
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

291- Emma: Don't kill him

"Are you going to kill him?" Emma spoke seriously while thinking of something.

Killing intent appeared in Ethan's eyes, "If he wants to challenge me, he should be prepared to die."

"Don't kill him." Emma let out a long sigh and seemed to be about to get a headache.

"Why? Is leaving him alive any good?" Ethan raised an eyebrow, not understanding why Emma was asking him to.

"My dear, my job is to keep the timeline from collapsing, you have already killed all the Flame Pirates and destroyed an island, and fixing that would be a headache." One of the tasks that makes her unable to go with Ethan to the future, is that she has to fix everything with the help of the goddess and make future events not change much from the law.

So whenever Ethan kills people from this era, it will increase the work that Emma has to do and give her a headache.

Fortunately the goddess seem to help her otherwise she won't be able to do much else.

"I'm sorry Emma, ​​I didn't think about that." Ethan smiled in an apologetic manner but his facial features changed and said seriously, "But even if you told me earlier, I would still kill all the Flame Pirates."

"I know that's why I didn't tell you at the time!" Emma laughed lightly even if it would cause her some problems and headaches, she doesn't care as long as Ethan feels comfortable after killing them.

"But please don't kill the most powerful swordsman in the world, he didn't offend you and just wanted to challenge you." Emma persuades Ethan and he agrees not to kill, but after some thought she says, "Or you can decline the challenge and keep pretending you're sick."

"No, I want to fight him." Ethan's eyes were glimmering, "I want to see what my sword talent will do."

Emma doesn't care anymore as long as Ethan won't kill anyone.

Shakky sitting on Ethan's shoulder didn't understand much of the conversation that was going on between Emma and Ethan but she still knew one thing that Ethan would fight the strongest swordsman in the world.

"Arthur-sama, I want to see your fight with the strongest swordsman in the world." Shakky's eyes twinkled and she was excited to see the fight.

Ethan's expression became serious, "No, that's too dangerous!"

Shakky showed a sad expression that made Emma sigh and try to convince Ethan, "Ethan, you're so strong and you won't make the same mistake so it's okay to take her with you."

Ethan hesitated a little, he made his decision, and a necklace appeared out of nowhere in his hand, or in other words he bought it from the system, and it is just an ordinary necklace.

After that, he sent a huge amount of magic energy into the necklace, and moments later, the color of the necklace turned from green to purple.

After he finished, Ethan smiled and gave it to Shakky, "As long as you wear this, I'll take you with me."

Shakky didn't hear what Ethan had to say and she looked at the necklace in her hand with glee as she muttered in a low voice, "This necklace is beautiful."

"Arthur-sama, thanks for the gift." Shakky quickly wore the necklace.

"The necklace looks beautiful on you, Shakky-chan." Emma made a mirror out of nowhere and gave it to the little girl.

The little girl grabbed the mirror and looked at herself happily, and thanked Ethan again for the gift.

Shakky slipped off Ethan's shoulder and stood in front of him with a pure smile. "Arthur-sama, how do I look? Am I pretty?"

Ethan sighed because he knew she didn't pay attention to what he had said to her earlier and her focus was on the beautiful necklace but he squatted and patted her head and said gently, "Yes, you're pretty. But promise me you'll always wear this necklace."

She nodded, "I promise!"

"And you can call me Ethan when we're alone." She looked at him in confusion, so he explained to her that this was his real name while Arthur was a fake name.

Ethan plans to tell all his women his real name so soon everyone on Amazon Lily will know that the name of the god of lust and sex is Ethan.

Also, Ethan plans to tell trusted people like Zenny his real name because he's sure they won't tell the world his real name unless he orders them to do so personally.


The three returned to the city and all the women greeted Ethan warmly and Ethan waved kindly to them and then told some of the girls to make all the women on the island gather in the battle ring because he had something to tell them.

After that, the three returned to the palace.

Gloriosa greeted Ethan happily and the look of adoration was so clear to everyone.

Ethan just smiled and told her that he had made everyone on the island gather in the ring of battle because he wanted to tell them something important.

She agreed to it without hesitation and then headed to the battle ring with Ethan, Emma, ​​and Shakky.

Gloriosa never asked why Shakky is with Ethan and Emma because she doesn't care.

It didn't take long for everyone on the island to gather at the battle ring and all the women were shocked to see Ethan sitting on the throne or seat designated for the Empress. While the Empress and Emma stand to his right and left and little Shakky sits on his lap.

As soon as everyone gathered, Ethan started telling them his real name and that he was the god of lust and sex.

"Arthur-sama is actually not Arthur but Ethan-sama?"

"Ethan-sama is actually not a man but a god!!"

"I know that Ethan-sama is not a man, otherwise the time we spent with him wouldn't be so beautiful and pleasant."

"Yes, it is impossible for a man to do that. Ethan-sama really must be a god."

"Our island does not accept men, but Ethan-sama is not a man, so that's okay."

"Yes, Ethan-sama is not a man, he is a god."

Listening to these women, Ethan's face turned black while Emma beside him could no longer contain her laughter and started patting Ethan's shoulder and laughing out loud. "Haha, I didn't expect this from you, Ethan, you're actually not a man. Ha-ha-ha~"

Tears started to come out of Emma's eyes as she laughed out loud after all the women on the island say that Ethan is not a man.

"Silent!!" Ethan said in a loud voice that everyone on the island stopped discussing and the only sound left was Emma's loud laughter, but it stopped after a while allowing Ethan to speak.

"Even among gods there are men and women." Ethan sighed loudly and then tried to explain to these girls.

He couldn't imagine how embarrassing it would be if they went off the island and started screaming that Ethan-sama was not a man.

In the end, he was able to convince them that he was a god and a man at the same time.