighting me or the others that are stronger then you might make you unlock the ability." Luffy said, it made the green-headed swordsman nod. "But then again, we will have to get you new swords… your replacements won't help you that much in that aspect."

Zoro snorted he now was using three regular katanas, nothing too fancy, but they were even lesser quality then his previous swords. He had to get new ones.

"For now, let's all focus on training and getting your physical strength up a few ranks… Even I took a total of two years in fully mastering all the Rokushiki techniques… even talented Marine or Cipher Pol agents spend a lifetime mastering those abilities… so I will suggest you pick one technique at a time and master it. I want our crew to be strongest, and that means in all aspects." Luffy said, before turning to Hatchan. "That means you too Hatchi… you might need some training if you want to survive the grandline with our crew."

The Fishman moved his head away. "I'm not even a part of your crew." He mumbled.

Luffy didn't say anything just grinned. The Fishman didn't refuse the training so that was good.

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