
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

61- Start

Author: Hello guys, it's been a long time and I haven't been able to write anything for a while, but don't worry I won't drop this novel I still have a lot of ideas and I want to write it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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[The first step, you have to feel the magical blood flowing in your body, then you condense and collect a portion of it in the palm of your hand.]

[The second step, you have to cut your hand and take out the magical blood and make Lucy drink it.]

[The third step, you have to control the magical blood that Lucy drank and move it towards the fetus.]

[When Lucy drinks magical blood, her body will absorb it within five minutes, when the magical blood reaches the blood plasma, you have to control it and prevent Lucy's body cells from absorbing it because the magical blood will be harmful to her.]

[Then you have to keep the magical blood inside Lucy's bloodstream without being absorbed by the cells until the magical blood reaches the fetus.]

[The fourth step, you have to fuse the magical blood with the fetus or rather, feed the fetus with magical blood.]

[The process of feeding the fetus will be very long and may take a few hours, but do not worry if you do everything as I tell you, both Lucy and the fetus will be fine, and there is a possibility that the fetus will receive much more benefits than you think because it is not fully formed yet.]

[After the fetus obtains the magical blood physique, this means that we have finished the difficult part and the easy part remains, which is casting magic on the fetus.]

[After you cast the acceleration magic, one thing is certain: Lucy will need a large amount of food to feed herself and the fetus.]

'Since that's the case, while I'm doing this I'm going to make the girls cook loads of food for Lucy' After thinking about this, Ethan continued searching for Lucy, and on his way found Makino.

"Makino, tell the girls who have the ability to cook to help you cook all our edible ingredients."

"What? Did something happen?" Makino did not understand the reason for Ethan's orders, and his orders are completely unreasonable. If they use all the supplies they have, how can they survive in the sea? There are still a few days to reach their destination.

"I will explain everything later. I also want you to tell Nami to change the direction of the ship and make the ship go to the Baratie Restaurant." At first, Ethan did not plan to go to the Baratie Restaurant and wanted to go directly to the Conomi Islands to defeat the Arlong Pirates.

There were two reasons Ethan didn't want to go there, the first was that he didn't want to delay his promise to Nami any longer and wanted to liberate Nami's home from Arlong's hands quickly.

The second reason why he didn't want to go there is if the events go as in the original story, than Mihawk will definitely show up there.

If Mihawk appears there, Zora will definitely challenge him. This would pose a great danger to Zora and if something went wrong he wouldn't be able to save her with his current strength.

He's not sure if Mihawk will leave Zora alive like he did with Zoro.

Then Ethan asked Makino where Lucy was and she told him she was on deck watching the sea.

"Lucy and I will be in the captain's cabin. I don't want anyone to bother me for the next hours." After saying this, Ethan went straight to the deck.

Ethan found Lucy sitting on top of the figurehead of a mermaid.

Lucy was watching the sea while yawning when he heard Ethan's voice. "Lucy, follow me to the captain's cabin."

Lucy looked back and saw Ethan go up to the captain's cabin so she followed him there.

"Lucy, lie down on the bed." Lucy smiled when she heard this and sat on the bed as Ethan told her, she thought Ethan wanted to have sex with her so she wanted to undress.

"No need to take off your clothes, Lucy, we're not having sex." After Ethan said that, he pulled out a knife and cut his palm with it.

Ethan had condensed and collected magical blood in his palm as he searched for Lucy so he didn't waste any time.

Ethan approached Lucy and put his palm near her mouth, "Lucy, drink that."

Lucy looked at Ethan hesitant and didn't drink the blood straight away, when Ethan saw her hesitation he smiled, "Don't worry my blood tastes sweet, you'll definitely like it."

Lucy didn't hesitate after that and started licking the blood on Ethan's palm, "It's really sweet."

'Is it really sweet? It looks like she's really enjoying it.' Ethan looked at Lucy's happy face as she licked his hand and sucked his palm to get more blood out.

[Yes, magical blood tastes very sweet, and it tastes better than the best sweets. Anyway, what Lucy drank now is enough for the next step, so don't let her drink too much of it, it's not good for you. This could cause you to get tired or even die if she drinks too much.]

Ethan quickly withdrew his hand, 'Are you kidding me that she hasn't drunk 10ml of magical blood yet.'

[I am not joking, magical blood is related to your life and vitality, if you lose 25ml of it you will get a severe headache and if you lose 50ml you will lose your strength completely, and if you lose 100ml you will lose your life.]

[Fortunately, you do not lose magical blood from injuries, it must be extracted from the body by special methods.]

'Damn you should have told me that from the start, I almost killed myself.' At first, when Ethan saw that Lucy was enjoying drinking magical blood, he decided to make her drink more because he thought nothing would happen to him if he lost some blood, but luckily the system warned him.

Lucy looked at Ethan as saliva dripped from her mouth as if she had found the best food of her life in front of her.

'Damn, she's not going to eat me, is she?' Ethan got goosebumps when he saw Lucy's eyes, and he felt like he had made a big mistake by making Lucy drink magical blood.

"Lucy, don't resist." Ethan put his hand on Lucy's head, and moments later Lucy fell into a deep sleep.

'Fortunately I learned the magic of sleep from Balloon' Ethan sighed, if he didn't make Lucy sleep he felt she would devour him at any moment.

Originally, he learned this magic because the next steps may take a few hours and it is impossible for Lucy to stay still that long, so plan to make her sleep during these hours.

'Let's get started.' Ethan put his hand on Lucy's chest, closed his eyes and started concentrating.

... ... ... ... ...

A few hours later, a shriek was heard that shook the entire ship.


'Damn, why does this scene remind me of that old Big Mom' That's the first thing that came to Ethan's mind when he saw an angry Lucy.

[You may have made a new Big Mom here.]

'Shut up, this is not the time for jokes.'