
One Piece: The Sinner

My name is Sebastian Rogers. Well, that's my name before my journey starts if anyone asks what I am doing right now. I would say I am fighting with my wives against the entity called 'Nothingness'; this thing has neither gender nor body. We are having a hard time fighting because this thing is immune to any kind of attack except for an attack imbued with 'Origin'. Right, the 'Origin' is the source of stability for the entire omniverse, and only a few can use the 'Origin', and I am one of them. Also, some of my wives can use it. And back to the fight, me and my wives are fighting this entity because this entity attacked us, and it didn't even give any reason why it attacked us. "Yuechan, Diana, step back and tell the others to go to my inner world." After his wife's retreat, Sebastian uses his most powerful attack to end this fight. He tightly grips his sword and sends a powerful attack that can injure or kill the entity. "Fufufu looks like you've become stronger that could threaten me. It's been a long time, Sebastian, or should I call you Lucifer?" Then the 'Nothingness' revealed her true form, shocking Lucifer. "So your real identity is this, huh? So that's why I didn't find you," Lucifer "My, so you are looking for me." The 'Nothingness' looked at Lucifer with interest. "Yes... It's been a long time" Lucifer ••• Come and join Lucifer Nightsky in his upcoming journey in the omniverse to unveil the truth within it.

Mr_Chocolate · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 6: Mission and Time Skip 2


I'm quite sleepy now and I still have work tomorrow. Dang! It's kinda hard to earn money this day. 🙂

Maybe tomorrow lunch time I'll upload and if not tomorrow afternoon. I'll upload in evening, Philippines time. ☺️

Hope you like it.

By the way, Thanks for 'Charlie Tatham' for becoming my patron! 🎉 I appreciate your support very much.

And to those who want to support me you could check on authors note my Pat reon Account.

And one more thing. I also put my Paypál Account in the Authors note.You could send me any amount of money and it will help me greatly! ☺️


"*Sigh*, the captain did not let us have some fun with that woman," a pirate said to his crewmates.

"Yeah, we did not taste that beauty; such a pity she died from the pleasure Captain brought to her." Another pirate replied while laughing pervertedly.

The pirate, who was laughing, separated his head from his body and flew toward the sea.

All the pirates who are laughing suddenly hold their breath and look at the pirate whose head was separated.

"ENEMY ATTACK!" One of the pirates yelled that, causing all of his crewmates to wake up from their own dreams.

"Find the enemy that killed our crewmate." Another pirate yells to his crewmates, but his body is sliced in half.

Two pirates out of ten were dead. Only the captain, vice captain, and six more pirates remain on the ship.

"The hell is with you all; why are you screaming like a girl in the middle of my rest?" a man who looks like a horse said to his crewmates.

"Raklo, we are attacked by an enemy; Alfonso and Aguire are already dead," the vice captain said to the captain of the ship, whose name is Raklo.

"Damn! Who is brave enough to oppose 'The Great Raklo'?" Raklo said, looking at his surroundings to find the culprit.

"Hahahaha!" Lucifer appears in front of him, laughing, but his laugh is like a reaper of death who is going to sentence his subject to its demise.

Raklo looks at Lucifer warily, because Lucifer is giving the vibe that it is your end.

"Who are you?" Raklo asks warily, readying himself at any time if ever the man in front of him attacks him.

"You don't need to know my name," Lucifer said while waving his hand, and the space in Raklo distorted, and he died miserably. All of his body and organs are scattered in the deck.

The vice captain and the six more pirates fell for each other because the strongest in their pirate group died miserably at the hands of the enemy.

"If you didn't let me remember my past, I will let you go, but it's a pity, you did after all." Lucifer looked at the seven people who were scared like a cat, slumping on the ground and on the verge of crying.

Lucifer leapt at the sky and used his devil fruit to lock the space in the sky so he could stand. After that, he waved his two hands at each other and said


Then the seven pirates bodies tore each other apart, blood spurted at the surroundings, and each organ of the pirate could be seen. This technique is inspired by Trafalgar D. Water Law.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would surely vomit and lose consciousness from what they had seen.

