
One Piece: The Sinner

My name is Sebastian Rogers. Well, that's my name before my journey starts if anyone asks what I am doing right now. I would say I am fighting with my wives against the entity called 'Nothingness'; this thing has neither gender nor body. We are having a hard time fighting because this thing is immune to any kind of attack except for an attack imbued with 'Origin'. Right, the 'Origin' is the source of stability for the entire omniverse, and only a few can use the 'Origin', and I am one of them. Also, some of my wives can use it. And back to the fight, me and my wives are fighting this entity because this entity attacked us, and it didn't even give any reason why it attacked us. "Yuechan, Diana, step back and tell the others to go to my inner world." After his wife's retreat, Sebastian uses his most powerful attack to end this fight. He tightly grips his sword and sends a powerful attack that can injure or kill the entity. "Fufufu looks like you've become stronger that could threaten me. It's been a long time, Sebastian, or should I call you Lucifer?" Then the 'Nothingness' revealed her true form, shocking Lucifer. "So your real identity is this, huh? So that's why I didn't find you," Lucifer "My, so you are looking for me." The 'Nothingness' looked at Lucifer with interest. "Yes... It's been a long time" Lucifer ••• Come and join Lucifer Nightsky in his upcoming journey in the omniverse to unveil the truth within it.

Mr_Chocolate · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 39: Time Skip II

Here's the chapter, hope you all like it.

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And thanks to those who greet me happy birthday!!!

I appreciate you all 🥹🥰


"Captain Lucifer, I can't stay in this form for too long. I can only stay for at least 10 minutes" Said by a beast who has a human face, lion body with the wings of a dragon, and a metallic tail.

"This form takes too much stamina to maintain " Added by the beast while looking at the man in front of him.

"Don't worry too much, Jean Bart, you are already good at it. Just practicing for a week and you can maintain 10 minutes of this form is already good." The man whose name is Lucifer said to Jean Bart and smiled at him.

Yes that's right, a week has passed since they arrived at the unhabitable island and when Jean Bart ate the Neko Neko No Mi, Model: Manticore.

"I'll leave you. I still need to look at the others training and keep up the good work." Lucifer said to Jean Bart and left the place and went to the others

Lucifer appear at the shoreline where the others practicing. Law and his crew are doing hard exercise like for example, lifting a heavy boulders in their back while doing push-up and other are in the squat position having a heavy boulder in their shoulder.

Law on the other hand, expect for lifting heavy boulder. He have chain on his wrist and leg. The chain is made out of sea stone, the weakness of devil fruit user.

Although he doesn't fear the weakness of devil fruit, because Lucifer help him to remove the sea curse on him. He used the sea stone as weights and it greatly help him, because in this week full if training. His strength rose up significantly.

Lucifer have a happy expression at this scene and the result of thisbweek training, because all his crew strength rose up. He then look at the right side of the guys and saw four women training seriously.

Nami, Nojiko, and Ikkaku are exhausted, but they perceived and still continue to train. Although Nami, has complained always, she is one of his crew that took the training seriously. Nojiko on the other hand have struggled in the first couple of days of this week, but now she can keep up with others.

Ikkaku the only girl of Heart Pirate didn't struggled, because she have some experience in training. Lastly, the last girl in the four women, Makino.

Makino like Nojiko struggle at first, but thanks to the 'cheat' she is now good as the experience crew of Law.

This development of her surprised the other especially Law. He witnesses how Makino struggle in her first day if training, but in the next two days. She can keep up with other. I mean wit other is Him, Penguin, Jean Bart, and Bepo who are a trained person.

Lucifer didn't tell the others about the 'cheat', because he thinks that it is good that it was kept hidden and only him and Makino know.

'and for my future lover..... If I have ' Lucifer inwardly said in his mind.

"Don't worry you will have another lover. Because you are a pervert "

Lucifer then heard a sweet voice in his mind.

"That's not true, Aina" He complained at the system fairy.

Back to the topic.

Lucifer walk to them and the other look at him, but didn't stop training. They still continue in their own world.

"So how's the training today?" Lucifer walk at Law and ask.


"Like the other day. It is refreshing and quite good." Law said and then he take down the heavy boulder.

"Good, tomorrow training will be different, because I'll start training you and the other about the Haki. " Lucifer look at the man in front of him and said with a smile on his face.

"Good " Law was surprised at first and the he grin and said to Lucifer.

"Continue to train one more hour and then we are done with this day's training. I want you all to rest early, because tomorrow training will be different " Lucifer shout at them and disappeared at the place he is standing.


Four thousand meters under the sea, a male figure can be seen. The man open his eyes and his figure on the sea disappeared. The man appeared in the sky and took a deep breath.

"I can only hold for about 40 minutes. My body is quite sore because of the pressure under the water. But this kind of training is really good. It enhances my defence " The man in the sky said while moving his shoulder circularly.

"Hmm... They are already done huh... Let's go back " The man added and look at the certain Island. Then he disappeared at the sky and appeared at the huge futuristic ship.

He appeared at one of its room. To be exact the Captain room, he go to the bathroom and take a shower and after that he got dressed and walk toward to kitchen where the other is located.

After walking a couple of minutes, he saw group of people eating and talking happily.

"Lucifer where did you go?" One of the poeple ask him. The one who ask is a woman who have a dark green hair, and brown eyes.

"I did train a little bit. So what is the lunch, Makino?" He said to woman with a smile on his face.

"Nojiko and I cook roasted meat, salad, and lastly for the dessert are chocolate cake and orange pie" The woman named Makino said to him.

"Woah it looks like I'm going to eat a lot" I said shoutingly.

"Sure! Here's the food " Makino then hand me a plate full of meat and a bowl of salad.

"Thanks Makino. By the way where is Law?" I give my thanks to Makino and then ask the group of people where is the other crew members of our.

"Captain Lucifer, He is in his room sleeping" A talking white bear said to me.

"Really? Haha" When I heard that Law is sleeping. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Let's leave him alone. It looks like he is tired" I added and start to devour the food in front of me.

I also join at their talk even though something I just nod. The girls talk about their training and sometimes Makino and Nojiko would ask me about some food recipes.

I gladly talk about them some recipe and they listen carefully while taking mental note. Nami and Ikkaku also listen attentively even though they are not cook.

Unbeknownst to them, the bright sky turned dark with many shining white dots on it.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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