
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

The Dark Depths Beckon #120

The group stood in solemn silence at Queen Otohime's grave in the Ship Graveyard. The air was heavy with reverence and respect as they paid their respects to the late queen, who had dedicated her life to promoting understanding and peace between humans and fishmen.

Shirahoshi, her eyes filled with sadness and determination, kneeled before the grave, her hands clasped together in prayer. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her voice carried a mix of reverence and love as she spoke softly to her mother's resting place.

"M-mother, it's been so long since we last met... I miss you deeply, and I'm sorry I took so long..." Shirahoshi whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You were always so kind and selfless... you believed in the inherent goodness in everyone, even when faced with hatred and discrimination."

"Your unwavering spirit inspires me always, and I carry your love deep in my heart." She continued, her voice filled with admiration. "I'm not strong like you, and I'm not sure I can even do it... but I'll do everything I can to continue your mission."

The others, including Cedric, the royal guards, and Den, stood silently, their heads bowed, paying their respects to the late queen. They listened attentively to Shirahoshi's heartfelt words, understanding the weight of her responsibility and her love for her mother.

"I miss you so much, Mother," Shirahoshi said, her voice filled with slight sadness and determination. "But I know you're watching over us, guiding us every step of the way."

After a moment, Shirahoshi turned to Cedric, her eyes filled with expectation. She had heard from Jinbe about Cedric's words during his battle against Hody Jones, about how he spoke highly of Queen Otohime and her ideals.

Cedric sighed softly, stepping forward from the group to stand beside Shirahoshi. He looked at the grave and paused, knowing that he had never personally met Queen Otohime but had seen her impact on others.

Cedric smiled warmly at Shirahoshi, his voice filled with reassurance. "Your mother's love and spirit are always with you, Princess," he said. "And I have no doubt she's beaming with pride at the strong and incredible person you've become."

Shirahoshi's eyes glistened with tears as she listened to Cedric's words. She reached out gently as if to put her hand on his shoulder but quickly took it back, seemingly confused.

"T-thank you for the kind words," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "But I'm not really strong. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by everything that's happened, and I could do nothing but sit in my room for so many years..."

Cedric shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Shirahoshi, you are stronger than you realize," he said, his voice brimming with confidence. "Strength isn't just about physical power; it's about resilience, courage, and the ability to endure."

He took a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing. "I already gave you an example, but I'll repeat it," Cedric said, looking into the princess' eyes. "If I were in your shoes, I'd storm into the dungeons and shove my foot so far up Hody and Deckens asses they'll have to wear diapers for the rest of their miserable lives..."

At Cedric's words, Den and the royal guards could only stare in horror, and one of the guards even felt tempted to draw his sword or scold Cedric for his vulgarity in Shirahoshi's presence.

Shirahoshi's eyes widened in surprise, her hands unconsciously moving to cover her mouth. "T-that's vulgar! Yo-you would really do that?" she asked, her voice filled with shock and confusion.

Cedric nodded firmly. "Absolutely," he said firmly. "But you, princess, have shown incredible strength by not succumbing to vengeance or hatred. You have chosen the path of forgiveness and understanding, even when it's the most challenging. That takes immense strength.

"It's the type of strength that I lack and admire. In fact, it's that kind of strength that Queen Otohime had and what's required to turn your mother's dream into reality." Cedric concluded.

"Thank you, Cedric," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Your words mean a lot to me. I will do my best to honor my mother's memory and bring about the world she envisioned."

A soft smile formed on Shirahoshi's face, a newfound confidence shining through her eyes. "Thank you, Cedric," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "Your words mean a lot to me."


Vander Deckens, imprisoned within the confines of the underwater dungeon, seethed with anger and frustration. His eyes, filled with malice, surveyed the guard, who kept a watchful eye on him. The dimly lit dungeon walls seemed to amplify his growing resentment, fueling his desire for vengeance.

With a sly grin curling on his lips, Vander Deckens began to enact his meticulously planned escape. His devil fruit powers, the Mato Mato no Mi, enabled him to manipulate objects he had touched with his left hand. It was this power that he now harnessed to deadly effect.

As the guard approached his cell to deliver a meal, oblivious to the imminent danger lurking before him, Vander Deckens seized the opportunity. Concealed within his grasp was a small, seemingly harmless needle infused with the properties of his devil fruit abilities.

With a swift and precise motion, he propelled the needle toward the unsuspecting guard's neck, hitting his mark with deadly accuracy.

The guard staggered backward, a look of sheer surprise and pain etched across his face. The poison coursing through his veins took hold swiftly, overwhelming his body with debilitating effects. Gasping for air, he crumpled to the ground, rendered incapacitated by the potent venom.

Vander Deckens wasted no time, his movements swift and calculated. He approached the fallen guard, deftly retrieving the keys from his belt. The guard's dazed and weakened state offered no resistance as Vander Deckens swiftly pilfered the necessary tools for his escape.

With the keys in hand, Vander Deckens maneuvered through the chaos, slipping past the bewildered and disoriented guards. He blended into the shadows, his movements fluid and silent, as he made his way deeper into the prison.

Navigating the labyrinthine corridors with purpose, Vander Deckens encountered further challenges. Patrols of guards patrolled the prison, their watchful eyes scanning for any signs of disturbance. But Vander Deckens, relying on his devil fruit powers and cunning, stayed one step ahead.

Using his ability to touch objects and manipulate their movements, he created diversions, silently unlocking cells and releasing any prisoners within his path. The chaos erupted further as the inmates, grateful for their newfound freedom, added to the confusion that already permeated the prison.

Vander Deckens utilized the diversion to his advantage, skillfully avoiding confrontations with the guards. He moved with agility and precision, every action fueled by an unwavering determination to reclaim his freedom and exact revenge on Shirahoshi.

As he reached the outer perimeters of the prison, Vander Deckens spotted the border of the water bubble shimmering in the distance. Without hesitation, he made his way toward it, his escape plan falling into place.

Vander Decken did not hesitate for a second before exiting the bubble and surrendering to the dark depths of the sea.

Before long, Ankoro apeared , the giant anglerfish, its massive jaws wide open. Vander Deckens knew that Ankoro was his ticket to freedom. He aloowed anglerfish's to entrap him within its maw, its sharp teeth closing behind him with a resounding snap.

Within the darkness of Ankoro's maw, Vander Deckens found himself surrounded by rows of sharp teeth and the faint glow of bio-luminescent organisms. Enveloped by the creature's powerful jaws, Vander Deckens spoke his chilling promise.

"This is not the end, Shirahoshi!" Vander Deckens' voice carrying across the ocean currents, echoing with malice and determination. "I will have you!" He declared.

"And if I can not have you, no one will!"

As Ankoro swam away, carrying Vander Deckens deep into the ocean, the chilling echoes of his words lingered in the currents, sending a shiver down the spines of those who heard them.


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