
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

313- Trap Magic

Ethan decides to delay his trip to the swordsmith a little and for now he is going with the girls to the house he won.

It was a very large Japanese-style house, with many rooms, so Toki and Akame got their own room, while Ethan, Emma, ​​and Emily shared one room.

The reason the three share one room is that Emily wants to sleep with her father and mother.

After seeing the house, Ethan and Hyogoro go out to see the nearest swordsmith while Emily follows her father.

The three girls also left the house and started touring the flower capital to shop.


Ethan reaches the first swordsmith and after Hyogoro talks to him he allows Ethan to see him making a sword.

After seeing the swordsmith's method of making a sword, Ethan was able to learn his method and see all the flaws in the technique.

After getting what he wanted, he went with Hyogoro to see another swordsmith.

This continued until Ethan saw five different swordsmiths with different techniques.

Emily continued to follow her father and did not disturb him, although she was bored. In the end, she could no longer tolerate this boredom and secretly separated from her father in order to explore the capital of flowers alone.

Ethan noticed his daughter's actions but did not say anything and let her walk away because he can locate her through Haki and can help her at any time if she is in any danger.

But just as a precaution, he placed a defensive magic on his daughter's body.


Emily kept walking and looking for something interesting or any artifacts she could buy or take.

Although she is a little girl who looks about two years old, she carries a large amount of money with her, so she can buy anything if she wants.

Emily bought many paintings and vases and made people move them to their new home, which made many criminals notice this rich little girl.

"Brother, let's catch her." One of the criminals was looking at Emily as if she were a large piece of gold moving, "If we catch her we can live in prosperity forever without working."

"She looks cute and I bet she'll be very pretty when she's ripe, so how about we sell her to the red light district?" The group laughed evilly while thinking of all the money they would get from selling the girl.

"I don't recommend that we do that because she might be the daughter of a very powerful samurai and we don't want to be hounded forever." One of them thought rationally and did not want to be reckless because he did not want to get into problems that could not be solved.

"kazuo, Don't be a coward! We can hide our faces when we sell them and then run away to a different county that no one will know about us and we can live in prosperity." After discussing for a while everyone agreed to catch Emily.

Criminals start following Emily and when they see her enter a secluded alley, greedy smiles appear on their faces as they think this is their chance to catch her without being noticed.

The criminals hurried to the alley, but they did not see Emily there, which made them feel puzzled, "Where did she go?"

They started running down the alley looking for her, but suddenly the ground disappeared from under their feet and they fell into a ditch.

The hole they fell into was five meters deep, so they sustained minor injuries.

"What is going on here?! I don't remember there being a hole this deep in this alley" One of the criminals knew this area well so he was surprised by the presence of this hole.

"Maybe that little girl noticed us and set that trap." Kazuo concluded, "Since she is the daughter of a samurai, she must have strong instincts and skills."

The criminal, who appears to be the leader, hits Kazuo on the head. "Are you crazy? She's a two-year-old girl at the most. Even if she knew about us chasing her, she couldn't make a hole on the ground like this in a moment."

"Boss, look!" One of the four criminals pointed upwards, so everyone looked to the edge of the hole.

Emily was standing at the edge of the hole looking down on them while saying in a low voice, "Goodbye, you wicked fools."

After taking one last look at them, she started walking away.

The criminals quickly ran out of the hole to catch up with her, but as soon as they got out, many arrows appeared out of nowhere, heading towards them quickly.

Kazuo and the leader of the criminals manage to block the arrows with their katanas, but the rest of the group is successfully hit.

The leader of the criminals touched the wall from which the arrows came and felt strange that there weren't any holes, "This is strange! Did the arrows come out of nowhere or what?!"

"Maybe that little girl learned ninjutsu from the ninja in the palace." Kazuo guessed.

"We can't let her go back to the palace, we have to catch her!" The leader of the criminals started to run after Emily, but when he took his tenth step, a strong light appeared from the ground and an explosion occurred.

The explosion is not strong, but it does severe damage to the leader.

"Damn it!" The leader's eyes became bloodshot and anger made his blood boil.

"Boss, move carefully, this place is full of traps." Kazuo moved very cautiously, but when he set his foot on a certain area, a rope appeared out of nowhere, wrapped around his foot, and was then lifted aloft.

they saw a maid hanging upside down by a rope wrapped around one of her legs, while her hands were on her skirt so that it would not turn over and show her underwear.

Kazuo was suspended upside down and was feeling embarrassed, 'How embarrassing I told the Boss to be careful but I immediately fell into a trap after saying that. At least this trap does no harm.'

But after he thought this way, a large tree trunk appeared and slammed him in the face.

"How did that big trunk appear in this little alley? What the hell are we facing?!" The leader was horrified.

The boss took a step back, but that triggered another trap.

"This will teach them to think a thousand times before attacking someone."

"The trap magic Daddy taught me is really useful." Emily ignored the criminals screaming in pain and went on to finish her shopping.


Ethan who was talking to the swordsmith felt everything that had happened and sweat appeared on his forehead as he thought, 'Despite her young age, she is very scary and shows no mercy.'

'Anyway, it's good that I taught her to use magic. Now she can protect herself from dangers.'

'But I can't let these idiots live' Ethan patted Hyogoro on the shoulder, "Can you wait here for a moment?"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to clean up some trash!" Ethan smiled disdainfully.

"Trash?"Hyogoro didn't understand what Ethan meant.

Ethan didn't say anything else and moved at such a high speed that it seemed as if he had disappeared from his place and half a minute later appeared in front of Hyogoro.

"Aren't you going to clean up the trash?" Hyogoro felt strange at Ethan's quick return.

"I've already done that."