
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

44- A party

After a while Kaya came out of Ethan's embrace, and Ethan wanted to ask her if she was the one who put them into an illusion. Kaya knew what he wanted to ask, so she said, "Let's talk as we walk towards the palace, and I'll tell you everything."

Kuina catches Jango and ties him up, then everyone goes to the palace.

Kaya tells them that she ate illusion illusion fruit and how she got it and she apologizes for attacking them as soon as they reach the island.

Ethan looked at Kaya and then asked a question that puzzled him earlier, "Why did you put us in an illusion and show your death to us."

"I was just trying to test you and see your reaction to my death." Since Kaya was betrayed by Kuro, she doesn't trust anyone easily anymore so she made Ethan and the others see her death to test whether they really care about her or if they play the role of a good person like Kuro and later betray her.

"Don't do that again, you just make us anxious." Ethan sighed when he heard Kaya's answer.

"What do you want from Jango? Why did you make us leave him alive?"

"I have seen his hypnosis skill and I want to learn it from him." Kaya believes that combining hypnosis skill with her fruit's illusion power would be very beneficial.

"Anyway, we will leave the island tomorrow." Ethan said after they arrived at the mansion, Kaya looked at him and felt uneasy about being separated from him.

"What do you think of breakfast now?" Everyone agreed, especially Lucy, who seemed even more excited when she heard about eating.

After that everyone went to eat but Kaya broke up with them and went to her room.

Then everyone went to breakfast, after they were done, Kaya said, "Let me take you to see some places on the island and you can buy supplies too."

After that, Kaya took them to various wonderful shops selling supplies and after buying the supplies she had the servants take them to the ship and then Kaya took them to various clothing and accessories stores, and she and the girls started trying all kinds of clothes in front of Ethan, Ethan was enjoying this moment of seeing the beauty They wear all kinds of clothes so they bought some bikini and showed it to him. Kaya felt ashamed when Ethan looked at her in a bikini and resisted her urge to hide herself with an illusion.

Ethan bought some clothes as well. He was also happy that he didn't carry any of the things the girls bought but that Kaya's servants carried everything.

After they finished shopping, everyone went to a nearby restaurant and ate lunch, then returned to the palace. Kaya looked at them and then said with a smile on her face, "It was a really great day. How about throwing a party to celebrate your victory over Kuro?"

After that, Kaya parted ways and went to her room to get ready for the party.

Everyone agreed to this and a small party was held in Kaya Palace, the only people present at the party are Kaya and her servants, Ethan and his crew. The servants prepared various delicious foods and drinks, and they were arranged on an elegant table. The hall was well decorated, and a quiet music was run suitable for the parties of the nobles or people with high social classes.

Then Kaya came back and was much better dressed than the simple dress she usually wore.

Then Kaya came back and was much better dressed than the simple dress she usually wore. She is now wearing a beautiful light blue dress that reaches her knees, and the dress is narrow so that it accentuates the curves of her body, making her more attractive. She also put on light makeup to highlight her facial features, making her look very beautiful.

"Ojou-sama, it is really rare for you to wear such clothes." Merry said in shock as he saw Kaya.

"It's okay for me to wear it now and then." Kaya replied as she glanced at Ethan and when he noticed her looks she turned around while blushing, 'I can't believe I'm wearing this for him, I wonder if I look good, does he like what I'm wearing.'

"Kaya, the dress looks beautiful on you." Ethan said with a smile. Which made Kaya before he was filled with happiness and satisfaction.

Lucy looked at this and said, "This isn't the kind of party I imagined, it's very quiet and looks bleak."

"Girls, let's make the party more fun." Lucy screamed out loud all the girls smiled when they heard Lucy, then Lucy started to sing loudly which ruined the previous calm atmosphere, Nami went to the people playing the music and told them to change the melody.

A quiet and elegant party turned into a noisy and chaotic party in moments.

Kaya looked at all this in shock and then smiled, Ethan grabbed her hand and dragged her to the party, "Let's sing and dance at the party too."

"Okay," Kaya said, then joined them.

After that, Ethan started dancing and singing with all the girls, Zora refused to dance with him at first but Kuina persuaded her so she danced with him in the end.

"I've never been to such a loud party in my life. But it makes me feel so energetic and happy," Kaya said with a smile to Ethan, who was dancing with her.

"Kaya what do you think of joining my crew, you were planning to sail anyway." Ethan approached Kaya's ear and whispered in her ear.

Kaya was tempted and wanted to agree straight away, but after thinking she said, "I'll think about it, I'll tell you my decision tomorrow when you're about to leave."

After that the party went on for a very long time and it was getting close to midnight. While the rest of the girls were still partying, Kaya walked out of the party with Ethan, Ethan looked at her and smiled. When they came to a corridor and were alone, Ethan hugged her waist, then lowered his head and kissed her mouth.

Kaya showed no resistance to Ethan's kiss, but rather wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as well.

Ethan put his hand on her buttocks and then massaged her which made Kaya feel shocked and opened her mouth to moan from the good feeling she was getting."Aaah~"

"Mmm~" Ethan took the opportunity and stuck his tongue in her mouth, Kaya started moaning in Ethan's mouth because of the happiness she was getting from the kiss and Ethan's hand rubbing her butt skillfully.

Kaya separated her mouth from his, then looked at him and said, "Let's do this in my room."

"Okay." Ethan agreed, then grabbed her hand and intertwined his finger with hers. Then they started walking towards Kaya's room.