
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 40 - Blood Snake Island

[Porche Pov Continue]

It's been a few hours of this Katarina woman asking me detailed questions about Cade-kun and it's become extremely tiring to continue speaking about this in my current position, sitting on the cold stone floor with my hands and feet tightly tied up.

However, after all this time it seems I have finally answered all of this woman's questions, that honestly, like she had previously said, weren't anything important or something Cade-kun doesn't want anyone to know.

"So that's how it is, I see…" she says after I answer the question of how Cade-kun knows about Rokushiki and how I learned it.

"Hmm… If I remember correctly, there weren't any trips planned to cross the Calm Belt from East Blue to West Blue through this whole year. Hmm…got to look into it." She murmurs in a low voice, one that I can't make out in its entirety,

All I got is that she is talking about how Cade-kun arrived in West blue from East blue, that's it…

"Anyways!" she suddenly speaks up, "That's all I wanted to know, by the way…Carina is not here, it was a false claim, meant to motivate you in case things didn't go so smoothly, you understand right?" she states with a shoulder shrug, acting easygoing.

To this my face stiffens and I sigh in resignation, 'Heh, I still have a long way to go, don't I?' I think to myself; as i couldnt tell if she was telling the truth or nor, and not wanting to risk it I continued to explain and answer her more personal questions because I was worried about what this dangerous woman might do to Carina-san if I didn't comply; I mean her torturing me was also a motivating factor, but that was something ive been prepared for this entire time.

"Why did you tell me that? Why now? Are we done?" I ask with the blankest facial expressions I can possibly make, don't want to get my hopes up too soon now do I?

"Hmm… why not? Thank you for your cooperation, unfortunately you will remain tied until your 'Cade-kun' finds you, think of it as a sort of test for him, if he can't find you, then you will die and he will die, see ya." She says before suddenly disappearing into thin air.

"Fuck! You bitch! You fucking lied!" I scream to the woman.

However, just as I wanted to rage further, I suddenly began to feel dizzy and my eyesight started to darken, 'Damn, guess I'm going back to the land of dreams, hope Cade-kun can find me.' I think to myself before the lights turn dark.

[Mc Pov]

[Back to Present]

"we're here now and coming for you Porche-chan, just please be alive."

It's been about 10 minutes and we are finally arriving at the island's rocky coast, getting ready for landing.

But just as we are nearing the rocky shore, a few meters away at most, I suddenly turn the rutter 180 degrees and turn the ship away from said shore.

I then walk up onto the railing, jump onto it, and face back around in order to speak to the approaching Carina.

"Carina, you know what to do, the success of this mission depends on you, we can't risk you getting caught or distracted by anything on the island." I say to her with a grave voice.

"Hmm," she nods, "I understand, here take it," she then hands me a small flower, a beautiful yellow flower which I quickly accept and pocket.

"Thanks, and thanks for doing this even though we met only a little over a week ago," I say with sincerity.

"For the last time, don't worry about it, it's not like I'm putting myself in danger or anything…ha-ha…anyways I agreed to join you guys…and it's not a bad thing to have you guys owe me one!" she says to me with a wink at the end.

"Right, we sure will," I nod in agreement, "anyways, if you see any strange movement on the island, make sure to get as far away as possible, and if you don't hear from me for an extended period of time, go towards Lily Island and wait for my return for about a week, if I don't return by then… it was nice to have met you." I saw with a wry somewhat self-deprecating smile.

"Don't say that! Anyways, let's do it! How hard can it be to find Porche in one of the most dangerous islands in West Blue?'' She cheers while pumping her fist in an excited manner, followed by walking back to steer the ship away.

I jump off, jumping a few meters, and land on the rocky, sharp shore of one of the most dangerous islands in West blue.

'Yeah…How hard can it be?' I think to myself as I carefully move forward.

In order to explain why we are so disheartened about Finding Porche-chan on this island you will have to go back to the point where Carina and I were actually looking for information on this island.

And what we found didn't bode too well for us, this island is actually considered to be one of those extremely rare anomalies found in the four seas.

Every single one of the four seas has at least a few of them, islands that are just too dangerous to be fairly considered as part of the rest of the peaceful sea.

They shouldn't be part of such seas, but part of the Grand Line, many have speculated why these islands came to be, but none have found the reason as to why this happens, however these islands are not all the same, just like the Grand line, every island is unique and different; some can be considered as islands commonly found in Paradise according to their danger level, and some more unique ones can be considered to be similar to islands found in the in the New World.

Unfortunately for us, this island is of the latter, it's one of those extremely rare islands that are so deadly and dangerous that almost nothing is known of them and take a battalion of trained soldiers and explorers to actually explore and learn more about.

And this island is unfortunately for us one of the latter, named after its deadly inhabitants, Blood Snake Island.