
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

68- killing intent.

Zora detects Mihawk's offensive route and swings two swords in her hands in the direction of the attack.

However, Mihawk's swordsmanship is excellent. Even if Zora blocked his offensive route, his knife was still one step faster than Zora, cutting through the gap between the two swords and barely scratching Zora's shoulder, leaving a shallow trail.

Zora was not afraid and started swinging her swords towards Mihawk again, Mihawk was able to block all her attacks without even moving from his place.

Mihawk noticed that over time Zora's attacks started to become more coordinated, faster and stronger which made him feel shocked, he had never seen anyone learn about the sword so quickly during combat.

Mihawk stopped defending and started attacking Zora. Zora had a hard time blocking Mihawk's little knife and struggled a little bit each time she blocked his attack.

But over time, Mihawk noticed that she started repelling his attacks more efficiently, she had previously suffered from some scratches every time she tried to counter his attacks, but now she can counter his knife attacks without exposing her body to injury.

Of course Mihawk didn't use his full power nor did he use Haki.

Mihawk continued to attack her until Zora began to be able to confront and attack at the same time, and Zora's efficiency in using the sword became more than Ethan in stages because of her fight with Mihawk.

'This girl's talent is so great, I've never seen such a talent in my life, so if she continues to train and learn more about the sword, there's a very high chance that she can defeat me after a few years.' Mihawk thought while fending off Zora's attacks.

At this moment Mihawk increased his attack power, and aimed directly at Zora's heart, Zora noticed this so she jumped back while blocking the attack.

Mihawk quickly moved and sent out another attack.

Zora blocks a Mihawk's attack and then retreats a few steps, Zora holds one of her swords horizontally above the shoulder of her sword arm, and then performs a circular swing that launches the air compressed projectile spiraling towards Mihawk.

"Sanjuroku Pound Ho"

Ethan looked at this in shock, 'I didn't expect Zora to learn this move even before she reached the Grand Line, her talent had increased so much.'

As Ethan remembers, Zoro first used this technique on Sky Island.

Mihawk looked at the air pressed projectile and a surprised look appeared on his face, but it quickly disappeared and was replaced by a smile. Mihawk used the small knife in his hand to break Zora's attack easily.

Mihawk looked at Zora and asked curiously, "Have you been to the Grand Line before?"

"I've never been there before, but our ship's captain is planning to go there." Zora spoke honestly but didn't lose her guard and kept looking at Mihawk.

"Interesting, I never imagined that there was a swordswoman in East Blue who didn't even go to the Grand Line could use Tobu Zangeki. You really have the capital to challenge me." Mihawk smiled and started praising Zora, he grabbed the small knife and put it in its sheath.

"Young Swordswoman, show your full strength or else you won't have the opportunity to use it later." After Mihawk finished speaking, he pulled the large black sword from behind his back and pointed at Zora. "Let me know your name, young swordswoman."

The moment Mihawk pulled out his sword, Ethan was ready to make a move in case Zora was in danger.

"RORONOA ZORA" Zora holds two of her swords at an angle against each other and rotates them rapidly while running towards Mihawk to create momentum.

she then tried to slicebs up Mihawk with full speed and power with all three of her swords at once.

"Santoryu Ogi: Sanzen Sekai"

This is the ultimate and strongest technique of the Three Sword Style that Zora uses. The power of this attack is much stronger than when Zora fought Ethan.

In an instant, Mihawk and Zora passed through each other.

The sword that Ethan gave to Zora broke but the other two swords were fine. Although it is clear that Zora lost in this confrontation, she did not suffer any injuries.

Mihawk looked at Ethan who was standing on the black ship away from them, "This is a duel between me and this young girl, why did you interfere."

Ethan coldly looked at Mihawk with anger burning inside him, "You tried to kill her a while ago, right?"

When Mihawk attacks Zora, Ethan notices killing intent in the attack, Mihawk was aiming to kill Zora in one attack.

So using both his water control and magic, he created an arrow out of water that was powerful enough to pierce steel, and then fired it toward Mihawk before his attack reached Zora.

Mihawk had two options, the first was to kill Zora and ignore the arrow, but that would expose him to injuries or even death because the arrow went to his head directly, or move his sword to smash the water arrow and give up killing Zora.

Mihawk chose the last option and smashed the water arrow. Or that's what Ethan thought.

Etham jumped off the ship and landed at Zora's side, patting her on the shoulder, "Zora, get back on the ship, this fight is over."

"It's a life or death duel, since this girl was ready to duel me she had to prepare for death." Mihawk spoke coldly while looking at Ethan standing next to Zora.

At this moment Zora's body swayed and almost fell to the ground Ethan grabbed her, but at this moment a large amount of blood gushed out from her body and there was a large wound on her chest.

Ethan's previous thinking was wrong, Mihawk was able to stop the water arrow and cut Zora and inflict fatal injuries.

She was losing blood in large quantities, the wound she received was deeper than the wound Zoro received in the original story, in the original story Mihawk did not aim to kill Zoro but now it was clear that Mihawk's goal was to kill Zora.

All the girls were shocked by the outcome of the fight, there was anger evident in Lucy's expression and she wanted to go and kick this guy's ass but she was holding the baby at this time so she couldn't help but look at Mihawk in anger.

Soon, Ethan used magic to stop Zora's bleeding, "KAYA!"

When Kaya heard Ethan calling her, she was stunned and ran straight to Ethan and Zora's side. "Take Zora to the ship and save her life. Also tell Nami to make the ship sail to Conomi Islands."

"What about you?" Kaya noticed that Ethan was looking very angrily at Mihawk as if he wanted to tear him apart.

"I'll buy you some time to escape from here." Ethan holds Zora's swords that have fallen to the ground, and plans to fight Mihawk with them.

"Do you really think I'm going to let them escape?" Mihawk's current behavior is completely different from Mihawk in the original story, in the original story when he sees a person with talent he will leave him to live, but this Mihawk if he sees someone with talent will definitely not leave him to become stronger, especially someone who has a talent to defeat him after a few years.

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