
Chapter 357


With the dungeon activated, Robin was also able to access the large computer in the room. Though, funnily enough, she didn't know much about how to operate it. But Luffy could. 

He had a suspicion that Sanji might be able to do it as well. He was from a technologically advanced place, after all, being part of Germa 66 and all. But the chef couldn't come down to the dungeon as the young Groot refused to leave his side or let him enter the dungeon, so it was left to him. 

Luffy was no tech nerd. But he could navigate far better than Robin, especially when the said computer ran what looked like a modified version of Windows XP, even if he was almost 20 years out of practice. Well, it wasn't Windows XP, but something very similar. 

And luckily he grew up with that shit in his first life. Sure, the language was a bit hard, but with Robin helping him, it didn't take long to access files and other things with regard to the dungeon. 

"You know I'm a bit jealous that you are better at this than me," Robin said, honestly. "And you aren't going to tell me about how you can do it either…"

"Shishishi… It's nothing important, believe me." Luffy just laughed, it was a good thing Robin wasn't pushing for answers. 

This kind of technology wasn't something anyone from the East Blue could pass by. Even Law, who had a freaking submarine for a ship, didn't know heads or tails on how to operate it. So of course the crew was a bit curious as to how Luffy was able to operate it. But they didn't question any further. 

With access to the computer, Luffy was able to get some notes about the dungeon and its research. It also had a bunch of information, and it would take a lot of time to go through them, and they couldn't access everything in the dungeon, without the Blue Power box either. 

But placing it in would also activate the Golden Knight, so they didn't do it. 

"You know, this place has a bunch of cool rooms with security features that can act as training…" Luffy said looking at Robin, "It's a shame that we can't access those without entering the Blue power box."

She nodded as she started reading through the blocks of text written in ancient language, writing down things on her notebook from time to time. What she was trying to figure out was the purpose of the dungeon. Sure the Golden Knight had already said so, but she wanted to know why? And it wasn't every day, that you find such a rich source of information. 

Luffy on the other hand wondered if Franky would be able to use this tech. Well, he should be, he was a cyborg after all. And he did upgrade himself in one of Vegapunk's old islands, so this kind of tech should be up his alley. If not, he should be able to figure it out.

"It seems that the ancient kingdom isn't much better than the current one," Robin said with a hint of sadness and dread in her voice. 

"Hmm… what do you mean, Robin-ya?" Law asked. Even Luffy and Kuina looked at her. 

She sighed, "It seems that whoever built this dungeon wanted to end the World Government. Meaning this dungeon here might be way before the World Government took seat…" Everyone was a bit surprised at the information, even Luffy. "And this place was created mainly to make a better biological weapon to fight against the World Government. But the researchers here abandoned it when they were found out."

"So they gave a homicidal AI full control over experiments and ran with their tails between their legs." Luffy finished, getting a surprised look from Robin. "What? That's how usually stories go…"

"Well, you aren't wrong," Law replied with a deadpan, before she looked at Robin. "Anyway, did all the years of research have any results? It might seem crude. But most of the crew is out there exploring, don't want anyone finding a Frankenstein in the basement."

Robin hummed, "Well there are some results, but all of them were killed by time. It seemed they really were trapped for four hundred years down here. I'm surprised on how the old Groot was able to live that long… that long of an isolation would make anyone insane." She said with sadness.

The others nodded, this place really was a tragedy. Though, it also had it's own boons. 

"Still, mournful tragedy aside… this place still has a lot of good technology and Sanji said something about this place giving out rewards to their challengers and whatnot… any information on that?" Luffy asked. 

"…even though the researchers here built the place for horrifying experiments, they also anticipated this place falling in danger. So they gave the duty of guarding the place to the local natives that lived here. And promised them with an opportunity to gain power every ten years or so. So every ten years or so, for a short time the dungeon would give access to ten or more outsiders to come in and face the trials. And if they passed, they would be gifted with a better gun or other weapons. Mainly, they were bidding for the Shandorans to do their bidding without asking too many questions." 

Luffy winced, "Yeah, we should keep that information to ourselves. The Shandorans won't like it knowing that their ancestors were fooled into doing guard duty." 

Robin nodded as suddenly the transponder snail on Luffy's pocket started to ring. "Perepereperepre… perepereperepere…" It was the black transponder snail, and it was shrunken down to pocket size by Usopp. 

"Moshi Mosi… Luffy here." 

"Luffy, we found the treasury!" Nami's voice called out. "We found gold, rubies, and diamonds! Lots of them! All Shiny! Woohoo!" she said, and she might have tossed her transponder snail in the air before Luffy heard a sound of her jumping and falling on coins.

Luffy felt kind of bad for the transponder snail, but Ussop seemed to have caught it, "Hey, be careful with them… they get scared easily. Anyway, we also found a devil fruit here!" Usopp added with a grin, "And it's a good one."

That brought a smile to Luffy's face, almost making him squeal, "I'm coming…" he said, as ended the call, and ran out of the room with the eagerness of a child. "Woohoo!" 

Robin, Kuina, and Law looked on as Luffy left in a dust cloud. "And this man is going to save the world? The world is doomed." Kuina flatly added, gaining chuckles from both Robin and Law, as they shook their head, getting back to work.

Their captain might be impulsive, but when push comes to shove, he always steps in. No one doubted that.


A/N: Don't forget to leave a review. It helps with everything.

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