
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

319- Emily's shock

Early in the morning.

Emily woke up rubbing her eyes and yawning.

'I haven't slept with Daddy and Mommy in a long time, I'm so glad they let me!' Emily thought happily as she turned her face to the left and found her mother sleeping next to her but when she looked to the right her father was nowhere to be found.

'Why is Daddy not here, did he hate Emily being here so he went to sleep somewhere else?!' A frown appeared on her little face.

But at this moment Ethan entered the room and looked at his daughter with a smile, "Emily, wake up your mom. I made breakfast for us."

"Roger Sir." A smile appeared on her face, 'Daddy wasn't here because he was making breakfast.'


Everyone sat in front of the dining table and Emily was looking suspiciously at Toki and Akame because the two of them looked tired but at the same time there was a happy smile on their faces and it also seemed that they had become more beautiful.

Mostly this happens because of one of Ethan's abilities that allows him to remove impurities from their bodies and make their skin brighter and more beautiful.

"This is strange! How can you be so beautiful in one day? What kind of cosmetics did you use to look like this?" Emily did not remain silent and continued to look at the two suspiciously.

Emma showed a sad expression as she looked at the two girls, "It looks like you guys had a very interesting night last night behind my back, I'm really disappointed in you two for doing this secretly from me."

Akame and Toki lowered their heads, not daring to look Emma in the eyes.

Emily tilted her head in confusion and asked her mother, "Mommy, do you know what they were doing yesterday to look like this?"

"Of course I know." There was obvious disappointment in Emma's voice, as if she had been betrayed by her best friends.

Hearing Emma's tone of voice, both Akame and Toki felt a tightness in their chest.

"They must have stayed up all night putting on the best make-up on their faces while excluding me from that, as their friend I feel as if I've been betrayed."

Confusion appeared on the two girls' faces when they heard Emma's conclusion about what had happened, 'Does she really not know what happened yesterday?'

Akame and Toki looked at each other, 'Why are we so nervous? Didn't Ethan say yesterday that Emma wouldn't mind him having other women?'

It seemed as if they understood each other and looked at Emma at the same time.

But Emma's cold gaze made them feel as if they were in a cold barren area with their bodies shivering from the cold.

"Emma stop bothering them!" Ethan sighed and decided to stop Emma, ​​"You already knew about this yesterday, and I told you to join them but you refused and wanted to stay with Emily."

'Mommy didn't spend time with them for me.' Emily was so happy to hear this but she didn't know that her mother was just watching her so as not to interrupt her father's time with the girls.

Emma chuckled, "Their facial expressions were really amusing so I couldn't help but tease them a little."

Toki and Akame relaxed and felt lucky that Emma didn't feel angry or upset with them and she knew everything since yesterday and was okay with it.

While things are resolved and everyone continues to eat their breakfast, Emily still looks suspiciously at the two girls, 'Were they wearing make-up all night to seduce my daddy? Daddy will not easily fall for their deception.'

Ethan noticed his daughter's gaze towards Toki and Akame. "Emily, I need to tell you something.

"What do you want to tell me, Daddy?" Emily tilted her head.

"From today onwards, Toki and Akame will be your mothers."

From the shock Emily choked on the food she was eating and started coughing hard.

'Looks like I picked the wrong time to tell her.' Ethan quickly rose from his place and appeared behind his daughter, quickly using magic to remove the food blocking the respiratory tract, "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

Emily took a deep breath, 'I thought I was going to die!'

'But this was really shocking! I didn't expect them to seduce daddy so easily.' Emily sighed, "Mommy, are you okay with that?"

"As long as your father likes it, I don't mind." Emma gave her daughter a glass of water and gently stroked her daughter's head, "Also, Toki and Akame are cute girls and it would be fun for them to be part of our family."

"Well, I accept them as my mothers. They have a good personality. They are beautiful and strong." Emily had no choice but to accept this. 'Since Daddy has already chosen them and Mommy is okay with that, I can't do anything about it.'

Both Toki and Akame are happy that Emma and her daughter don't mind being with Ethan.

Emily looked at the glass of water in her hand and drank from it, while Ethan spoke. "You actually have over 27 moms you've never met."

The water she was drinking came out of her nose and she started coughing. After she calmed down a bit, she looked at her father in shock. "You're joking, right?"

"No, your father is not joking." Emma took out a handkerchief and wiped her daughter's nose, "Actually, I wasn't his first wife in the first place. If we exclude concubines, I'll be wife number 28."

"..." Toki and Akame

Ethan did tell them that he had many wives other than Emma, ​​but he did not tell them how many wives or concubines he had.

'There are concubines too.' Emily's mind nearly stopped from shock, 'Is it so easy for Daddy to be seduced by women?'

What Emily doesn't know is that women don't seduce her father, but her father seduces women.

"Ethan, there are so many beautiful places in Wano, how about you come with us today?" Emma changed the subject, "What do you think, girls?"

"You're right! I want to show Ethan the beauty of Wano." Toki smiled, "It's more fun than watching blacksmiths make swords."

Ethan agreed and spent the rest of the day with his family.


Author: This is a robbery. Hand over all your Power Stones before you go. lol

If the Power Stones reach 350 PS tomorrow at this time, I will update two chapters.