"Their boat would be useful if I left the island." Lucifer uses his devil fruit power to clean the dead bodies of pirates to teleport into the ocean. And as for the dead woman's body, he will bury her on the island to somehow let her rest in peace.


"Phew, I guess this should be enough." Lucifer looked at the pit he made for the woman.

He then placed the woman's body in the pit and started to cover it with sand. After covering the pit, he placed a cross on the wood and said,

"I hope in your next life you will find happiness." Lucifer looked at the grave he made and left.

"Sigh... 8 years... 8 years have passed, yet I couldn't forget you, Alex." Lucifer sighed. He looked at the sky, and if someone saw him, they would surely notice the painful expression that he was showing.

"Cheer up, Lucifer; maybe in the future you could revive her, or if she is already reincarnated, you can find her. If you have enough strength, you can do all of it," Aina said to Lucifer in order to cheer him up.

"Right! How could I forget it? I, myself, am a transmigrator person. I should have thought this early, but I didn't. Thanks, Aina," Lucifer said to Aina, and she thanked her for sharing that information. Now he has hope that he could meet her fiance again.

"I'm sure dead if ever we met and she found out that I have formed a harem. Well, let's not think about it; I still don't know when we could meet." Lucifer shivered in a moment when he remembered that his fiance, Alexandra, is a tyrannosaurus-type lady.

Lucifer used his devil fruit to teleport to his hut. After that, he took a little rest before continuing his training.


"Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!" Lucifer took a stand while punching the air, and a wind pressure was created by each punch he made.

"This should suffice for today's training," Lucifer said while drinking some freshwater he found in the forest.

After drinking water, Lucifer walked inside his hut and took some fruit for a snack. And when he finished it,he walked toward the forest to take a bath in a small lake there.

Several minutes later, he saw a clear lake and took a bath before going to sleep.

When Lucifer is done cleaning himself, he goes back to his hut to sleep, but before he sleeps, he stares at the calm sea for a while.

"Goodnight, Aina," Lucifer said to Aina.

"Goodnight to Lucifer," Aina responds to Lucifer.


Unknowingly, seven months have passed, and Lucifer training is done. He completed his mission two months earlier, but he decided to train two more months before he set sail in the ocean, which was full of danger and adventure.

"It looks like we are going to leave this place, huh?" Lucifer said while looking at the island where he lived for a year.

"Well, let's go, Aina, and could you show me my status? I didn't even look at it in a whole year, haha. I want to know your strength," Lucifer said to Aina with a smiling face.

"Okay, Lucifer... Here," Aina says, showing the status of Lucifer.

[Name: Lucifer Nightsky]

Age: 19 (31)

Race: Human

Bloodline: None

Constitution: [@#$%]

Strength: A

Speed: A+

Physique: A

Spiritual Energy: A+


100x Growth (Unrankable)


Swordsmanship (intermediate)

- Navigation(Basic)

Cooking (Advance)

Assassination (Expert)

Armament Haki (Advanced)

Observation Haki (Advanced)

Conquerer Haki (Basic)

Suki Suki no Mi (Advanced)


• System Points


• Shop



Mission 1: Completed

Mission 2: Completed

Mission 3: Completed

• Inventory

• Gacha

Lucifer, look at his stats; his strength is comparable to that of a vice admiral. He also noticed that the system changed a bit; he did not mind the change.

As for the conqueror Haki, he awakened it when he declared in 11 months here that he would change this world into a peaceful one; not that it was out of pity, but he would do it for his future lover, who hates a Celestial Pig... *Ahem* Celestial Dragon.

Also, all of his missions are done, but he still doesn't take the reward, but now he will take it and use it.

If you want to give me a hot choco in my desk, support me on (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).

5 Advanced Chapter on One Piece: The Sinner

1 Advance Chapter on Sorcere King Dimensional Group Chat ( I am writing the 2nd Adv. chapter, maybe tomorrow I'll continue to write. I am tired and sleepy for real now)


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