
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

281- Five Elders

The Fleet Admiral, one of the Admirals, and ten Vice Admirals were sitting in a meeting and waiting for the Mercenary Guild leader to arrive.

Veins were visible on the admiral's forehead in anger, "Damn when will he come? We've been waiting for an hour here."

Not only was he angry but all the Vice Admirals, so the Fleet Admiral tried to calm them down, "Calm down!"

"How could I calm down? He didn't show us any respect." The Admiral punched the table in anger.

"respect?" A cold sound appeared in the room, then they heard footsteps, and a moment later the door was opened and a very tall man dressed in black clothes and a black mask entered.

Ethan stood in front of them and said in a cold voice, "You don't deserve my respect."

The Admiral was about to shout in anger but the Fleet Admiral signaled him to calm down and then looked at Ethan sharply, "Arthur, stop doing this you're an hour late."

"I'm a busy man, had it not been for Tsuru's request, I wouldn't have come here." Ethan sarcastically said, "Speak why you wanted to meet me."

Ethan's behavior angered even the admiral of the fleet but he controlled his anger, "We ask you to cooperate with the marines to overthrow the rest of the emperors, if you help us you will get the rewards at the head of the emperors even if they are overthrown by us."

"Hahahahaha!" Ethan laughed out loud for a while and then spoke in a cold tone, "What a funny thing the great Marines are trying to ask for help from me after they refused my help previously."

"Do you know what's funny? I told you that if you cooperate with me to overthrow the Flame Pirates, I will help you overthrow the rest of the emperors, but you refused to cooperate with me." Ethan said sarcastically, "I'm not going to cooperate with scum like you, go find someone else."

Ethan turned his back on them and started walking towards the exit.

The admiral stood up from his seat and walked towards Ethan and stood in front of him and said angrily, "Who do you call scum? You are the scum who cooperated with the pirates. Also, don't be conceited just because you..."

Before he could finish what he was saying, Ethan punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

Admiral's teeth fell to the ground and blood came out of his mouth, he was so angry he raised his head to look at Ethan and wanted to attack him but as soon as he saw Ethan's eyes he froze in place.

The Admiral could see the abyss through Ethan's eyes.

"Return the attack if you can!!" Ethan spoke very coldly and used the Conqueror Haki to his fullest strength, and a mighty aura spread out from his body and within moments it covered the entire island.

On that day all the Marines fell unconscious and the Vice Admirals fell to their knees, their body covered in sweat and breathing hard.

The whole island is quiet, and if the pirates attack Marineford now, the Marines will be massacred.

Ethan specially targeted the Admiral, making his forehead filled with sweat, and he didn't dare attack Ethan even though Ethan insulted and punched him.


Ethan stopped using the Conqueror Haki and told the Admiral in a deep and cold tone, "You'd better not get in my way again."

Ethan looked around at the Vice Admirals, then looked at the Fleet Admiral, and when he saw that no one had any intention of attacking him, he was astonished.

Ethan expected that they would have some pride and would not tolerate this insult and attack since they had an advantage because they were in their territory while Ethan came here alone.

Ethan snorted coldly and started walking outside.

"Arthur, stop now!" Fleet Admiral cried out loudly. "That's not the only reason for calling you here, the five elders want to meet you."

Ethan stopped and turned his head toward the fleet admiral, "What do you mean?"

"The Five Elders are a council of the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons that make up the head of state for the World Government." Admiral of the Fleet thought that Ethan did not know who the Five Elders were, so he explained, "They essentially hold the greatest authority over the entirety of the world."

'The only exception being the mysterious Im.' Ethan thought while feeling some interest and wanted to know why they asked to see him. "What do they want from me?"

"I don't know, they have a higher authority than me." There were visible veins on the forehead of the fleet admiral and he seemed to be angry at Ethan. Well, it was only natural for him to get angry after what Ethan did.

If not for the orders of the Five Elders, he would have attacked Ethan by now and with the help of everyone here, they would definitely be able to capture or kill him.

"Well, where are the Five Elders? Are they in Mary Geoise since they are Celestial Dragons?" Ethan pretended that he did not know about the Five Elders and showed his confusion.

"Yes they live there and I will take you to them." The admiral of the fleet stood up from his seat.

At this moment a blue-haired girl walked into the meeting room and seemed to be worried, "Fleet Admiral-sama, everyone on the island has passed out."

Adral of the fleet looked at Ethan with amazement and anger. He didn't expect that Ethan's Conqueror Haki would be able to cover the entire island. If this was going to be war, and Ethan brought members of the Mercenary Guild, everyone on the island would be massacred.

Then the fleet admiral looked at Tsuru and thought, 'She must have a very strong will because she hasn't lost consciousness, if she is trained well, she might become a Vice Admiral or an Admiral.'

But what the Fleet Admiral doesn't know is that Ethan was able to control the Conqueror Haki and did not target Tsuru or his nine women at Marineford.


Ten girls and several vice admirals prepared one ship to sail to Mary Geoise, the fleet admiral was surprised because there were so many girls who could resist Conqueror Haki but he didn't say anything.

The Fleet Admiral noticed something these girls had in common, that they all had an affair with Arthur.

In any case, the journey did not last long and they reached the red port.

The red port is seemingly built on two Yarukiman Mangrove, which allow the land to have the same properties as Sabaody Archipelago, consisting of occasional bubbles floating in the area. It has several low buildings with cylindrical roofs, at least one of which is a restaurant with Chinese decor. On its shore, there is a large ship's bow structure with the World Government symbol under its bowsprit, surrounded with smaller ports for ships.

The port features two very large vessels called Bondolas, made of bubbles, and are connected by wires to act as lifts back and forth from Mary Geoise at the top of the Red Line.

Ethan and Fleet Admiral boarded Bondolas and began taking them to the top of Red Mountain.

'Are the five elders the same ones who appeared in the anime or are they different people?' Ethan thought curiously.

Ethan didn't say a word and kept looking at the sea, and the fleet admiral couldn't tell what he was thinking or notice his facial expressions because of the mask.

After a while, they finally arrived at Mary Geoise.

The general architecture of Mary Geoise has an 18th and 19th century European style. It is located very high above sea level, so it is surrounded by clouds and fog. Around the city are artificially planted forests as well as rivers; their source of water is unknown.

The two of them headed straight to where the Five Elders were, not meeting any celestial dragons on the way.

They entered Pangaea Castle and continued walking for a while until they reached a room where the five elders were.

Ethan looked at the five elders and noticed that they were the same people who appeared in the anime and manga.

● Author: I have no desire to show five different elders, so I will include the same five elders that appeared in the anime.