
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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189 Chs

Cedric's Last Stand #106

Cedric's frowned as he realized the dire situation he was in. Facing off against two powerful vice admirals, alongside an army of marines closing in, was a daunting challenge even for someone with his strength.

His mind raced, searching for a way out of the predicament. He knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down, not even for a moment. With his armament haki still coursing through his veins, Cedric readied himself for the incoming onslaught.

"Doberman! Dalmatian! You've arrived just in time to witness your Onigumo's fall," Cedric tauntingly shouted with a grin, trying to buy himself some time.

The vice admirals exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and decisiveness. Cedric's victory over Onigumo had caught them off guard, but they were not about to let a single pirate stand in their way.

"Do not think for a moment that defeating one vice admiral will save you from Marine justice," Doberman barked, his voice filled with authority. "You will pay for your crimes..."

Dalmatian, known for his dog-like appearance and abilities, sighed as he spoke. "Sorry, kiddo... but I need you to surrender and come with us quietly... I'm not in a position to hold back here..."

Cedric's grin faded as he realized the seriousness of the situation. He could sense the unwavering determination in the vice admirals' voices, and he knew that they meant business. However, surrendering was not an option for him. He had come too far and fought too hard to back down now.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I can't accept it," Cedric replied, his voice firm and resolute. "If you want to take me in, be prepared to put your lives on the line. I'll fight until my last breath if that's what it takes."

With those words, Cedric renewed his resolve and focused his energy again. His body was still recovering from the previous battle, and his stamina was waning, but he knew he had to press on. He called upon his armament haki to bolster his defenses.

The vice admirals wasted no time and launched a coordinated assault, overwhelming Cedric with their combined power. Despite his best efforts, he struggled to keep up, his movements slower and his strikes weaker than before.

Doberman unleashed devastating shockwaves that rocked Cedric's footing, while Dalmatian's claws tore through the air with blinding speed. Cedric fought back with every ounce of strength he could muster, but it was clear that he was at a disadvantage.

As the battle raged, Cedric saw the marine soldiers and ships closing in on the pirate ship that Kieran and the others had occupied. The situation was becoming more precarious by the minute. Cedric realized he needed to find a way to turn the tide and buy his crew enough time to escape.

Gritting his teeth, Cedric mustered his remaining strength and focused on his observation haki. He concentrated on the marines' movements and the layout of the battlefield, searching for an opening or a weakness that he could exploit.

In the midst of the intense battle, Cedric's heightened senses picked up a familiar presence approaching the battlefield at an incredible speed as the vice admirals rained a barrage of attacks on his body. With a surge of relief, he focused on defending himself as he realized that help was coming.

Still, the vice admirals were relentless. They brought him to his wits end sooner than Cedric hoped. However, Just as the vice admirals closed in to deliver the final blow, a figure appeared, effortlessly blocking their attacks with a swift stroke of his sword.

"Doberman, Dalmatian," Rayleigh's voice resonated with authority and experience. "You've caused quite a commotion. How about you do me a favor and let this young man and his friends get away?."

Doberman narrowed his eyes, recognizing the familiar figure before him. "You are Silvers Rayleigh... What the hell are you doing here?"

Dalmatian's ears perked up, his canine instincts sensing the significance of Rayleigh's presence. "Silvers Rayleigh! What business do you have interfering with the Marines?"

Rayleigh's gaze met theirs, unwavering and filled with the weight of his experience. He offered a faint smile before speaking with a calm confidence. "You marines sure grow more shameless by the day... is there really a need for so many of you to go after one young man?"

Doberman's expression hardened, his voice laced with caution. "Dark King, Rayleigh, you may be retired, but you know the consequences of standing against the Marines... it is our duty to uphold justice!"

Rayleigh's smile turned wistful, his eyes holding a depth of understanding. "Justice can take many forms, but I'm not here to debate with you... this young man is my student. Again, I'd appreciate it if you let him go," He said, maintaining his smile.

Doberman and Dalmatian exchanged uncertain glances, caught between their duty as marines and the undeniable presence of a legendary figure like Rayleigh. The atmosphere grew tense as the standoff continued.

