
Chapter 310


"Agent Bluno… why aren't you answering?"

"Ugh… sir the Straw Hats had destroyed the Pacifistas when they tried to kill the targets." The agents said before hurriedly adding, "It seems the Pacifistas had underestimated their abilities. Though, they were able to snatch two fruits out of the Straw Hat's hands…"

Saint Camael rubbed his forehead. He was mad, but at the same time he was a bit satisfied that they were able to collect most of the fruits.

So rather than throwing an anger tantrum and killing some slaves like he usually did, he opted to calm down his nerves.

"Useless… all of them." He snarled. "I should have been here the whole time." At the same time, Saint Camael was a bit anxious. He took the Pacifistas from the stock that would be used in the upcoming war. And while that wasn't his own problem.

If the Straw Hats reported back to the Marines that robots that looked like the Warlord Kuma attacked them, then he would be in trouble. They would then be able to track back the origins and he would be in trouble. Especially if the Five Elders knew what he used it for.

No, this info couldn't get out.

He glared at the agent, "Blueno, when stealing the Pacifistas, did you leave any trail?"

Hearing that the agent quickly shook his head, "No sir. I made sure to leave a false trail. The Marines are currently thinking that one of their ships just got destroyed in the sea, or were destroyed by a sea king."

Saint Camael nodded. Stealing the Pacifistas were easy. As they were made in Egghead, an island located in the New World, they usually took the long route of crossing out to the Calm Belt and moving from there. As the New World's weather was very chaotic, this was usually how things were transported from there.

Still, it wasn't odd to have ships lost in the Calm Belt as that was the Breeding ground for large sea kings.

The World Noble then glared at the agent. "Then Blueno, make another false trail that the Joker was the one who got the Pacifistas and sold it to Teach. I can't let those things be connected to me."

"Yes, sir." Bluno nodded.

Joker was notorious for stealing from the World Government and selling it to the pirates. So leaving a few false transponder snail signals, and messing up information would be easy. Especially since Jaya Island was under Doflamingo.

Saint Camael had his suspicions, but Joker and Dolflamingo were very connected from all the deals he had previously done with him. That was why he was very much willing to push Joker under the bus, that way he wouldn't be suspected.

Speaking of clearing trails…

"Did you get the bodies of Aramaki and Shiryu…? You didn't leave them did you?"

"No, sir, I disposed of them like you asked," Blueno said, hurriedly. The Straw Hats had other things to do after beating them, so they didn't notice when he cleared things up and took care of the bodies.

Saint Camael nodded. "Good, make it look like just another fight between pirate crews. It would have been better if we were able to take back the Pacifistas, but…" he then sighed, "Also, be careful, they might be on alert now. Don't even try to engage them."

"Yes sir."

Saint Camael still had a frown on his face. He realized something, something didn't make sense.

He found things confusing. He couldn't understand why Ace, one of the Whitebeard pirates, would join Luffy. There were some rumors that both of them fought in Alabasta. But he could understand Ace in attacking Teach as the man did betray his old crew.

And with how crafty Luffy was, being able to climb his way to a Warlord position as a young pirate, he could see him bringing Ace there.

Still, that didn't explain his second question. Why would a Revolutionary like Sabo help Luffy? Was Luffy somehow working with the Revolutionaries? Or was it the Whitebeard's?

Hmm… they were up to something.

If it was any other time, he would report it to the Five Elders, and even if it was false, he would make it look like Luffy was working with the Revolutionary Army.

Luffy working with the Revolutionary Army would make sense. His father was the one that did create the abhorrent organization. And with some misplaced evidence, it would have been easy to strip Luffy out his Warlord title.

But now he couldn't.

If he did, that would bring into question of just how he acquired the information. Saying so would expose his involvement. So, for now, he would need to keep the information to himself.

Not to mention, with how stingy the Five Elders were, if they found out that he had gained two new logia fruits. They would try to take them away from him. And he didn't want that.

Camael then looked at the agent that was on the other side, "Forget the Energy Energy fruit… there's a high chance now that they are alerted that you might get caught. Rather, bring back the other fruits."

"Yes sir," Bluno said and the World Noble nodded.

— — — —

A/N: I hope this cleared out why the Pacifistas weren't used in the first place. And I also wanted to bring that Saint Cameal might be a World Noble, but even he couldn't get away with doing all these things.

Anyway, enjoy the story. And bye.

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