
Chapter 269


Luffy laid on Nami's lap, while the navigator combed her fingers into his black hair, softly massaging his scalp. "It's still hard to believe what happened…" Luffy muttered. "I… I have sister? I didn't see that coming…"

Nami hummed, "Well… now that its out… I kind of do see the resemblance."

Luffy gave her a flat look and Nami pinched his cheek, giving a teasing smile.

"I mean both of you have black hair." She smiled, giggling when Luffy rolled his eyes, and yelped when he pinched her side. The orange head pouted cutely at Luffy, making the pirate muse.

"No seriously though… I didn't see that coming." Luffy said, "And when you added in the fact that, what she had to go through… I'm just… I don't know what to say."

"Hey, sometimes, things happened… and what's done is done. The important thing is now she's safe." Nami said.

Luffy sighed, "Still though, Nami… she's my sister. Even if she's older than me, I'm sure I owed her a couple of piggyback rides, teasing, and a bunch of birthdays… and more teasing… I… I just feel useless." He sighed again.

Knowing who Robin was sooner wouldn't help him either, he wasn't ready to set out to the sea back then. It was the same reason why he didn't go and save Nami's village when he had enough strength.

Did he regret that? Yup. With his strength, it would have been easy to handle Arlong, but he delayed it. Sure, he could give out excuses, but there was still a pang of guilt for what he did. But what was done was done. The same was for Robin. Regretting it now was just a waste of time.

Nami cupped her husband's face, not knowing what went through his head. "No, Luffy, you aren't useless…" she said, "Well, things happen… and well, you can't always stop it." She sighed, "I saw my mother die in front of my very eyes, and I still feel useless about doing nothing… but that's the thing, some things are just beyond our control. And we have to accept that."

"You know, for a cat burglar, you are quite the wise one…" Luffy said, pushing Nami off to the bed and resting his face in her growing breasts, "Is this where you store them… your wisdom I mean." He said poking one of her breasts. "They have been growing well from all the wisdom lately."

"Hey… hey, Luffy… don't do that… you know I'm ticklish…" she pouted.

Luffy just grinned, before his smile fell a bit.

"You are worried about how Vivi is reacting to all of this aren't you?" she asked, again combing her thin fingers down Luffy's hair. "But I'm sure, she will understand…"

"…understand what exactly?" Vivi said entering the room, Luffy and Nami both sat up looking at the princess as she entered the room.

Vivi was wearing a blue dress and in her hand was a tray full of sandwiches and three glasses of drinks. Vivi, for all the wild she was, seemed to love taking the role of a traditional wife.

A bit different from Nami, who would have instead just cuddled up to Luffy to spend her time. Even though Nami was the more mature out of the two, she still had her childish moments.

"Hmm… no, I was thinking of why you like to feed me so much," Luffy said, aimlessly.

Vivi puffed her chest a bit, and anime logic did its thing and made her assets jiggle. But hey, he wasn't complaining.

"Well, you know what they say. Don't let a man leave the house hungry or horny, 'cause, there's always some hoe out there with a sandwich." She said the words nonchalantly.

Both Luffy and Nami blinked before both of them laughed.

As Vivi put the tray down Luffy came up to her and gave his blue-haired wife a light kiss.

"Well, thank you…" Vivi said, pushing Luffy back, and handing over a sandwich and one glass, "So, you gonna tell me what you guys were speaking about behind my back?" She said with slightly narrowed eyes.

"…we were talking about what happened with Robin… ya know, the whole family thing and stuff," Luffy answered, appreciating the sandwich and biting into it. "It's kind of surreal that she's my sister…"

"O-oh…" Vivi said, feeling a bit awkward.

Luffy noticed it. "Hey, you don't have to say sorry to her or anything like that…" he said, "She might be my sister, but what she did was totally wrong. Though, you should give her a chance."

"What happened to her…?" Vivi asked, "I only know that her homeland was destroyed by the Marines. But other than that, I don't know anything."

Nami looked at Luffy, "Yeah, same here." She said, having her own sandwich. "It would probably help if we knew her whole story… some of us have messed up backgrounds, so we could relate in a way."

Luffy looked at both of his wives, "Even though it's not my story to tell… alright,let me give you a brief summary… but remember you never heard it from me. And keep it a secret."

They gave a nod, so with that Luffy went into all details he knew about the Ohara incident, about Robin's mother, Jaguar D. Saul and Aokiji, Akainu, and her life after that, jumping from one crew to another. Of course, the last bits of information he told from canon knowledge he had.

And he had to make sure Robin wasn't snooping around or that would open a new can of worms in the matter.

By the time the explanation was over, both women looked horrified. Luffy also hinted at Robin's depression about how she saw no meaning in living, though now it might have gone better. Still, he had to check on her.

"I-I thought my backstory was messed up… but that… oh God!" Nami said, looking a bit pale. She didn't know the full story before, only knew that Robin was on the run for nearly two decades but now that Luffy had gone into details about what happened she could see why Robin turned out like that.

"That… she has been through a lot," Vivi said, biting her lower lip. She could only wonder how she would have turned out to be if her homeland was destroyed and she was on the run for that long. "I have to say something to her…" She stood up.

But Luffy caught her hand. "I know that would mean a lot to her… but let her figure things out for herself for a while." Luffy said, "I would love for both of you to fix things between yourselves. And with things going like this, I think we should stay in Alabasta for a few more days. Let things settle in before starting the journey."

Vivi blinked, happy that Luffy had decided to stay a little longer.

The pirate continued, "So maybe later… let her think things through. Just not showing open hostility would be enough. Also, don't look at her with pity, if she's anything like me in any sense she would hate that… rather, just be normal around her. And if you do wanna confront her, do it tomorrow, it's pretty late right now." Also, they weren't staying the castle, but in one of the royal guest houses that was away from the main castle, for some privacy.

Also what was left unsaid was that Robin couldn't know that Luffy knew her backstory. That might backfire. And sometimes, letting things heal with time was for the better.

And even if Vivi wanted to confront Robin, it would be better to do it tomorrow. Robin was emotionally stressed, with all the crying and literal worldview shattering, it would be better to leave her alone for the day.

It was then the transponder snail went off.

"Perepereperepere… Perepereperepere…"

All three of them blinked, who would be calling now? At this hour no less.

Luffy frowned picking it up. "Moshi Moshi, who's this…"

"It's Big News Morgan!" The bird man said from the other side, "And I bring bad news…" with that the bird man continued.

By the time it was over, Luffy was very happy that he decided to hold off on the journey. Things in the sea are about to get wild.

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