
Chapter 325


A/N: Ahoi lads, this is the start of Skypiea. So before that let's go with some power-scales. Also Luffy was a bit late to reach Skypiea, so Enel has already started his rampage, though he is doing it much slower as he doesn't have to hurry like he did in Canon.

Anyway, power-scaling—

Luffy's current power is greater than Doflamingo and Jack. But he's equal if not weaker than Katakuri currently. (Mainly because of Katakuri's Advanced O. Haki. Though it can still be overpowered with sheer speed. Like Kaido did against Luffy. That's why I'm making him equal or weaker than my Mochi Boy.)

Amongst brothers, Ace is still the strongest, and is still the petty king! Lol.

Mainly because of Devil Fruit awakening. (Logia Awakenings will be treated as Original power-up in my story. Not weather changes, like how it's hinted. It's similar but different at the same time.)

Anyway, after Ace is Sabo. Sabo also awakened his C. Haki during the Blackbeard fight. And he also has Advanced Armament Haki. He might not have a devil fruit yet. But it's bound to change in this arc.

Sadly for now Luffy is still the weakest Sibling. Though not for long. Okay, maybe for a bit more longer. Heheh…

I would rate Sparky and Zoro similar when it comes to practically in a fight.

Same with Kuina and Sanji.

Some might wonder how Zoro is similar to Sparky in terms of power?

Zoro has all three Haki. Sparky has only Observation Haki. That is true.

But… only having Haki doesn't mean you will be the victor of a fight.

Some might forget this but let me remind you…

Logias seems all-powerful in the first half of the Grand Line. But the users get overconfident, and bam, a Haki punch and you dead.

But don't forget it goes both ways.

Logias depend too much on their fruit abilities.

But Vergo did something similar. He had an arguably higher tier of Armament Haki. He could cover his full body with it. But Law cut him up like veggies on a chopping board with his fruit powers alone. (This will come in later when discussing Enel's powers)

Haki is powerful, but it's not the end-all be-all. Logias are powerful, but it's not the end-all be-all. (This is taking into account only normal haki, not advanced application or df awakening. As things can go either way from there.)

I hope you are understanding why I'm saying this.

Zoro might have power and badassery by his side. But Sparky has shown abilities of quick thinking and cautious action. So they were evenly matched.

Aside from that Coby and Gin are on a similar tier.

The other members of the crew fall under them when it comes to powers. With the exception of Law. Mainly because of how his powers work.

Anyway, aside from the Straw Hats, let's talk about Enel.

Some will say, In canon, Luffy was able to beat him because of the natural weakness Enel had to his fruit. While I do agree with this statement, you are forgetting one thing here.

That is Enel's speed. Enel sucks at speed. Even though he's fast as lightning.

Why? Cause even CP9 Bluno was blitzing Luffy in Enis Lobby at the first time. Not to mention other characters like Kaku or Rob Lucchi.

Even though I change a lot of stuff in my fic. I usually stick to canon material. For One Piece, most people downplay characters power and mainly speed.

Like when it is written in a way that Whitebeard's powers could destroy the world. It's said for a reason. Just because it's not DBZ and you aren't blowing up planets doesn't meant the old goat isn't powerful.

In the Marineford, his quakes were creating tsunamis in islands that were way far in the grandline. Even the navy admirals were warry that he was trying to sink the island.

One can see things in many way, I see them as how Oda tried to convey a character. For Whitebeard, the reason why he wasn't going all out, even in his old age and half dead state was that his children might die if he used all of his powers.

Anyway, when it comes to speed, many fans also try to justify and disclaim how speedy One Piece characters are. Like people still think that Kizaru isn't light speed, or that he can only go light speed when doing 'Yata no Kagami'. That's just being disingenuous.

In many places Oda clearly stated he is at and above light speed. It's not only him.

(Of course, if you go by real world logic, that kind of speed would destroy the world. But we are talking about One Piece here. Logic has it's own meaning here. So basing it off real world won't justify how it's written.)

Even right after time-skip, Luffy was casually dodging light bullets from Pacifista. Which are made to replicate Kizaru's powers. And we know how Vegapunk is a perfectionist. So of course those attacks are at light speed.

And even before the timeskip, Zoro when fighting Kuma was dodging his paw attacks. Which are said to be also at light speed. Though he was doing it with much difficulty.

So as I see it, there are several characters in One Piece, that show above light speed feets. (Shanks, Kaido, Big Mom, Katakuri, Doffy, Garp, all Admirals and also Kizaru…)

But you might ask, how can Kizaru go above light speed, when he is light human. (Again friend, you are thinking in terms of real world logic.)

Kizaru might be light, but he's also human. So his base speed is light, but he can go above that cause he's also humans. That's why even though some characters might show light speed feets, Kizaru still might be the fastest, due to him going faster the light.

Anyway, that's why I say Enel's speed is good. But it falls short as we even saw Nami and Gan Fall react to his attacks. Not to mention, he couldn't dodge Luffy's punches.

He could get hit by Luffy, I admit, that was a shocker to him. (pun intended) But that doesn't mean, he would let himself get hit, unless he isn't able to. That's why in terms of speed, he's very lacking.

But when it comes to destructive power. He's a different beast. I would put his destructive capabilities at first commander level. The amount of distruction he can do is just surreal.


