
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Suffering from Success #95

Author's note: this chapter feels kinda off. I think it sucks for some reason, but I didn't have the time edit it. Still hope ya'll enjoy it anyway...


Cedric stepped into Shakky's Rip-Off Bar, the dimly lit establishment renowned for its shady clientele and dodgy atmosphere. The air was heavy with the scent of tobacco and alcohol.

As Cedric's eyes adjusted to the dimness, he spotted Shakky standing behind the counter, her face adorned with a mischievous grin as she calmly cleaned a shot glass.

"Hey, Shakky," Cedric called out, his voice getting Shakky's attention. He approached the counter, a smile forming on his lips. "It's been a while. How's business?" He asked as he sat opposite Shakky.

Shakky looked up from her task, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she recognized Cedric. She leaned on the counter, placing the cleaned shot glass back on the shelf with a clink.

"Business is always interesting around here," Shakky replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "The usual suspects come and go, but it's never dull. What brings you here today?" She asked, tilting her head.

Cedric's smile widened as he settled into the seat opposite Shakky. The dim light cast intriguing shadows on his face as he leaned forward, his gaze focused. "Actually, I was hoping to catch up with Rayleigh. Any chance he's around?"

Shakky's smile widened, a glimmer of understanding in her eyes. "Ah, Rayleigh, huh...? Wait here. I'll fetch him."

With a nod, Cedric shifted in his seat, his eyes wandering across the empty space. The absence of lively chatter and clinking glasses allowed his thoughts to settle, focusing on the reason for his visit.

Moments later, Rayleigh emerged from the back of the bar, his presence commanding even in the absence of an audience. He walked toward Cedric with measured steps, his expression a mix of warmth and wisdom.

"Cedric, my young friend," Rayleigh greeted, his voice carrying a soothing resonance. "It's good to see you here. Shakky told me you were looking for me. What's on your mind?" he asked, sitting beside Cedric.

Cedric took a deep breath, scratching his head in embarrassment as he met Rayleigh's attentive eyes.

"Rayleigh, I've been struggling with my Haki," Cedric began, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. "I awakened Observation Haki some time ago, but it's not functioning as expected. While I can sense people's presences and emotions, I can't predict their attacks or movements."

"I've been training relentlessly, trying to grasp the predictive aspect of my Haki," Cedric explained, shaking his head. "But every time I fight someone, I can't anticipate their attacks for some reason, even though I can feel their presence..."

Rayleigh listened attentively, his gaze fixed on Cedric as he spoke. He nodded in understanding, recognizing the struggle Cedric was facing. Rayleigh suddenly punched at Cedric, and the young marine instantly dodged, causing him to smile in amusement.

"What you're facing is uncommon... It's likely something only you will face, no one else..." Rayleigh said with a chuckle, causing Cedric to frown.

Rayleigh continued, his voice filled with a mix of seriousness and amusement. "You're having difficulty with the predictive aspect of your Observation Haki lies in your extraordinary senses. Your superhuman senses have become a crutch that hinders the development of your Observation Haki."

Cedric's brows furrowed in confusion. "But I thought my enhanced senses would help me in mastering my Haki."

Rayleigh nodded, his eyes focused and determined. "Your enhanced senses provide you with an advantage, Cedric, but they have also become a double-edged sword. You rely on them too heavily, using your superior reaction speed and sensory perception to dodge attacks instinctively. As a result, you haven't fully embraced the true essence of Observation Haki."

He gestured to Shakky, who had been observing the conversation intently. "Shakky, could you bring me a piece of cloth?" he asked, and she quickly obliged, handing him a small piece of fabric. "Cover your eyes with it..." He added as he offered the cloth to Cedric.

Cedric looked skeptical but decided to trust Rayleigh's guidance. He took the cloth and, with a hint of hesitation, blindfolded himself. Darkness enveloped his vision.

"Now, Cedric, I want you to keep your blindfold on and stay focused," Rayleigh instructed. "I'll attack you again. And I want you to dodge..."

Cedric followed Rayleigh's instructions, blindfolding himself with the cloth and shutting off his vision completely. In the darkness, he felt a surge of anticipation, ready to put Rayleigh's theory to the test.

Rayleigh's voice broke the silence once again. "Remember, Cedric, rely on your Haki. Let it guide your movements."

