
Chapter 283 (vs Aramaki)


Without wasting even a moment, I planted my boot-clad feet on his knee and used Soru on it, to get away from the blade. I saw the blade an inch away as it swiped down. While he grunted I leaned forward and pushed my leg back using Geppo to bounce in air and deliver a fist clad with Haki, which he blocked with his hand, but my attack pushed him back. But this was no ordinary use of Haki.

Aramaki was wide eyed, "How do you know that?!" he hissed with gritted teeth. It seemed he didn't notice that the first punch I delivered was also coated with Advanced Armament Haki.

Wisps of illusionary flames danced around as the effect of Advanced Armament Haki cladded both of my fists, to my weapon.

Using his surprise to my advantage, I punched him. I expected him to fall back. But the bastard held on, and pushed back, so I tried to swipe at his leg, but I had to stop my attack when he tried to stab me with his blade. I managed to dodge it and kick his blade out of his hand.

Aramaki growled, "I don't believe it… you aren't that strong!" he said those words mostly to himself as he charged forward, even without his sword he was no less dangerous.

I snorted, "Yeah, man you're right. It's just you that has gotten weak."

Aramaki growled as his body suddenly blurred out of sight, appearing right in front me, and kicking forward. Oh, he made a mistake on that attack. And I would make sure he regretted it.

Smiling, I made a grab for his leg with Advanced Armament Haki coating my arm, managing to grab a hold of his ankle, twisting it, and I slammed him into the ground. That knocked the wind out of him, and I could have used my Naginata to stab him.

But I stomped on his back instead, pushing his body into the ground and knocking the wind out of him. Cracking the ground below as spred around like spider cracks. Finding himself right beneath my feet, I cocked both of my fists back, "Gomu Gomu no Storm Gatling!"

A fury of strikes, all of them covered with Advanced Armament Haki: Internal Destruction, slammed into his body. The speed of my strikes generated flames similar to Red Hawk, as they punched into Aramaki.

My strikes ripped off the four limbs that he had on his back along with the layer of chemicals that covered his body. Still, he was covering his whole body with Armament, but it had little effect.

He could protect his outsides from the damage, but my Haki's Internal Destruction would destroy his insides after I'm done with him.

As my strikes fell, I could feel his organs rupturing, his bones breaking, his muscles being torn. His body started digging itself into the ground more and more, due to the weight of my strikes.

"Enough!" he roared, as suddenly his body exploded out a green explosion that I had to dodge. But even then the almost nuclear-like explosion shot me to the sky. I had to use Geppo to stop spinning and quickly use Life Return to stop the damage from his attack.

Now that he was cornered, Aramaki was dangerous. I wasn't going to underestimate him. I took in deep breaths as I tried to close down the burns and cuts that I gained from the last explosion. All the while I watched the crater where Aramaki was.

His broken form was coming out and glaring at me. Honestly, in a few years, Aramaki might have been an actual Admiral-level threat.

He was bad at using his fruit. So, most likely, he didn't have the fruit for long. Because with time, even a bone head could figure stuff out with his fruit. Wapol did.

His Haki was no joke as well. He needed a few Haki blooms and if he could get someone in the Marines to teach him the advanced form of Haki, he could be a force to be reckoned with.

But now, not only wasn't he slightly weaker than me. He was also very easy to rile up.

If he was a calm-minded fighter, I might have had to go Gear Fourth on him. If he knew how to fully utilize his fruit, I might have had to call for backup. Now? I didn't need to. I could deal with him alone…

I was about to move in to continue the fight, but then I saw something that made my skin crawl. Up from the sky, I saw a gigantic octopus made of shadows, it was quite far from me. But I could still see it's gigantic form thrashing the forest. I could also see Sabo and Ace fighting that thing, and they seemed to be losing no less.

That couldn't be Teach… could it? With my Observation Haki, I confirmed my suspicion. Just how many devil fruits did that bastard eat? Even I was second-guessing my Observation.

That moment of distraction cost me as Aramaki was able to get in front of me and stab me with his sword. Or, at least, he tried to, at the last moment I had twisted my body out of its way before I punched him.

He shot back, but I had already thrown the chain part of my naginata onto his blade. The chain wrapped around the blade already eating away at the blade, but Aramaki hadn't noticed that.

Using Soru to get past him, and pulled, taking away his weapon yet again. With the chains still wrapped around his sword, he roared forward to attack me without his weapon. My answer was no-joke foot to his face making him shoot down from the sky.