Well, other than Whitebeard's fruit, I don't think any other fruits have shown that high of a level of destruction capabilities. Even without Armament Haki, his power has a very good chance at destroying any island if he tried.

Who needs ancient weapons when you have that?

But… he also lacks durability. My man is a glass canon, though and through.

So for my story, I made his speed appropriate to how most of you would lik, almost giving him some 'freeza' treatment. [i.e: he trained!] And also boosted his defense. But there's a reason for that. I won't just make any character stronger and not explain it.

So I hope you understand that.

Anyway, enough of my ranting. Enjoy the story.



The people of Shandora all had downed expressions. They looked like people that had given up on life. All around them was destruction.

Amidst the desolate landscape, lay the haunting remnants of a once-thriving village, now reduced to nothing more than a ghostly shadow of its former self. The air was heavy with silence, only interrupted occasionally by the eerie whispers of the wind through the scorched ruins.

The small houses that once stood proudly side by side were reduced to charred and crumbling skeletons. Their walls, once painted with vibrant colors and adorned with quaint decorations, stood blackened and cracked, barely recognizable. Historical buildings were also not spared from the cruelty.

Not only that, whatever happened, made sure to kill every live-stock, to destroy every saved-up crop. Leaving nothing behind for the Shandorans.

The Shandorans themselves were injured. With every one of them having bandages wrapped around their wounds. The villagers that were made up of proud warriors seemed lost in their defeat, as if they just survived a losing war.

"Wyper… we have to do something." Raki, the female warrior asked. "We lost almost half of our tribe… we can't go on like this. This… this is no way of living."

But the proud warrior known as Wyper didn't speak. Looking down on the ground.

"Answer us, damn it!" She said, holding him by the collar, "We have nothing to live for!"

But he didn't say anything. She growled before asking another thing.

"Don't answer us, then. But tell us at least, why did you bring that man here?!" Raki interrogated as she pointed at the injured old man that was sitting on the floor.

Though unlike them, he looked more of a knight rather than a member of the tribe. It was Gan Fall, the former leader of Skypiea. He also seemed barely alive.

Wyper didn't look her in the eyes, he looked down on the floor, "I couldn't just leave him be." He said after a while, "The old man might have been our enemy… but he's the only reason I'm alive. And I… I just returned the favor." He said, "I couldn't just leave him be… or Enel would have killed him."

Raki huffed massaging the bridge of her nose, "It doesn't matter anyway." She said, "Our hidden village was found out by Enel anyways. So it doesn't matter…" she said mostly trying to convince herself rather than the others.

Raki wanted to say more, but Kamakiri put a hand on her shoulder. "Stop it, you two." He said, sighing, "What's done is done… and like you said. Enel already knows the location of our village… he destroyed everything… And it's not like we can leave the village either."

Enel had warned them that he would kill anyone if they even tried to leave their village. And with what the man did previously, no one was eager to find out if he was bluffing or not.

"But we have to do something…" Aisa, the little girl, called out.

The others looked down. Over the past few days, things had been terrible. Enel and his lackeys were causing havoc. Killing off people randomly, either they be Shandorans or Skypieans. No one was safe. It was almost as if they were unhinged.

It almost seemed as if he didn't care about ruling the place anymore. It was so much that the former ruler of Skypiea, Gan Fall had come seeking out their help.

The man even begged the Shandorans to help him overthrow Enel. But at the time, Wyper had refused. Not trusting the former leader as Gan Fall might want to take the seat for himself if they helped him.

Rather Wyper wanted to place a Shandoran in the ruling seat. If not him, then any one of his tribesmen. So he gathered every able fighter and attacked. They didn't need anyone's help. Or that's what they believed. But they were wrong, very much so.

The power of Enel was unimaginable, and so was the power of his four guards. Every one of the Shandoran warriors that day were defeated, some were killed, while others barely managed to survive.

Seeing no other way Wyper stayed back, allowing the remaining Shandorans to escape. But even he too would have been killed if Gan Fall didn't make it in time. He took him away, and even nursed him back to full health.

Only then did Wyper realize that the old ruler really was genuine about fixing the relations between the two groups.

But things didn't end there, just a day after, Enel started to destroy Angel Island and kill off its people, to send a message to Gan Fall. Seeing the people in distress, Gan Fall came out, and Wyper went along with him.

The two warriors fought side by side, Wyper even using the reject dial, but even then it was a loss. Some battles just couldn't be won.

After that, rather than killing Wyper, Enel made a sadistic move and came to their village. Somehow, in some way, Enel managed to find their village.

Their village was always a hidden one. A seemingly small land mass that was covered by fog-like clouds that hid them. And for generations, the location of their village was hidden. After getting kicked out of Upper Yard, the Shandorans made this place their home. But now… but now it was destroyed.

But that wasn't the end. Enel also gave out a final massage.

Starting today, Enel was going to throw random lightning attacks for their defiance. He would only stop after three days. But in the meantime, the Shandorans were prohibited from leaving the village, or they would be killed.

Once a safe haven for the Shandoran people now became their own prison. Enel was going to do the same for the inhabitants of Angel Island. Just because the self-proclaimed god felt like it.

This was the reason why the people of Shandora were in distress, they could see the sun rising. But today no one wanted that, all of them were scared and worried as to who Enel might target.

Next chapter