With heightened concentration, Cedric positioned himself, his body ready to move instinctively. He waited, waiting intently for the moment of attack. Still, he could sense nothing, but as Rayleigh sent his fist flying, Cedric's ears perked up as he felt the vibrations in the air.

With a burst of speed and precision, he sidestepped, narrowly evading Rayleigh's attack. It was a seamless dodge, executed purely through the guidance of his hearing and nothing else.

Cedric stood there, blindfolded, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. Despite his efforts, he instinctively dodged the attack based on his senses alone.

"As I thought... you couldn't predict my attack, but you still sensed it and dodged in time..." Rayleigh said with a thoughtful expression. "With senses like that, it's no wonder you're facing trouble..." He added, nodding as he pondered the situation.

'Is this what they call suffering from success...?' Cedric mused, a hint of amusement crossing his mind. He realized the irony of his situation, where his exceptional senses had become both a blessing and a challenge. Cedric chuckled to himself, acknowledging the humorous aspect of his predicament.

Rayleigh, perceptive as ever, caught Cedric's change in demeanor. He grinned and spoke with a playful tone. "It's good to see that you're not letting the setback get you down... however, there is no need to worry..." He continued with a smile.

"There is a way we can work around this," Rayleigh said, his eyes glinting with a newfound idea. "Do we still have the souvenirs I brought back from the Sky Island, Shakky?" He asked as he turned to his wife.

Shakky grinned mischievously and nodded as she seemed to understand Rayleigh's idea. "Oh, you mean those trinkets you brought? Of course, I kept them safe. Give me a moment. I'll get them for you." She said as he headed for the back of the bar.

With a quick stride, Shakky disappeared into the back of the bar, leaving Cedric and Rayleigh in suspense. Cedric's eyes followed her, his curiosity bubbling over. Naturally, he knew about the various islands dotting the world's sky, and he couldn't help but wonder what trinkets Rayleigh was talking about.

A few moments later, Shakky reappeared, holding a compact case carefully in her hands. Cedric's excitement grew as he caught a glimpse of its contents. "Aren't those dials from the Sky Islands?" Cedric's voice carried eagerness. He leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the case.

Rayleigh's smile widened. "Indeed. These are special Dials, unique devices that have the power to suppress both light and sound. They'll be perfect for your training."

Rayleigh motioned for Cedric to come closer, and Shakky placed the case on the table. With a gentle touch, Rayleigh picked up one of the many intricately designed Dials inside the case.

"These Dials can manipulate light and sound waves," Rayleigh explained. "When activated, they create an environment of complete darkness and silence, effectively suppressing your senses."

Cedric's brows furrowed as he absorbed the implications. "So, if I use these Dials, I won't be able to rely on my senses anymore?"

Rayleigh nodded, his eyes gleaming with wisdom. "That's correct. By training in an environment where your senses are suppressed, you'll have to rely solely on your Observation Haki to perceive and predict your opponent's actions."

With a sense of eagerness, Cedric made his offer. "I'm willing to buy these Dials from you at any price. Just give me a price..."

Rayleigh's smile turned gentle yet firm. "I'm afraid these Dials are not for sale. They aren't valuable, but they hold sentimental value for me as souvenirs from my past. However, I am willing to assist you in your training."

Cedric's expression faltered momentarily, a mix of embarrassment and understanding crossing his face. "I got a bit excited and spoke out of term... it's just that I'm not used to getting things for free, and money is usually the solution to most problems where I grew up..." He added with a sheepish chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.

Rayleigh smiled, his voice filled with warmth. "Think nothing of it. Instead of selling them to you, I propose something else. We can install these Dials in a dedicated room in Shakky's bar. It will be a pitch-dark, silent chamber where you can train your Observation Haki under my guidance."

Cedric's eyes widened, a flicker of excitement rekindling within him. The idea of having a specialized training environment designed to challenge and refine his Haki skills with Silvers Rayleigh, of all people watching over his training was enticing to say the least.

"You mean... you'll help me train in this suppressed environment?" Cedric asked, a hint of anticipation lacing his voice.

Rayleigh nodded, his expression unwavering. "Indeed. With the Dials installed, I will guide you through various training scenarios within that room. You'll learn to rely solely on your Haki, sharpening your ability to perceive and predict your opponent's actions without the aid of your enhanced senses."

Cedric's determination surged anew, and a fire reignited within him. He realized the invaluable opportunity before him, a chance to transcend his current limitations and reach new heights in his Haki mastery.

"Please, teach me!"