
Chapter 296


Luffy's POV,

I jumped through the air, nearing the fight between Ace and Blackbeard. The damn fat bastard was a giant octopus now.

Just great! How many devil fruits did the bastard have anyways? Or was the power from the Yami Yami no Mi?

I shrugged, in the series, there were other people who had shown the ability to make animalistic constructs with their powers. But this thing, this Kraken-like creature, just felt different.

The beast was huge and horrifying, made out of shadows that looked semi-solid in a way. Its large head sported two eyes that were pitch black in color, and along with it, it also had a beast-like maw that could easily feed on lesser sea kings. All in all, it was most definitely this world's version of the Kraken.

I could clearly see Ace struggling with it even from this distance, his little form jolting from one point to another, fighting the monster. And it seemed like he needed some help.

Even though the situation was serious, I ironically found the scene funny,

"Give Ace a pair of chugs and cat ears. And with Teach's tentacles, this would be a whole other fight," I mused at that scene in my head.

I quickly shook those thoughts away as I started to get near them. As I passed through the sky, I saw that Sanji had to go off in the distance, carrying the wounded forms of Zoro and Kuina. Both of them looked quite roughed up.

But I couldn't get a better look at them as Sanji had sped away, not seeing me. I didn't mind, my Observation Haki picked up Sparky facing off against someone.

As I sky-walked over them, I gave my six-armed friend a nod. He was fighting some kind of bird-monster hybrid, maybe Burgess? But he shouldn't have a fruit by now… I shrugged, who knows?

But I didn't care, Sparky seemed to be in a favorable position. And I didn't want him to cut his fight short.

Sparky was the first member of my crew. And he was also my best buddy. He needed some alone monkey time for himself.

Sparky's powers are quite overpowering. And over the years, he had refined it to a degree now that he could give even experienced fighters a run for their money.

I also knew he was kind of like a glass cannon nowadays as he didn't have Armament Haki.

Sparky seems to be physically going through changes, his human-like voice wasn't his only change. He's also gained a few inches in height. Maybe he was going through a growth sprout or something?

Maybe that's why he didn't awaken his Armament Haki. Maybe he was too young for it, or his body wasn't ready for the Color of Armament yet. Who knows?

But at the same time, I also realized that there was no other fight going on. It seems the fight with Aramaki took way longer than I realized.

Is that what they say about good times always feeling short? I really took my sweet time ripping him apart.

As I neared the fighting location between Ace and Teach, I had to stop mid-air when a pillar of fire rose out from the ground, destroying anything and everything in its path.


Several other eruptions of flames occurred, charring the area. The flames were so great that it literally melted the rocks that were on the ground, turning it into a field of lava.

And Teach's Kraken form was right in the middle of the attack.


The large tentacle monster gave out a painful roar that shook the earth. It seems even with the bigger size difference Teach was still feeling pain from Ace's attacks. It also made me realize that it was no shadow construct…

Another devil fruit?

I actually thought that Ace's attacks would be ineffective against it, since it was made out of shadows and all. But it seems I was wrong.

That brought the obvious question of why he's going big like this… what was the benefit anyways…? He just painted himself as a bigger target this way.

The answer quickly came when the beast roared.


The roar of agony lasted only for a few seconds before red lightning crackled around the monster, sucking the fire inside of him, and taking the power away from Ace's attack and charging itself. Along the way, I could see the ground where the huge beast was starting to rot.

"That wasn't supposed to happen…" Ace said in between his pants, as he stood his ground, he suddenly felt the ground rumble and jumped back. But he was a bit late as a shadowy tentacle came out of the earth and grabbed his leg. "Ugh, shit!"

He wanted to use Enma to cut through it and set himself free, but the fire user was electrocuted with red electricity, making his muscles lock up. At the same time the giant octopus opened its maw, releasing a jet beam of red energy right towards the trapped pirate.

I was already moving by the time Ace got tangled in that tentacle situation. With my nameless naginata covered in Advanced Armament Haki, I came to the front, with my body in mixed gear, using my fastest air Soru, I came forward, "Dynamic Bull Needle!"

I didn't get in front of Ace, no, I attacked the monster's head, trying to drill through its head. But seeing me suddenly get near, Teach whipped its head back, dodging my attack and canceling his own. But the bastard released all the stored-up energy in an explosion around it.

An explosion of red energy crackled out around it, mixed with electricity as I was pushed back. Luckily I was able to brace myself with Tekkai before the attack landed, but still, I was sent flying, and the effects of the red lightning was making my muscles tense up for a few seconds.

I grunted as I flew back, spinning through the air a few times before I was able to steady myself and break free from the effects.

I had little time on my hands as the Kraken-like beast had already sent multiple shadowy tentacles at me. Even just from being near them, I could feel my energy getting drained and my devil fruit powers getting weaker.

Shit! I can't let those things grab me.

I quickly used Air Walk to my advantage to skip around the shadowy appendages. Not letting them touch me, and sending multiple wind slashes that made deep cuts into its tentacles.

It roared in pain as it glared at me. I smirked, holding eye contact, still in the air, "I'm gonna make some takoyaki out of you."

It narrowed its eyes and from it, red energy beams came out, zig-zagging through the sky. I blinked, when could he do that?

I quickly spun my naginata in hand, clad with Advanced Armament Haki. Those energy beams were dangerous, and I didn't want them to get near my body. Good thing I have an advanced form of Haki, I didn't need to touch the beams.

As the beams slammed at me, I spun my blade at rapid speed, until the beam was no more. To my surprise, my defense didn't discard the attack, no my nameless naginata absorbed it. My blade shone red as if satisfied by the meal.

"From when could you do that…?" I asked aloud, before hearing a large roar. I looked at the Kraken-like monster as it charged a blast in his mouth.

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