
One Piece: The Sinner

My name is Sebastian Rogers. Well, that's my name before my journey starts if anyone asks what I am doing right now. I would say I am fighting with my wives against the entity called 'Nothingness'; this thing has neither gender nor body. We are having a hard time fighting because this thing is immune to any kind of attack except for an attack imbued with 'Origin'. Right, the 'Origin' is the source of stability for the entire omniverse, and only a few can use the 'Origin', and I am one of them. Also, some of my wives can use it. And back to the fight, me and my wives are fighting this entity because this entity attacked us, and it didn't even give any reason why it attacked us. "Yuechan, Diana, step back and tell the others to go to my inner world." After his wife's retreat, Sebastian uses his most powerful attack to end this fight. He tightly grips his sword and sends a powerful attack that can injure or kill the entity. "Fufufu looks like you've become stronger that could threaten me. It's been a long time, Sebastian, or should I call you Lucifer?" Then the 'Nothingness' revealed her true form, shocking Lucifer. "So your real identity is this, huh? So that's why I didn't find you," Lucifer "My, so you are looking for me." The 'Nothingness' looked at Lucifer with interest. "Yes... It's been a long time" Lucifer ••• Come and join Lucifer Nightsky in his upcoming journey in the omniverse to unveil the truth within it.

Mr_Chocolate · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 37: Two witnesses [R18]

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"I'll tell them later about the devil fruit and let's see who want this cheat fruit." Lucifer look at the Devil Fruit in his hand and shook his head.

"This devil fruit is really OP. " Lucifer then put the devil fruit in his inventory and went to the control room to have some talk and pass time.


The bright sky earlier now is dark and full of shining little dot. The Apeiron Elpis is now in her auro pilot mode. The people in the ship, Lucifer, Makino, Nami and lastly Nojiko are now eating in the dining room.

Law and the others is in their respective ships and currently following the Apeiron Elpis.

Thw four people in the dining room are happily talking about themselves. For example, Nojiko, she is talking how she learn a thing or two about controlling the ship, because her sister, Nami, teach her.

She enthusiastically share this new found experience to Lucifer, Makino, and lastly her sister, Nami.

And you don't realize time flies fast. Lucifer and the others finished their dinner and said goodnight to each other. Nami and Nojiko went to their respective room while Lucifer and Makino stay a little bit and go to the observation deck to watch the beautiful ocean and the sky at the same time.

Lucifer took the hands of Makino while walking till they arrived. He and Makino sat at the chairs on the observation deck. Makino lean her head onto the shoulder of Lucifer and appreciate the beautiful scenery in fron of her with the man she love.

"Makino are you ready for tomorrow's training?" Lucifer ask the woman besides him.

"Yeah and I'm looking forward to it!" Makino who her head is leaning to the shoulder of Lucifer said excitedly.

"Great! Because I'm looking forward to it too, especially since I'm the one who will overlook the training. So... Don't expect that I'll give you special treatment just because you are my woman. I'll give all my best to train all of you!" Lucifer said to Makino while he lean his hed to hers.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, you said to me that since we 'did' the things. I now have a boosting talent and I will use it to the fullest so I can be your pillar." Makino said to Lucifer.

"What did we do?" Lucifer teasingly ask the woman beside him.

"You know what we did!" Makino blushing said to him.

"No! I don't know what you are talking about" Lucifer feigned ignorance.

"Lucifer!!!" Makino look at Lucifer and sat on his lap while gently punching him.

"Okay okay... I'll stop now. " Lucifer smiled and said to Makino then he...


Lucifer kissed Makino at her lips and he held the waist of her and then chug.

Makino was taken a back, but in the end. She enjoys the kissed of Lucifer. They don't stop kissing till they are out of breath.

"Lucifer..." Makino look at the eyes of the man she loved and then call his name in a sultry tone.

Lucifer who heard the seductive tone of Makino, couldn't help but notice that his throat is quite dry. He look at the woman in front of him that staring him with a hot gaze. He didn't wasted anymore time and then teleport the two of them to his room.

Makino was taken aback, but she recovers quickly. She look at Lucifer and saw his head approaching to her. She closed her eyes and wait for a moment until she feel something soft touch her lips.

The two kissed each other and Lucifer touch the dress of Makino anf use the system inventory to store it. He broke from the lips and look at the woman in front of him with only underwear.

[A/N: What a convenient way to use the system inventory.... I hope I have that ability, Hahaha. (For camping purpose 😏😗) ]

His little brother is now screaming.

Makino didn't expect that Lucifer is using his devil fruit power to undress her. She was surprised at first, but now she took her underwear and two modest mountain and a beautiful forest can be seen.

Lucifer was stunned at the scenery in front of him. He held the mountains in his hand and squeeze it a few times.


A seductive moan come out from Makino mouth.

Lucifer took his clothes and underwear and put Makino on his lap. His awaken dragon is touching the tummy of Makino.

Makino was quite embarrassed at their position.

Lucifer and Makino look at each other. They kissed once again, but it was a french kiss.

They enjoy themselves at each others embrace. Lucifer broke the kiss and put his head on the neck of Makino and started to kiss it.


Makino moan at the kiss of Lucifer and she felt something touching her lower lips. She felt warm on her vagina and after a few moments her body quiver and had an orgasms.


Lucifer lay down Makino on the bed. Makino position was quite hot, because her leg are open widely and it is showing her pink vagina to Lucifer.

Lucifer tried to lick Makino garden, but was stopped, he looked at Makino.

"Don't lick it. It's dirty and I haven't taken a bath yet." She stop Lucifer and said to him.

"Don't worry about it, Makino. For me it's not dirty." Lucifer said with a smile on his face and approach the garden of her.

His tongue touch a wet and soft vagina of hers and he started to move it. After a couple of moments, Makino, had an orgasms again.


"Lucifer I couldn't take it anymore " Makino said to him.

Lucifer nodded at her and fix their position on a missionary and then pointed his penis on her vagina and thrust it.


Makino moan and feeling like she is in the heaven.

"Ahh...ahm...ahhh" Makino moan by each thrust of Lucifer.

*Pak* *pak* pak* *pak*

Lucifer didn't stop and just moving his waist upside down.

After a couple of minutes, Lucifer, felt something coming out and he fasten more his paced untill....

"Makino I'm cumming " Lucifer said.

"Me too, let's cum together. Ahhh!" Makino said and then tremble. She felt something hot down there in her vagina.

"Hah..." Lucifer let out a sighed and took out his penis out if the vagina of Makino and then a white substance flowing from her garden.

"That was good. It's like I ascend " Lucifer said and teased Makino.

"Uhm.." Makino nod at him and then she hig him.

"Let's sleep now"

Unbeknownst to them, two girls witnessed what they did to their room and the two girls face is like a tomato.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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