
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 22 - Inquiring Further







Is all you can hear coming from a small ship floating on the island's harbor.

It's been a few days and I am currently seeing how strong Carina-chan is by letting her spar with Porche-chan, and unsurprisingly, she is weak, even weaker than I or Porche were before our training sessions began.

Fortunately, she does have a few good traits that if nurtured properly could make her a very dangerous combatant.

The main things she shines on are her natural reflexes, which seem sharper then even my own, her mobility, which apparently is one of the only things she is actually trained in, and her ease of movements; she Is extremely nimble and smooth when she moves, even with her large assets getting in the way.

With that out of the way, I quickly stop the spar, or more like the beating, and declare, "The winner is Porche-chan, obviously…Carina, good try…"

She gives me the stink eye for a bit before sighing loudly and replying," Hahh…yeah, I know, you don't have to say it, I was never really an up in front fighter anyways."

When I hear this, I twitch my lips and reply, "Heh, I can see that, but that's going to have to change. The Grand Line is a dangerous place, for everyone. So, if you want to at least be able to protect yourself then you're going to have to work hard with us."

Porche-chan then adds, "He's right Carina-San, you are currently not ready for the dangers of the Grand line, I've heard some stories of the place and it's not a walk in the park as some people may think. However, this is not as bad as it seems, I used to be just as weak as you a few months ago, but with some rigorous training I was able to get this strong, and according to Cade-kun we still have 6 more months before he wants to enter it."

Hearing Porche-Chan's kind words, Carina smiles and thanks her new teammate.

After that quick interaction, I quickly list-off in what I recommend for her to work on in these coming months: Strength, mainly her lower body strength, speed, as she seems agile enough already, and burst power.

And in terms of Rokushiki I recommend the Shave, Kami-e, and the Rankyaku, which she seems to have a large compatibility with.

And with Porche backing me up, she quickly accepts the idea for how she's going to train.

With this all done, we then go into the small cozy cabin and sit down to talk further.

I quickly fetch Porche-chan and Carina some water which they gorge down faster than I could blink, and we continue on to other matters.

With Porche on my left and Carina at my front I start by asking about something very important, "Carina is it true that what you stole was the national treasure?"

She quickly nods and replies "yes, that's exactly what I stole from that Cheese Burger idiot."

When I hear this, I pause for a sec and continue, "And you were allowed to keep this so-called national treasure?"

She again nods and replies," Yup," popping the p at the end, "That Lamb Burger said that after I do it, I can keep it for myself, and to consider it my goodbye gift."

Hearing this I frown and make a hesitant face and question back," Are you sure he wasn't just tricking you? This is a National Treasure after all, it's not something to just hand out like candy."

She nods and nonchalantly replies, "Of course I'm sure, that imbecile only wants the position of governor in order to get closer to his daddy, all he thinks about is his dear daddy, President Ham Burger; he doesn't have the brains nor the mental abilities in order to think about anything else."

And what she said was true, apparently what happened was that when she came to this island, someone from the Thieves guild (Which I just learned was a thing in this world) recognized her as the infamous Phantom Burglar and reported her to this rich young master of the island.

He then sent people to contact her and make a deal with her.

The plan was for her to become a big celebrity with the help of Lamb Burgers men pushing things along behind the scenes, rise the ranks so to speak, followed by contacting the governor of the island in some form, then make him fall in love with her (which according to her was stupidly easy), and when the idiot shows his new love of his life the location of what he is meant to safekeep, steal it right from under his nose.

Yet even with all of these assurances, I am still immensely skeptical of them allowing her to keep it.

And the reason why I am so skeptical is because not only has the national treasure been a crucial part of the safety of the island for decades, but the national treasure is actually a fucking devil fruit! And not just any devil fruit, but a fucking Mythological Zoan devil fruit!

The Spirit-Spirit Fruit, Model Spriggan!