
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

81- choose arm



• 50 Points for kissing and groping!

• 200 Points for Getting a blowjob!

• 200 Points for Cumming down her throat !

• 400 Points for Fucking her pussy!

• 200 Points for Cumming in her pussy!

• 1,000 Points for Taking her virginity!

• 400 Points for anal sex!

• 200 Points for Cumming in her ass!

• 500 Points for Taking her anal virginity!

You've earned a total of 3,150 Points!]


Mission:Have sex with Zora! (completed)

You've earned of 30,000 Points!]

[Additional bonus for completing the mission without relying on any skill : point ×3]

[You've earned a total of 90,000 Points!]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Reached level 70, gained 130 stats points]

[All stats have been increased by 13 points]



•Name: Ethan Brown

•Level: 70 (288,450/290,000 EXP)

•Strength: 156(+10%) = 172




•Status points you own: 367


•Points: 239,950

In the captain's cabin, Ethan is lying on the bed while Zora sleeps next to him, using his arm as a pillow.

Ethan looked at the total points he got and smiled, the points he got from the Zora mission are more than the total points he got from all the girls missions.

"System, I have enough points to get my arm back now." Ethan gives the order to the system, because he wants his arm back as quickly as possible.

[As you wish, 150,000 points will be spent to restore your original arm to its best condition.]

[But there are different methods you can choose from to get your arm back.]

[Choose one of the ways to get your arm back:

1- Using a healing potion: 100,000 points

An arm will regenerate within a week after drinking the potion, but that arm will be weak and you have to train it again.

2- Get a metal arm: 100,000 points

The hardness of this arm will be similar to steel but its movement will be slow and difficult to control.

3- Using a healing potion: 150,000 points.

The arm will regenerate within an hour after drinking the potion, and the arm will be in its best condition.

4- Get advanced metal arm: 150,000 points.

The hardness of this arm will be twice as hard as steel, and its movement will be similar to the normal arm and you will not feel the difference between it and your original arm.

5- Get a super metal arm: 200,000 points.

This arm will be able to develop with the user's body, and this arm has the ability to devour types of metals and obtain their properties and develop themselves. The shape of the arm can be changed according to the user's desire. ]

The fifth option somewhat intrigued Ethan and seemed to be the best option he could make, but first he had to ask an important question. 'Interesting. I have a question. If I buy a super metal arm can I feel the things I'm touching with this arm?'

[Yes, you will naturally have a sense of touch as if it were a real arm.]

'I don't care, I want my normal arm back.'

'Choose the third option.'

[150,000 points have been spent on a healing potion.]

[It will take three days to manufacture the healing potion, please wait until everything is ready]

'what? I thought I'd get it straight away'


Ethan sighed and decided to sleep, feeling tired after Zora forced him to do this to her for hours without taking any breaks. He didn't expect Zora to be so fierce in bed, and also she learns skills quickly.

..... .... ... .. . .. ... .... .....

All the crew members except for Ethan and Zora woke up, the girls started getting ready to set sail because Nami and Nojiko had already packed their baggage onto the ship and they had planted several orange trees on the deck.

Kuina looked around but couldn't find Zora anywhere which made her worried, she asked all the girls where she was but everyone didn't know where she was.

"She's sleeping with Ethan in the captain's cabin," Lucy yawned while holding Sora in her arms.

All the girls looked at Lucy in shock, and couldn't believe what they heard, thinking that Zora was the last person in the world who could think of sleeping with Ethan.

Lucy looked at them and then told them information that made them even more shocked, "I'm telling the truth, I also saw them have sex in the training room yesterday when I was breastfeeding Sora."

Upon hearing this, most of the girls ran to the captain's cabin to check Lucy's words.

While Sanju stood in her place while feeling a little jealous, she knows that all the girls in the ship are Ethan's women, but she is jealous because she saw Ethan having an affair with all the girls during the party but he didn't get close to her, also he had sex with Nojiko first though Sanju joined the crew before her.

She is jealous of Nojiko and Zora.

The captain's cabin door was opened and the girls came inside and saw Zora and Ethan sleeping together and Zora laying her head on Ethan's chest and she seemed to be comfortable in her sleep.

Ethan opened his eyes and looked at the girls and asked, "What are you doing looking at me like that, do you want to join?"

"You are awake." Lucy walked to the crib near the big bed and put Sora inside, then walked over to Ethan's side and gave him a kiss.

As Lucy kisses, Ethan looks at the crib and feels strange, 'Where did this crib come from? Why didn't I notice it before?'

Lucy started to undress, smiling, "Let's do this."

"Lucy, when I said that, I meant if you want to sleep too, and I didn't mean that." Ethan looked at Lucy and smiled bitterly. He didn't get enough rest, and it hadn't even been half an hour since he slept before he woke up because the girls came here.

"I don't want to sleep, let's just do it." While Lucy attacks Ethan, the rest of the girls leave the captain's cabin.

Some of them noticed that Ethan was tired so they did not want to join Lucy, while some girls did not share Ethan with another girl so they were ashamed to join Lucy.

"The ship is ready to set sail. Let's set sail." Nami sighed and started giving instructions to sail because it's navigation and because both captains are busy at the moment.

"I'm going to make breakfast." Sanju said as she headed to the kitchen, while Makino followed her to help her with it.

The rest of the girls helped sail the ship.