
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 14 - Bonding Over the Fire





In a dark clearing, located in the jungle of a small island, you could currently hear the sound of roasting meat cooking and sizzling on a campfire, and not far away from this delectable sight, there appear to be the shadows of two people that seem to mold into one being within the confines of the darkness.

One appears to be sitting on a fallen log, while the second appears to be right above the first shadow, mounting him in an intimate manner.

These shadowy figures are none other than our beloved characters, Cade and Porche-chan and they are currently heavily making out. Groping each other in intimate areas and heavily and messily exchanging saliva between themselves, yeah, they're completely enthralled with one another at the current situation.

Unfortunately, this doesn't last long, because not a few minutes later, they both seem to smell burning meat, and unfortunately for them, this is what they'll be eating for the night, so it better not be burned.

Therefore, they hesitantly separate from each other and move towards the light of the fire, where we can then see that they have frowns on their faces and scrunched up noses, seemingly not liking what they are smelling.

"Hahh, fortunately the meat isn't too burned, still quite edible if we add some spices," sounds off Cade as he looks at the burnt piece of meat.

"Oh yeah, we really need all the energy we can get from today's training session, and for tonight's upcoming event that we have planned," Porche states as she flirtatiously winks at Cade.

Seeing this I blink and chuckle slightly, "yeah, we sure do, but enough about that for now, how was your progress today?" I ask as I rip apart the meat into two small plates.

Hearing this, Porche quickly replies, "hmm, oh it was great, I'm not far away from getting down the shave technique actually… it seems that in no time ill surpass you in strength you know Cade-kun."

Hearing this I drily laugh and reply, "Ha-ha, very funny, it's just that for some reason you have a very high compatibility with the Rokushiki arts, *mutter*it's depressing actually* But me? Not so much. Well anyways I should be able to get down shave in a week or two, and with my new technique that I've cooked up recently, I should be able to again raise my strength by a bit."

"Hmm? Which one? It feels like you're working on too many techniques you know? Before it was those pattern thingies, then it was your meteor shot, followed by your weird slow sword thing, and now you tell me that you've created another attack?" she owlishly replies back.

What she is talking about is that I've been improving on my pattern creation and how to go about it, now I should be able to create a huge area attack and slow anyone caught into its web for 3 minutes straight.

The second thing is a bit more complex but basic to understand, it's about expelling the slow energy through my skin into an object.

Not long ago I was finally able to interact with and shakily move the energy out of my body towards a small object that I could be touching or holding. (Nothing huge as of yet)

With this I simply grabbed a strong, small rock, and infused it with my slow energy in order to freeze it in time once I let go of it in the air.

And what I found is super convenient. It appears that when I use this method to slow down the things that I touch, I can actually control how long that objects remain frozen by adding or removing the energy from my body through a connection that forms.

When I discovered this the first thing, I thought to do is create a super move of sorts, I infuse a hard object, like a rock with as much or little energy as I want, freeze it in the air in clear and easy reach of me, and start punching it with as much force as I can and as fast as I can.

Then, when its time to unfreeze that rock, it gets sent off like a rocket towards my target.

So far, the most damage I could cause is with a large sized boulder frozen for 10 minutes and the results of that is a large crater that is reminiscent of a meteor impact, that's why I call it meteor shot.

And finally, the slow-slow whip and sword, I'm not entirely sure how I did it really, I just wished for my energy to form a whip and sword, and boom! It happened. I don't really know why it's so easy to form, but I know for a fact that 6 months ago this wasn't possible, so who knows, maybe the fruit has finally integrated with me or something.

And about that last question, "Yeah, due to my recent breakthrough with controlling my energy directly I recently came up with a new way to use it, it's simple but pretty powerful, however it is very draining and can't be used willy-nilly like slow-slow beams can."

She looked intrigued but just as she was about to ask more, I cut her off, "don't bother asking about it, I want you to see the finished results, it will be more impressive that way," I say with a broad smile.

She just shrugs and accepts my decision to keep it a secret for now.

She then continues," oh, what about the island? Are we close to that Ballytoot island or whatever? It's been more than a week!"

When I hear this, I laugh harder," Hahaha, Ballywood island! How come you can't remember the names of islands so well? Hahaha, anyways yeah, we should be there in about 2-3 days from now, if nothing unexpected happens."

She looks at me blankly and slowly says," Ooh, Cade-kun! You just had to go and say something like that! Now we will never get to that island! And we'll be stuck on some uninhabited island just me-and-you forever," saying the last part slowly and sultrily.

"Ha-ha, yeah, I shouldn't have said that, but can you blame me? Who wouldn't want to be stranded on an island with you?" As I say this, I walk to Porche-chan and lift her by her meaty ass cheeks, she squeals and wraps her legs around me, while her large meaty breasts – only hidden by a bit of fabric, are squished to my body, she then pecks my lips and looks up at me, "Ooh, is it going to happen?"

I distractedly reply, "Y-Yeah, it's been 6 months and we've only gotten so far, it's about time we advance this relationship," I say to her with an aroused look, as I squeeze her large butt cheeks in my hand.

She nods and looks around at the dark surrounding jungle, "should we do it here? It'll be wild, but I don't really think I can reach nirvana with all these mosquitos and bugs flying around," she continues as she swats a small mosquito.

I look around and sure enough there are plenty of small critters flying around the fire and the thick meat sauce that fell onto some rocks.

I quickly nod, walk towards the fire, kick a bunch of dirt into it in order to put off the flickering fire out, and start walking to our boat that's docked not far away from here, doing all of this all the while Porche-chan is clinging to me like a koala and from time to time kissing my neck.

I move with swift steps and at no time at all, we are on our bed with me on top of her and she at the bottom looking up.

It's time for me to lose my virginity in this world.


Thanks for the responses everyone, just wanted to know 😊