
One Piece: The Strawhats Gunslinger

A man is transmigrated in the one piece world as Sanji first design, a western type gunslinger. Follow him on his journey as he joins the straw hats. This is not a translation. I don’t own sh*t everything is the creation of Oda.

Fenris_1 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

The battlefield fell silent, the only sound that of the cannon that girl was still trying to extinguish and the sound of the sea. As the three pirates lay dead on the ground, I was left alone with my thoughts. I couldn't understand how I had managed to react, aim and shoot so efficiently.

It was as if this new body was an extension of myself. His muscle memories, reflexes and even his desire for adventure were now mine, they had become perfectly ingrained in my being. It was a surprise that I could kill three people without feeling any remorse, without feeling any disgust or apprehension towards my actions, as if it was completely normal. My transmigration into this world had changed me in a way that would allow me to survive in this harsh world filled with pirates and corrupt marines. It was as if, my new body and his experiences had been specifically tailored for this world, giving me the tools and knowledge to survive and thrive in it.

"Zoro!" the young man in the straw hat exclaimed, while being locked in a cage.

The young man had a distinctive scar under his left eye, and was wearing a red, sleeveless, cotton shirt that showed off his skinny arms. He had a pair of blue denim shorts that were frayed at the hem and showed signs of wear and tear from his many adventures. He completed his attire with a pair of wooden sandals that were sturdy and durable, perfect for traversing the rugged terrain of the islands and for quick escapes. But his most notable characteristic was undoubtedly the wide, carefree smile he had on his face that reflected his adventurous spirit and carefree attitude. On his head was a straw hat with a red ribbon tied around the base of it, a signature accessory that marked him as the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and protagonist of this world Monkey D. Luffy.

"Luffy, how did you get yourself in this situation?" Zoro inquired, looking at the scene in front of him.

"Long story, Shishishi!" Luffy replied with a carefree smile, completely disregarding the loaded cannon aimed at him.

The orange-haired girl, who had been trying to extinguish the fuse, finally succeeded and let out a sigh of relief. I started examining her more closely. She had short, vibrant orange hair that reached to the base of her neck, styled in a bob cut that accentuated her striking features. Her large expressive eyes were a deep, warm brown color, that seemed to hold a hint of intelligence and wisdom. She was wearing a white and blue striped t-shirt, with short sleeves that clung to her slender frame. The shirt was slightly tight and showed off her feminine curves. She had a yellow skirt that reached just above her knee, which was made of a thick cotton material, with a few smudges and smears of dirt indicating that she had been fighting. Her legs were toned and her feet were adorned with a pair of simple, but sturdy sandals. Overall, she was quite attractive.

As Zoro and I approached the cage, trying to find a way to free the young man inside, a strident shout interrupted us. "Pirate hunter Zoro! Did you come for my head!" Shouted Buggy the Clown, captain of the Buggy Pirates, as he walked towards us with a swagger in his step.

"No, not interested." Zoro coolly said as he approached the cage to have a closer look.

"And you? Who are you?!" The clown shouted while pointing at me.

"Just a passerby, trying to help out a friend," I responded calmly, with a hint of a western accent in my tone.

As I spoke, I couldn't help but notice the crew of the Buggy Pirates gathering around their captain, ready for a fight. They were armed and ready for battle. I realized that this situation could escalate quickly and we needed to be prepared for any outcome.

I looked to Zoro, and could tell that he was thinking the same thing. He had a determined look in his eyes and was studying the cage, looking for a way to free Luffy.

"Looking for these?" Nami said slyly as she appeared out of nowhere, holding the keys to the cage in her hand, she had been trying to make herself as small and unnoticed as possible during the altercation. With a deft motion, she dangled the keys in front of everyone, drawing attention to them.

Buggy's eyes comically grew wide as he frantically looked around his waist, only to realize that the keys had been sneakily stolen from him. Nami let out a mocking tongue as she tossed the keys to Zoro's awaiting hands.

"Yosha!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly as he finally saw a chance to be free from his confinement.