"Ugh!" he grunted, getting up, but by then I had already fed his sword to my blade. "Where the fuck is my sword!?"

I ignored him. "Let's finish this," I said to my blade.

'About damn time!' my nameless naginata called out, as I poured my Haki into it. It roared in new power from consuming another blade. The muscles in my arms bulged and so did the muscles in my legs.

And with extreme speed, I threw myself onto Aramaki.

The bounty hunter was wide-eyed. He had shot a volley of green flames forward but rather than avoiding them, I faced it head on. And with one swipe of my blade, the sea of flames parted.

He jumped back when I got near and kicked.

Grinning, I ducked under his swipe as I stepped forward, narrowly avoiding his forceful kick. I spun around and drove my fist straight into his gut, paying him for the attack. The force of my strike created a gust of wind and his body bent around my fist. I wanted to follow through, but his body chemically exploded, throwing me off.

I had to protect my whole body with Full-Body Armament. Not making the same mistake twice, I also didn't want to get a full-body chemical tan. But my clothes on the other hand didn't seem to share my durability, but hey! At least I still had my pants on.

Aramaki coughed as he reformed despite the pain, but sadly he was running on limited time. I had an octopus to kill, not this second-rate bounty hunter.

With both of my fists tightening around the guard of my naginata I dashed forward. He was a second too late to jump back, as I swiped at him with my blade.

The strike created a diagonal slash from below, that cut open his torso, and chest and separated his left arm from his body. He had little time to scream as I drove a spartan kick into his gut.

His body bent forward and I grabbed his other arm and used it to fling him over my body into the ground. The ground smashed into spider web-like cracks as his body bounced up, only for my fist to smash into his face and planting him back into it.

With the wind knocked out of him, —along with a few teeth— he could only wheeze out a curse as I delivered a tempest kick that cut off his other arm.

The man screamed, losing both of his arms, "Ah… don't kill me. I-I…" I didn't give him time to finish the sentence as I used the blunt part of my naginata to stomp him on his groin.

I found sick satisfaction as I heard something inside of him break.

The man almost lost consciousness, but I didn't give him a chance. My other foot came forward and stomped him on his throat, breaking his windpipe as he was smashed into the ground further.

Aramaki struggled underneath my feet, like the bug he was. And I found dark satisfaction in that.

Part of me wanted to torture him even more than what he did. He almost killed my crew, and he did it with Law's crew too. But I had limited time on my hand.

"You were always a bug in my way. But I expected more from you…" I spat on his face, before putting more pressure on my foot that was still on his throat. "You are a fucking disappointment!"

He struggled for a while, shooting a look of anger, terror and fear before I heard a crack and snap. His throat smashed in from the pressure and his head popped off his shoulders, with one of his eyes bulging outwards. He had his tongue out and decapitated head looked quite gruesome with his smashed-up face.

I snarled as I brought my other foot down, destroying his head. I usually tried to make clean kills, but with him, my anger got the better of me. While I enjoyed the moment of power, I did regret it a bit for losing it.

But it didn't matter, I would need to keep myself in check next time. Things could have gone wrong but luckily it didn't.

With a job well done, I let myself rest a bit, still in my mixed gear form. But the fight was far from over, I looked to the north, Teach was next, and with that I blurred away from the location, leaving a dead bounty hunter on the ground.

I just hoped that I could get a chance to collect his fruit later. But for now, I had other things to worry about.


A/N: Without Law there are 13 members in the crew. And only three had survived, Bepo, Penguin, Shachi... I hadn't mentioned that in the previous chapters, so some of you might have missed that.

Aramaki was strong. But I didn't see him doing anything noteworthy other than fully relying on his fruit powers. Also, he's not as strong his canon counterpart, so yeah.

Also, Luffy was training with his brothers. And don't underestimate sibling rivalry.

Heck, I have siblings. I know how competitive we get sometimes for stupid reasons. And haki is ambition, and it seemed right to me.

Another thing, in the future, some of you might be a bit confused when I reveal the big fight between Blackbeard and others. Why I made him so strong and all of that.

I just want you to know, every time when Oda showed Teach fighting. He was losing it, losing it, then suddenly a scene changed and he won.

Oda didn't reveal how Teach won his fights. So I'm going to base the story off my theories. Hope you understand.

Anyways, enjoy!

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