
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

338- Temporarily remove the curse

While Sanju hugged Ethan, Lucy looked at him resentfully.

Ethan didn't know why, so he had to ask her, "What's bothering you, Lucy?"

"It's not fair that you can swim when we can't." Lucy points out to himself and the rest of the girls who ate a Devil Fruit. "How can you swim when you're a Devil Fruit user? Tell us your secret, it's not fair for you to keep it to yourself."

"I didn't try to keep it a secret." Ethan smiled as he hugged her.

"I found a way to get rid of the Devil Fruit's curse by using magic." Ethan permanently removed the curse from his body, so he was no longer affected by sea water or sea stone.

Ethan was already working on removing the curse from their bodies but that would take some time.

According to Ethan's initial estimation, he would have been able to remove the curse within two years from his own body, and perhaps dozens of years from the bodies of others. But he continued to research and improve his method of removing curses and now he can remove the curse from the bodies of others within a few months.

Ethan did not try to remove the curse from them when he was meeting them as Arthur. Because that will lead to a change in the future, and he may not meet Lucy, who hid herself in a barrel so as not to drown.

"Can this curse really be removed?" Lucy and all the girls were excited upon hearing this. Even Croco, who doesn't care about anything, gets excited.

Ethan: "I am already working on removing the curse from you permanently, But that will take another month."

A white aura emerged from Ethan and covered Lucy's body. Moments later, the white aura disappeared, and before Lucy could react, Ethan carried her and threw her into the sea.

All the girls looked at what Ethan had done in shock, 'Why did you do this? Did Lucy do something wrong?'

Sanju was ready to go and save Lucy, but Ethan stopped her and pointed to the sea. "Lucy did not drown."

Moments later they see Lucy appear on the surface of the sea and start swimming, "Ethan, look look! I can swim."

"Didn't you say it would take another month to remove the curse?" The girls looked at Ethan suspiciously.

"I was talking about removing it permanently." Ethan smiled, "But I can remove it temporarily for a quarter of an hour and after the time is up the curse will activate and you'll start drowning again."

"I will also do this for you so that you can enjoy swimming too." After saying that, a white aura spread from Ethan's body and covered all the girls who ate a Devil Fruit, including Chopper.

The girls started swimming and were very happy. They never imagined that they would be able to swim again.

Lucy started challenging the girls to see who is the fastest swimmer.

Chopper didn't know how to swim from the start, so Ethan and Sora got into the water with her and started teaching her to swim.

Fourteen minutes passed, and the girls began to return to the beach, but Lucy continued swimming, and after the time had elapsed, she began to drown and was rescued by Ethan.

"Thank you, Ethan!" Lucy wraps her arms around his neck as Ethan swims back to shore.

"It's great to be able to swim again after so long." A sweet smile appeared on her face, "I haven't had such a good time in a long time."

Seeing her smile, Ethan felt like he was falling more and more in love with her, "Let's do this more in the future, my dear."

Lucy nodded and hugged Ethan even tighter.

After spending hours playing, Ethan decided it was time to go to the Upper Yard.

While they are sailing there, Ethan gathers the girls to discuss something important. "I plan to train you more intensely than before. Training this time will be similar to entering hell"

"What?!" All the girls shouted in unison because the training they were doing was already too much.

Ethan: "Not to worry, after thinking for a while I decided to make this training a choice. If you don't want to, that's fine, you can withdraw."

Now all the girls looked at Ethan strangely as if he wasn't the same person they knew. They were expecting him to force them to train and not allow anyone to evade.

"Ethan, do you have a fever?" Chopper moved closer to Ethan and tried to examine him.

After she examined Ethan, she showed shocked expressions, which made the girls worried. "He doesn't have a fever. He's absolutely fine."

Now all the girls showed shocked expressions as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

Ethan's eyelids twitched upon seeing them like this, "You're acting as if I'm a cruel person forcing you to train."

Nami: "Aren't you?"

"Since we entered the Grand Line, you have started to increase the intensity of training for us. Every moment you are telling us that this world is full of strong people who will be able to defeat us easily."

"Ethan, what has changed?" Zora looked seriously at Ethan, expecting a serious and satisfactory answer.

"What has changed is that I have become strong enough to protect you from anyone in this world."

Ethan sighed, "What's changed is that I now have the power to turn this world upside down with just one command of mine."

Edwar Newgate, Charlotte Linlin, the Mercenary Guild, and the spies he planted in all the world organizations. Ethan can start an all-out war against the Marines and the World Government and he will be sure of victory.

Although Ethan can rule this world at any time he wants, he does not want to leave these girls behind and wants to complete his journey with them.

"I see…" Robin grabbed her chin while thinking about what Ethan had said and then recalled Ethan's disciples who had joined the Marines, "It seems you have accumulated a large number of troops and allies over the past 50 years. Also, you have planted spies in the Marines."

Hearing what Ethan said and Robin's explanation, complex expressions appeared on the girls' faces as they thought the same thing, 'Does this mean that Ethan no longer needs us to fulfill his dream?'

They all remember that Ethan's dream is to be the most powerful in the world and to be the king of the world. And from what Ethan just said, it looks as if he could make it happen any time now.

Sadness permeates them because they feel that they are getting farther and farther away from Ethan and in the end he will leave them behind.

This was just the girls' conclusion. Because Ethan will never leave them behind.

"I don't care about the intensity of the training. I'll do it." Zora gripped her swords tightly and was determined to enter Hell in order to gain the strength to fulfill her dream.

"I'll do it too. As the Pirate Queen, I should be much stronger than I am. shishishi" Lucy laughed cheerfully as she showed her bright white teeth.

"I will too! I don't want to be left behind." Contrary to expectations, Nami agrees to go into training.

In the end, all the girls agreed to go through the training for one reason, which is so that Ethan would not leave them because of their weakness.

"Sora will also participate because it looks like fun." Sora waved her hands in the air looking happy but it didn't last long because Ethan refused to do so which made her sad.

Seeing her sad, he told her that they were going to see her sister now, which made her happy again and excited to see her sister, and she forgot about the training.