
One Piece: The Sinner

My name is Sebastian Rogers. Well, that's my name before my journey starts if anyone asks what I am doing right now. I would say I am fighting with my wives against the entity called 'Nothingness'; this thing has neither gender nor body. We are having a hard time fighting because this thing is immune to any kind of attack except for an attack imbued with 'Origin'. Right, the 'Origin' is the source of stability for the entire omniverse, and only a few can use the 'Origin', and I am one of them. Also, some of my wives can use it. And back to the fight, me and my wives are fighting this entity because this entity attacked us, and it didn't even give any reason why it attacked us. "Yuechan, Diana, step back and tell the others to go to my inner world." After his wife's retreat, Sebastian uses his most powerful attack to end this fight. He tightly grips his sword and sends a powerful attack that can injure or kill the entity. "Fufufu looks like you've become stronger that could threaten me. It's been a long time, Sebastian, or should I call you Lucifer?" Then the 'Nothingness' revealed her true form, shocking Lucifer. "So your real identity is this, huh? So that's why I didn't find you," Lucifer "My, so you are looking for me." The 'Nothingness' looked at Lucifer with interest. "Yes... It's been a long time" Lucifer ••• Come and join Lucifer Nightsky in his upcoming journey in the omniverse to unveil the truth within it.

Mr_Chocolate · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 9: Foosha Village

Here's the chapter!!!

And if you want to support me you can check my Pat reon account. It's in the Authors note, Thank you.

See yah tomorrow


"Miss, one margarita please" Lucifer entered the bar and sat in one of the chairs then said to the beautiful lady at the counter.

"You are new to this town right?" The beautiful lady takes his order and she asks him.

"Yeah, Why did you ask?" Lucifer answered the beautiful lady while looking at her brown eyes while smiling.

"I know all of the people in this town and it's quite rare to see someone I didn't know. So, I just ask you" The lady said while also looking at Lucifer's eyes and smiling at him.

"I see... Right! Where is my manner. My name is Lucifer and you, Ms.?" Lucifer paused a moment then he introduced himself to the beautiful lady who had brown eyes, dark green hair, a slender body and lastly an angel-like face.

"Hehe what a smooth guy... My name is Makino and the owner of this Bar " Makino muttered the first part which is heard by Lucifer, but he ignore it. Then after muttering she introduces herself to him with a full smile on her face.

"So what are you going to do in this town, Mr. Lucifer?" After introducing herself. She asked Lucifer again after she gave the margarita he order.

"Well... I still don't know haha... Maybe stay for a while then leave or stay here for a long time."

"By the way, are you perhaps know any place I can rent?"

Lucifer think for a while what he will do. He is still undecided if he will join Luffy or create his own pirate crew.

"I know some places that you are looking for. I'll go with you just wait a little bit. I'm going to change a bit." Makino said to Lucifer.

"Is it going to bother you?" Lucifer ask with a concern.

"Not at all. Besides, no customers are going to come here till late afternoon. Wait for me" Makino said to Lucifer and then she go to the door behind her.


"This house is two stories. On the first floor it has a living room, kitchen, toilet, and one storage room. While the second floor has two rooms and, one toilet"

"It also had a garden outside and a well which you can take clear water to daily use." A middle-aged man explain the place to the two people, one man and one woman. They are, Lucifer and Makino.

After changing her clothes, Makino, accompany Lucifer to one of the poeple in the town that renting their place.

"This is not a bad place... So.. how much is the rent?" Lucifer ask the middle-aged man the monthly rent of the place, because the place is quite good for a one person or more. And he kinda likes where the place is built.

"The house is quiet near the commercial areas like clinics, market, and pier so the monthly rent is quite high compared to the other. And the price is about 60,000 to 70,000 beli"

"But since Makino is the one that introduces you here I'll give you a discount. I'll rent this place to you for 50,000 beli" The middle-aged man said to Lucifer.

(A/N: By the way 100 beli is equal to 1 dollar)

" Sure I'll take it" Lucifer didn't think any longer and said to the owner.

"Thank you for taking this place. I hope you stay happily in this town" The middle-aged man said then they proceed to the negotiation.

Lucifer paid two months of rent and didn't go further more, because even though he has money. He doesn't know when he will leave.

After playing the rent the middle-aged man leaves and only him and Makino are left in the house .

"Congratulations for renting this place." Makino congrats him

"Thanks, and you know that if you didn't introduce me to this place I wouldn't even imagine getting a place like this. So I am the one who needs to thank you for helping me" Lucifer look at the dark green hair lady and said while looking at her with full of satisfaction in his face.

"Sure sure. And if you want to thank me you must go to my bar and order everyday hehehe" Makino didn't reject what Lucifer saying and just said to him that he need to buy something in her bar every day.

"Why not? At least I have now a reason to come and meet you every day" Lucifer smiles charmingly at her.

When Makino saw that smile it made her face turn like a tomato.

"What a smooth talker you are... I need to go back to the bar now and see you later " Makino then runs like a rabbit in excuse that she is going back to her bar, which is true, but he also wants to leave because she is quite embarrassed by what Lucifer said to her.

While looking at the dark green hair lady leaves. Lucifer, heard all what she said. Although the first part was muttered by her. He hears her thanks to his enhanced hearing.

"What an interesting lady. And looks like there is no ring in her finger which indicates that she had no partner."

"Well... Let's see what the future awaits us"

Lucifer said then he also leave at the house and go to some store to buy some stuff he need in his newly rented house.

Even though he could just buy from his system shop. He doesn't want it, because he rather buys using beli than system points.


"Luckily I have inventory or else I'm going to suffer by carrying the stuff I bought." Lucifer said while taking the thing he buy for his daily necessities and some furniture to his rented house.

Although the house had some furniture and it's quite good, he want to replace it in his likings.

"I guess my personality didn't change... Maybe it change, but I couldn't stop buying something I didn't need." Lucifer look at some stuff and muttered lowly.

"Now I'm quite hungry and I want to cook myself, but as a One Piece fan... I need to taste Makino's cooking " Lucifer put aside the stuff he buy and leave the house going to the direction where is the 'Party Bar' located.


Hey guys!!!

I'm sorry if I didn't update any chapter. Because currently I'm in the mountains and the signal is out of the reach. The reason I can upload this is, I'm currently in the city and I and my friends also family are just going to buy some food and ingredients for our staycation at the mountains and we are also going to celebrate Christmas here.

I hope you can forgive me 😅.

I'll try to upload, but it's not a promise.

By the way... I realized that having your phone or any gadget in you is kinda nice. You will appreciate your surroundings more, because you are not just focusing your gadgets.

See yah, maybe Dec. 26, 2023 and Advance Happy Christmas to everyone. 🎉🎉🎉

If you want to give me a hot choco in my desk, support me on (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n)


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This is my Paypal account. If ever you want to support me, any amount of money you send will be very much helpful to me.


5 Advanced Chapter on One Piece: The Sinner

2 Advance Chapter on Sorcere King Dimensional Group Chat.)

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