
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 43 - Dreams of the Far Future


I awake with the sound of heavy doors opening followed by cheers and lively music, yet when I open my eyes, I Immediately have to close them again because of how sluggish and tired I'm feeling. However, I persevere and finally open my heavy eyelids, and when I do I find myself in a luxurious looking room of what seems to be a palace hall. I seem to be laying back on a comfortable white sofa and when I look down, I'm wearing expensive purple clothing and I seem to be studded in jewelry and expensive accessories.

"Cade, what are you doing in here all by yourself? Your coronation is today, did you forget?" comes a heavenly voice, that when I look up matches perfectly with the heavenly beauty in front of me.

"Ugh…hmm?" I drawl out, looking at the beautiful pink haired woman with curly eyebrows that looks remarkably like Vinsmoke Reiju.

"C'mon already, move it, the rest of the girls are waiting for you," this beauty says as she takes a firm grip of my arm and surprisingly pulls me to my feet with a slight tug, followed by easily pulling me along.

That's when I start to remember where I actually am! That's right this is the day I become the king of one of my favorite territories and the future epicenter of my empire, and the woman holding my arm really is Vinsmoke Reiju, one of my lovers.

"Alright, sorry sorry I was just taking a quick nap," I say in defense, "yeah right you lazy man! We all know how you are!" she replies back with a smile as she pulls me outside.

The sun blears down on me as we step outside, but I simply ignore it to stare at the wonderous sight a few feet away where a few of my beautiful lovers are dressed in beautiful and exquisite dresses.

I immediately zero in on my first wife, Porche-chan who is at this very moment dressed in a frilly but beautiful red dress that emphasizes her magnificent assets.

"Cade-kun, about time, it's about to begin, you did remember to make a speech beforehand right?" she asks as she nears me and dusts me off.

"Hmm? Not really… I don't need it anyways, no one will be paying attention to a silly speech when they can catch a glimpse of all of you," I playfully reply before kissing her cheek, once again excusing my laziness with flattery.

"Aah, don't bother Cade-kun with such trivialities Porche! This kingdom should be honored to have Cade-kun as their new king!" comes the ever-excited voice of my most beautiful lover, Boa Hancock, who has been with me for a few months now.

She approaches with two of my other lovers in toe, the ever-youthful Lily and the milf like Viola, who are respectively dressed in tight yellow and white dresses which allows for their large assets to bounce erotically every step they take, creating a very enticing scene. The three of them quickly approach me and deeply kiss me in greeting.

In response I kiss them back and generously grab a handful of their meaty behinds, groping them over their sexy dresses and making them moan slightly.

"Aah, you naughty boy, wait for the afterparty, then you can do whatever you like," Viola saucily says as she slaps away my wandering hand and winks, but not before I release some slow energy from my hand, leaving an imprint of my hand on her ass cheek that will be visible for a few minutes.

"Waah! Cade ignore the party-pooper! Let's ditch this tedious event and go have some fun instead!" cuts in Lily as she grows slightly taller and pushes her covered mounds against my chest.

"Ara ara, are you trying to sabotage Cade's achievements little miss troublemaker?" cuts in the voice of the approaching Robin-chan as a slender arm manifests on Lily's shoulder and pulls on her ear.

"Owowow, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Lily apologizes while dramatically tearing up turning to the approaching Robin who is dressed in a beautifully decorated black yukata that reveals her deep cleavage.

"Hmph, well unfortunately as a queen It pains me to say that Viola and Robin have a point, Cade-kun, let's get this over with so we can get to more important things~, like being together with Cade-kun~!" comes the voice of Hancock and she once again begins to squirm and fantasize with pink hearts in her eyes by the end of her sentence.

I nod and chuckle seeing this and walk towards Porche-chan, link our arms together, and move towards the edge of the futuristic looking emerald platform on the floor that as soon as we all step on it, automatically disconnects and floats upwards until we are high up in the air, looking down at the large cheering crowd below…


*Crash* *Boom*

"You mean they still attacked even after my warning!" I rage into the scared looking den-den mushi that looks remarkably like me as I flip over the heavy Adams wood table that cracks the marble floor as it lands.

"Yes sir! There were hundreds of casualties on our side! What should we do now sir?!" comes the masculine voice from the other side.

"… I warned them, and they didn't listen, prepare the troops for a massacre!" I ominously say as I hang up the call and heavily sit back down onto my chair.

"You realize you just signed the deaths of thousands of innocents right Cade?" a feminine voice suddenly speaks out from the shadows of the room.

I look towards the voice, which reveals itself to be Kalifa and nod heavily and reply with a dejected tone, "There's simply no other way Kalifa, if we want to remove a cancer, we have to irradicate every single infected cell first."

After that I heavily shut my eyes and imagine the atrocity I just ordered to take place, a single teardrop escaping my closed eyelids as I do.


*Waaah* *Waaah*

I look at the small moving bundle in my arms and brokenly utter, "Forgive me my friend for what I'm about to commit, since I know I will never be able to," before plunging a long dagger into the little bundle, ending the cries, and plunging the whole room into a heart wrenching silence.

I immediately lay the still bundle on the floor and sit before it with dead eyes, 'How can I ever forgive myself for such a thing' I think as I stare at the small bleeding bundle that opens slightly to reveal the little head of a newborn. Knowing that I must get through this, one way or another if I want to succeed.


*Cough* *Cough*

"What was that?! What just happened?!" I ask around as I open my eyes and look around for clues on whatever the heck just happened, not finding anything other than the dark passageway that leads deeper into the underground temple and where Porche-chan is being held hostage.

"What was what, Cade? You just stood there for a few seconds, that's all…what happened?" I can hear Carina's startled voice coming from the yellow flower in my pocket.

"Hmm… I don't know, I feel like I just experienced both my highest and lowest points… but I don't remember what they were… anyways, I've got to be extra cautious of this place from now on," I seriously state as I focus back onto the task at hand and carefully move forward, preparing myself to use Limitless at any moment.


A little teaser of what could happen in the future disguised as a trial (All of it without context of course! :D YAY) … Also still thinking on who should be in the Harem but these are some girls that I like and will likely be including. To those wondering who is Lily it is Lily Enstomach.

For anyone interested in who the Harem Members are, there is now a list in Auxiliary Chapters!