
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 11 - Training Timeskip

That's how my first 4 months in this world began. After that humiliating and eye-opening defeat at the hands of an old man I finally realized that I wasn't really strong, and apparently, I was actually extremely weak.

For some reason this 15-year-old body that is superior to my previous body is considered as weak as a 12-year-old child or below in this world.

This didn't really make sense to me but no matter how much I hypothesized why this body is so weak, in the end it didn't really matter. After that day I began to exercise extensively.

At first it was 1-2 hours of basic exercises, pushups, pullups, running, crunches, squats, planks, anything that I could think of I performed.

This was really hard for me at first, and I believe that the reason for my struggle is because I clearly had a normal physique that's comparable to someone from my original world, not from the one-piece world.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of weak people, even weaker than me in this world, but those people are clearly out of shape and as weak as a toddler and have clearly never exercised in their entire lives; but there are also plenty of normal looking people, who can lift boulders and shit and make it seem like its nothing.

An obvious example of this would be Ace, Luffy and Sabo, those three were jungle dwellers, they basically lived in the wild, and due to that they became superhumanly strong at a very young age.

All that this means is that anyone can get superhumanly strong with a little bit of work, and that is exactly what happened to me as well.

After a week of basic training, I started rapidly increasing my strength, and with this motivating factor I kept on pushing myself more and more.

Now every day I do around 6-8 hours of physical training from weighted down pushups to bench pressing tree trunks, and even following in Zoro's footsteps and doing cable crossovers with heavy rocks and boulders.

All of this work really paid off and now I can be considered superhuman…from my past world standards…not so much in this world, but eh whatever.

Now in these four months I didn't just work on building up muscle strength, I also started working on my devil fruit some more and trying to use it in creative ways, I even tried using the slow energy inside my body but with very limited success so far, but I did create a few more patterns with my slow disks.

I created many patterns ranging from a simple Criss-cross pattern to a more intricate snowflake pattern…but most of the more intricate patterns aren't battle ready just yet, it takes me about 5-10 seconds of constant concentration to create the mental image of the pattern and implement it, way too long for battles.

The most important advancement however that I made for the devil fruit is I finally figured out how to shoot beams from anywhere on my body, not just my hands, and I no longer have to make silly patterns to make them work.

There was a very simple but easy to overlook method that I found, as that is simple intense concentration of the area, and then looking for the slow energy that naturally permeates my body, and then working from there.

Now some of you may wonder how that is easy to overlook, and my answer has two simple parts, firstly you need to focus on a certain area of your body like when you focus on your breathing when you meditate; and to people who have tried to meditate know that it's not the easiest thing to do for a long period of time, especially when you are moving around and simultaneously paying attention to the environment and incoming attacks.

The second factor is knowing how to feel the energy in the body, because let me tell you, its not easy to feel.

After these four months I barely even grasped the feeling of this energy and I'm sure it would have taken me a long time to notice if I hadn't noticed it the first time I used it.

This leads me to believe that in the anime the reason Foxy had to use those hand gestures was because he either didn't know how to meditate and he's never tried it…which I am almost 100% sure he hasn't.

And or he was unaware that he had and could interact with the slow energy in his body.

Overall, this is my most important improvement because this gives me a lot of opportunities that I might not have had otherwise, just imagining shooting purple laser disks out of my eyes and freezing people… so cool.

I still can't manipulate the energy freely how I would like, and can still only create disks, but I'm sure Ill be able to do it in the future.

And finally, the thing that I am currently working on the most is trying to learn the Rokushiki techniques.

And I am mainly focusing on 2 out of the 6, the Finger Pistol which I practice by doing one finger push ups and trying to poke through dirt and hard ground at my fastest speed (let me tell you it sounds a lot easier than it actually is) as well as the Shave technique, which happens when you kick off the ground 10 times in the blink of an eye, which I believe to be less than half a second.

And let me tell you, it's not easy, now It's obviously not impossible because this is the One Piece world, but let me summarize my progress with this technique in one word: NOTHING…

Yeah, I still have a long way to go.