
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

46- New member of the crew

The next day at 11 am.

Kaya woke up and looked around and then found Ethan sleeping next to her, and she remembered what had happened yesterday and how they had done it almost all night, her face turning red when she remembered the strange positions she had taken at Ethan's request.

Kaya tried to move but felt an excruciating pain in her lower part, 'It hurts, I think Ethan and I did more than I could handle.'

Ethan opened his eyes and looked at Kaya who was in pain, the pain evident from her facial expressions.

Ethan wrapped his arm around Kaya and gently hugged her and said apologetically, "Sorry it looks like I went too far yesterday and made you do more than you can."

Kaya was surprised by the sudden hug, she turned her head to Ethan and looked into his eyes and saw the kindness and tenderness in his eyes, she wanted to say it was not his fault because she was the one who tried to keep pace with his pace, but she felt something hot and hard touching her stomach which made her face pale, 'How does he still have Energy despite everything we did yesterday.'

Ethan noticed the changes in Kaya so he pushed his lower body away from her body, "Don't worry, I won't do it to you, after all you're in pain."

Ethan left Kaya and got out of bed and started getting dressed. Kaya looked at him, "Where are you going?"

"It doesn't look like you can move right now, so I'm going to bring you food." Ethan patted Kaya's head and then walked out of the room.

Minutes later, Ethan entered the room, holding a small tray with a glass of water in it, and two boiled eggs and bread in it.

After a while, Kaya finished her food and then started standing with difficulty, "I'm going to take a shower."

"Let's take a shower together." Ethan smiled and took off his clothes and then carried Kaya and started walking towards the bathroom. The bathroom is next to Kaya's room and is directly connected to her room, so Ethan and Kaya don't need to get out of the room.

"Ethan! If you do anything when we take a shower, I won't forgive you." Kaya frowned because she's still in pain and has no mood to do it with him in the bathroom, but she agrees to shower with him.

Ethan didn't plan to do anything with her from the start, "I know you're in pain, I won't do anything with you."

Ethan and Kaya went to the bathroom and then Ethan helped her wash her body and then he washed his body, after that they came out of the bathroom, he helped her dry herself and combed her hair, he even chose what clothes to wear and then helped her wear it.

Kaya felt warmth in her heart when Ethan did all this for her and didn't touch her body lustfully.

Then Kaya got up and started walking out of her room. Ethan looked at it and was surprised, "Aren't you in so much pain that you can't walk?"

"I'm in pain but I can still move normally." Kaya smiled and then approached Ethan and hugged him. "Thank you for everything you've done for me."

"Let's go to the ship, my crew has gone to the ship and they are ready to sail." Ethan grabbed Kaya's hand and then they came out of the palace and started walking towards the cliff where the ship is.

Ethan and Kaya arrived at the ship and found that Merry was standing in front of the ship, looking at Kaya and sighing, then he looked at Ethan and there was anger appearing in his eyes, and if looks could kill, Ethan would have been dead now. 'This damned how dare he sleep with Ojou-sama.'

"Merry, don't look at Ethan like that." Kaya watched Merry's behavior and knew from his behavior that her servant found out what she had done with Ethan yesterday, and she felt very ashamed and her face turned red.

"Ethan, the ship is ready to go." Nami shouted from the ship when she saw the arrival of Ethan and Kaya.

When Ethan heard Nami, Ethan looked at Kaya seriously, "Kaya, have you made up your mind? Do you want to join my crew?"

'Kaya-Ojou-sama doesn't want to become a pirate and she definitely doesn't want to join his crew.' Merry felt confident that she would not agree to Ethan's request.

"I refuse." When he heard her refusal, Ethan gave a sad expression.

'As expected, Kaya-Ojou-sama refused to join his crew.' Merry sighed in relief, but he didn't realize that what he had heard was something completely different from the truth.

"I agree." A big smile covered Ethan's face when he heard Kaya agree to join his crew.

[Kaya is applying to be a member of your ship, do you agree?




[Kaya has been appointed as a member of the ship: Kaya's talent has been increased by 50%]

[As a reward for accepting a ship member, the host will get a talent similar to Kaya in using Devil Fruit.]

[Added new crew member, ship will be expanded]

The ship started shaking and crashing, the girls on the ship were expecting something like this so they weren't surprised, but Kaya and Merry were shocked by what they saw in front of them.

Ethan looked into Kaya's bright eyes and smiled and then picked her up and jumped onto the ship, not even caring about Merry who was standing next to them.

"Let's sail." Ethan gave the orders as soon as he boarded the ship with Kaya.

The ship began to move and began to move away from Gecko Island, Ethan stood on the edge of the ship and looked at the island 'I feel as if I forgot something.'

Kaya asked Ethan what happened to the ship a while ago, and Ethan told her the same thing he told the girls, and then they went to check out the new addition on the ship.

There is one new addition on the ship, which is a large medical room with five beds, a small office, and there is also a large cupboard containing various medicines. There are some devices to measure blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate.

After that everyone came out of the room and started talking to Kaya and asked her how she became a doctor, Kaya told them that this was her dream and that she had been studying medicine for two years.

At this moment a man wearing heart-shaped sunglasses came out of one of the rooms of the ship while yawning and then spoke to Ethan, "Captain, are we already sailing?"

Now Ethan remembers what he forgot, Ethan totally forgot about this guy after they arrested him yesterday, "Who do you call the captain? You're not on my crew."

"Ethan, let him join us for a while. I really want to learn his hypnosis techniques." Kaya hugged Ethan's arm and looked at him pleadingly.

"Well, after you learn everything from him, we'll leave him on one of the islands we come across." At first, Ethan wanted to kill Jango, but if he helped make Kaya stronger, he would leave him alive out of gratitude for making his crew stronger.

After a moment of contemplation, Ethan begins to think of having Jango at his command, but he's not on the crew. Ethan wants to have Jango create another pirate crew, and the members of that crew will be Ethan's subordinates.

... ... ... ... ... ... ...