
One Piece: The Sinner

My name is Sebastian Rogers. Well, that's my name before my journey starts if anyone asks what I am doing right now. I would say I am fighting with my wives against the entity called 'Nothingness'; this thing has neither gender nor body. We are having a hard time fighting because this thing is immune to any kind of attack except for an attack imbued with 'Origin'. Right, the 'Origin' is the source of stability for the entire omniverse, and only a few can use the 'Origin', and I am one of them. Also, some of my wives can use it. And back to the fight, me and my wives are fighting this entity because this entity attacked us, and it didn't even give any reason why it attacked us. "Yuechan, Diana, step back and tell the others to go to my inner world." After his wife's retreat, Sebastian uses his most powerful attack to end this fight. He tightly grips his sword and sends a powerful attack that can injure or kill the entity. "Fufufu looks like you've become stronger that could threaten me. It's been a long time, Sebastian, or should I call you Lucifer?" Then the 'Nothingness' revealed her true form, shocking Lucifer. "So your real identity is this, huh? So that's why I didn't find you," Lucifer "My, so you are looking for me." The 'Nothingness' looked at Lucifer with interest. "Yes... It's been a long time" Lucifer ••• Come and join Lucifer Nightsky in his upcoming journey in the omniverse to unveil the truth within it.

Mr_Chocolate · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 15: Cocoyashi Village III


Here's the chapter guys! Hope you like it!

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"Arlong, there is a ship nearby at the shore and Nami is there" One of the fish men ran hurriedly and told his leader what he witnessed .

"Hmm... You don't need to tell me this insignificant information. Maybe she is only having a ride and you know what to do after Nami leaves the ship. Hehehe" Arlong looked at his subordinate and laughed maniacally .

"Sure! " The subordinate looked at Arlong and smiled creepily and he left the room.

"But I'm quite confused, Nami's doing is not like this... She always came back alone with her small boats. Well, what would I care about She is just a human hahahaha" Arlong also leaves at his place and went to take a stroll.


Lucifer Point of view

"Are you sure that they will never give our freedoms even if I buy it?" Asked by an orange haired girl.

"I am... You know that Pirates are untrustworthy... Though there are some trustworthy ones, you will only find a few of them and based on what you told me. Arlong, he is a greedy and cold-blooded person and that kind of person would never fulfill their promise, because in their minds, there is only benefit and they can do everything just to get whatever they want"

"The reason I want you to take the plan I made is... I know that you are still hoping that, Arlong, will free all of you by paying him Hundred million beli. And all I want is that the hope hidden within yourself will disappear by what you will witness earlier and I want to teach you also a lesson that not every promise can be fulfilled some are meant to be broken."

"Don't worry... I am watching you all this along and if the situation gets worse. Always remember that I'll protect you, okay?"

Lucifer looked at Nami while saying those words and after he finished what he was saying to her. He patted her head while smiling at her.

"Thanks for everything, Lucifer... And you are right... I still have hope that Arlong will fulfill his promise to me"

"So... I am counting you for protecting me and my sister!" Nami shouted and ran towards where Arlong place is located.

"Well... It's time to make sushi" Lucifer used hus devil fruit powers and flew to the sky while monitoring the orange haired girl.


Nami's point of view

Earlier before we land at tge Cocoyashi Village. Lucifer, talk to me about his plan. At first I thought he would only ask me to lure out Arlong to his place, but his plan is tell Arlong that I have the hundred million beli and want to buy everyone's freedoms from my village.

And if Arlong asks where's the money. I will tell that it's not in my hand and it's on my home. That's all the plan Lucifer told me and he also said to me that Arlong would never give us back our freedom, because he will never let me go as his Navigator.

I thought firstly that Arlong would never do that, because we have agreement back then, but what Lucufer said shocked me. He said that a pirate like Arlong would never do an agreement that had no benefits for him.

And as I ponder. What Lucifer said makes sense... Maybe I'm blind at the hope of freedom after I save hundred million so that's why I didn't think it back then and only think to save money as soon as possible. and hypothetically save hundred million beli and give it to Arlong. He will never let me go, because of my talent in navigating and also the money he received from the residents of Cocoyashi Village every month.

I'm really lucky to board that ship and meet Lucifer or else my hard work will be naught.

As I was on the way to Arlong place which is called 'Arlong Park' I met some fish men and ignored them then hurriedly paced up my walking speed and after a while, I saw a huge building facing the ocean in front of it.

I entered the building and went to the main room where Arlong usually spent his time. After going to thw main room I saw a blue skin fish man with a pointy long nose sitting.

He smiled at me and said.

"Well well, what is my navigator doing here?" The blue skin fishermen said to me.

"I just want to let you know that I have the money you need to let us free from your hands, Arlong." I said to the blue skin fishmen named, Arlong, bravely.

I saw his shocked then he stood up from his chair and smiled at me, showing his sharp teeth

"So 'my' navigator, Nami, where is the money?" Arlong walked towards me till we are metered apart. Then he ask me for the money.

"I didn't currently bring it to me, but it's in my house " I looked at him and smiled and it is not a genuine smile it is a fake one.

"I see... You can take it and bring it here and we can talk about the agreement we talked about in the past., Shahahaha." He laughed said to me and went back to his place and sat.

"Okay, wait for me for an hour and I'll give it to you" I said to him and left at the place.

As. i am leaving, I didn't notice the creepy smile that Arlong making and the hand signal he is making for his subordinates.

When I'm outside, I take a deep breath and said inwardly.

' Just a little bit more time and you and all of the residents of the village will be freed from Arlong hands.'


Arlong's point of view

I look at the human who left at my palace. I didn't expect that she could save up a hundred million beli. I just made up that agreement to let her work for me.

It looks like I need to do something. I pick up a Den Den Mushi and called someone.

"Nezumi, I have a job for you and we can split 50/50" I told the plan to him and hurriedly said to do it immediately.

"Chichichi, Why should I trust you that you'll give me half of the money? You even broke the promise of yours to that girl" The one in another line said to him.

"Don't make a problem with me, Nezumi, or else I'll just kill you and take all the money from myself " Arlong said to the man named, Nezumi.

"Sure do it, Chichichi. But you know, once you kill me and the marine will replace my position with someone else and you can't hide your doing in the past years. I'm sure the newly appointed marine will hunt you, Chichichi" Nezumi laughly said and ridiculed Arlong.

"Nezumi! Don't start with me. This is a serious matter and do you really think that the marine that will replace your position had the strength to kill me. They will just replace you with someone else with the same strength as you. So, do what I said or you won't get any penny" Arlong trying to gold his anger while saying those to the guy in another line.

"Sure, Chichichi " Nezumi laugh and put down the called

"That damn marine, if he is not useful to mel I already disposed of him long ago" Arlong angrily said.

"Well maybe this is the right time to disposed him. Shahahaha"

"Guys come on, we will kill some idiot and corrupt Marines " Arlong look at his subordinate and said to them.

"YEAH!!!" The subordinate yelled excitedly.

• • •

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