"Men! Kill them!" Buggy shouted in a fit of anger, his eyes red from rage, Spittle flying from his mouth as he pointed at us. His crew of pirates obediently charged towards us, weapons at the ready, looking for blood.

"Free him, I'll hold them off." I said nonchalantly, gripping my dual pistols in each hand and marching toward the group of approaching pirates. They were a motley crew, with a variety of weapons, from swords and spears to hammers and axes, but they all shared the same look of determination on their faces. They were ready to do whatever it took to protect their captain, even if it meant giving their lives.

As the first pirate reached me, I waited for him to swing his sword in my direction before ducking underneath and simultaneously flicking my right hand under his chin, placing the revolver barrel under his chin before pulling the trigger. The bullet pierced through his skull in a split second, the force of it causing his head to snap back, before he dropped lifeless at my feet.

The next pirate tried to take me by surprise, attempting to land a crushing blow with his hammer, but I quickly sidestepped and aimed my left gun, firing a shot that hit him in the chest. He fell to the ground, writhing in pain, but still alive.

The one after was quick, lunging at me with a spear. I had to move fast, quickly dodging to the side and using my leg to sweep his feet out from under him. I quickly aimed and fired a shot at him while he was down.

The battle continued in this fashion, with me moving swiftly, dodging and weaving through the throng of pirates, taking them out one by one. Some were dispatched quickly and efficiently, while others required more effort, but I kept pushing forward, determined to protect my new friends and see this adventure through to the end.

As the last pirate fell, I stood victorious, my guns smoking in my hands. The only one left standing was the captain, Buggy himself.

His face contorted with anger, his forehead veins bulging and eyes blazing with fury. The survivors around us were moaning in pain, their bodies littered around the area.

"Mohji! Cabaji! Come out!" Buggy shouted, his voice echoing through the area.

The roof we're standing on shook under our feet as a large white Lion strutted out of a large clown tent. Perched on top of the giant lion was a man with white lion-like ears and a beard serving as a mane. He wore a fur crop top, the same white as his hair and beard, along with blue pants and lion-like boots. He had a confident look on his face as he introduced himself, "I'm Mohji the beast Tamer."

Following Mohji's grand entrance, another man emerged from the circus tent riding a unicycle while holding a long scabbard in hand. He was tall and slender, with a unique hairstyle that covered half of his face. His hair was light green where it was shaved and dark green where it was longer. He was wearing a large blue and white checkered scarf that covered the lower portion of his face, a sleeveless brown coat that reached down to his knees, white pants with wide cuffs, held up by a white sash, and white shoes. His hair was long on one side and had a parallel shaved design on the other. He had a smirk on his face as he announced his readiness for the act, "Cabaji ready for the act!"

Looking to my right, Luffy, who was beaming with excitement, was finally freed from his confines by Zoro. The duo approached me, with Luffy in the middle, looking ready for battle, and Zoro next to him, his hand resting on his swords ready for action.

"So, how are we splitting this?" I asked, scanning the battlefield.

"I'll take big nose!" Luffy exclaimed with enthusiasm, while clenching his left fist into his right hand, referring to Buggy who was visibly upset by the nickname.

"I'll take the swordsman." Zoro said, his voice steady and determined as he tied his bandana around his head and placed his swords in each hand, with one in his mouth.

"Guess I'm left with the furry." I replied with a smirk, as Mohji, the beast tamer, visibly grew angrier for being referred to as a furry.

"Ritchie, Kill him!" Mohji shouted from atop his massive white lion.

The giant lion lunged towards me, it's powerful legs propelling it forward at an alarming speed. The beast let out a deafening roar as it aimed to strike me with its massive paws, each paw equipped with razor-sharp claws that glinted menacingly in the sunlight. As it closed in, I could see the beast's wild, feral eyes, and the drool hanging from its open jaws.

"Time to see if this lion is bulletproof," I said with a calm, cool southern drawl, as I raised my revolver towards the oncoming beast, ready to take my shot.