Rayleigh's gaze hardened, his voice commanding as he noticed the hesitation of the vice admirals. "I won't ask again. Stand down and let the youngsters leave..."

Suddenly, Doberman and Dalmatian lunged forward, disregarding Rayleigh's warning. They attacked with renewed vigor, their determination unwavering.

Rayleigh's eyes narrowed, disappointment etched across his face. With a swift motion, he swung his sword, effortlessly parrying their assaults. The force behind his swing sent shockwaves rippling through the air, blowing the vice admirals away with a resounding impact.

As Doberman and Dalmatian struggled to regain balance, Rayleigh turned to the marine ships closing in on the beach. He reached into his pocket and retrieved several bullets, each infused with his Haki.

With a flick of his wrist, Rayleigh sent the bullets hurtling toward the ships. The projectiles tore through the air, their speed and precision unmatched. They struck their targets with unerring accuracy, causing the vessels to erupt in explosions and sink into the depths of the sea before anyone could even process the situation.

The marines, both on land and aboard the remaining ships, watched in awe and disbelief. They had underestimated the power of the Dark King, and now they faced the consequences of their actions.

Rayleigh turned back to Cedric, his eyes filled with pride and concern. "Cedric, gather your friends and leave. The path ahead won't be easy, but I think you'll do just fine."

Still recovering from his battle with the vice admirals, Cedric nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Rayleigh. I won't forget this!" He said as he resolutely turned around and sprinted toward the ship.

Cedric sprinted towards the ship, his heart filled with gratitude and determination. As he reached the deck, Kieran and the others cheered and prepared to set sail.

Standing at the beach, Rayleigh watched them with pride and nostalgia. Memories of his own days as a pirate, sailing the Grand Line alongside Gol D. Roger, flooded his mind. He knew that Cedric and his friends had a long and arduous journey ahead of them, but he had faith in their abilities.

"Seize your destiny, and leave a mark upon the tapestry of this world!" Rayleigh's voice resounded in unwavering determination, causing a momentary pause among the advancing marines.

Sensing their restless movements, Rayleigh swiftly pivoted, positioning himself to face them head-on. In one fluid move, he unsheathed his sword, wielding it with masterful precision as he swung it downwards, slicing through the ground below.

The impact was blinding as a long, jagged scar emerged in the earth, stretching like a solemn testament of Rayleigh's power and resolve. It became a symbol of defiance and a reminder that legends were not to be trifled with.

The marines, faced with the visible display of Rayleigh's might and the deep conviction etched into that scar, faltered in their advance. They hesitated, their footsteps faltering, unsure of the consequences that awaited should they choose to ignore this warning.

Rayleigh's gaze swept over the marines, his eyes piercing through their doubt and uncertainty. "This is the line you will not cross," he declared, his voice resonating with unyielding authority. "If you value your lives, turn back now."

The marines exchanged uneasy glances, their resolve faltering under the weight of Rayleigh's presence and the indomitable spirit that emanated from that scar. Recognizing the futility of their current course, they slowly froze, unable to advance or retreat.

"Now then... call off your men and return to your ships..." Rayleigh commanded, his voice steady and unwavering. "Let the youngsters sail away in peace or face the consequences."

Reluctantly, Doberman and Dalmatian issued orders to their subordinates to stand down. The Marines hesitated, torn between their loyalty to the Marines and the potential wrath of the legendary Dark King.

Finally, the marines begrudgingly retreated, their footsteps echoing with resignation. The line on the ground had become an invisible boundary, symbolizing Rayleigh's influence and power. Cedric and the others seized the opportunity and set sail, leaving the Marines in their wake.

As the pirate ship sailed away, Kieran approached Cedric with a thoughtful expression. "We have a choice to make," he began, his voice filled with uncertainty. "We can sail away, but there's no guarantee the Marines won't come after us..."

"On the other hand, the ship is coated. We can head to the Fish-man instead. Even then, we might face some trouble there..." He added, trailing as he waited for an answer.

Cedric pondered the question for a moment, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Fish-Man Island it is then... I've been meaning to see it for sometime now!" He said, grinning.