
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

278- Chiyu Chiyu no Mi

Although Ethan was shocked by Kairi's recovery, he quickly calmed down and canceled Kairi's technique that made movement difficult for him. "This technique no longer works against me."

Kairi was looking at him angrily but calmed down and decided to put her entire focus on fighting Ethan so she stopped trying to make a hole in the space cage in order to escape.

Cyrus looks at Kairi and smiles because he knows how well Kairi recovered to peak condition but after a few moments he looks at Ethan seriously as he orders Kairi, "Support me!"

Ethan's eyes flashed coldly and then he used his teleportation to appear in front of Cyrus and when he was about to punch his stomach his fist disappeared and appeared in front of Ethan's face.

Ethan stopped his attack and then tried to punch Cyrus with his other hand, but Cyrus ignited his entire body with white fire and then pushed it towards Ethan.

Ethan didn't care about the flames touching his body and his fist kept moving towards Cyrus but Kairi tried to use space manipulation to move Ethan's fist again but that didn't work this time and his fist reached in front of Cyrus' face and punched him so hard that Cyrus' body flew backwards.

Ethan's clothes were completely burnt, his body had some burns, and his mask was broken. 'Although my body can resist physical attacks and slashes, the fire and heat can still affect it.'

But Ethan didn't care about this and used the life energy he collected from the pirates to heal his body within moments.

Suddenly the flames on the buildings started gathering to create giant balls of flames in the air and the flames started turning from red to yellow and then turned white.

These giant balls of flame began to split into many smaller balls and filled the air around Ethan with balls of flame, then the balls began to gather around Ethan.

Ethan wanted to use teleportation to escape but he couldn't because Kairi did her best to stop him.

From all sides Ethan was struck with balls of flame and everything around him blazed with a blazing white flame.

The balls of flame hit Ethan making Cyrus smile as he sees that Ethan's shadow is still inside which means he hit him successfully, "He's definitely dead. The temperature of that attack is over 2500. Even the strongest metals in the world will melt from it."

Cyrus' right cheek was bleeding and also some of his teeth were knocked out by the previous punch and he feels a little dizzy but this dizziness disappeared moments later.

Moments later, the flames disappeared, but Ethan was unhurt, because around his body was a violet spherical barrier made of space energy.

"Tch! This guy is so annoying." Cyrus clicked his tongue.

Ethan removed the barrier and looked at the two of them who began to use all their strength to confront him.

Ethan looked at his hand and felt that he was about to reach a new level of Haki but he didn't care about it and looked at the two of them coldly and then used the strongest punch he currently had.

*Hakai no panchi*

As Ethan punches the air in front of him, he manipulates space to make his hand appear in front of Kairi's face.

Her face was hit the same as what happened a month ago.

Her head was pushed back with very great force.

But this did not end and Ethan punched her in the chest with another punch with the same force as the previous punch.

Kairi's body flew backwards at a great speed as blood flowed everywhere and her body destroyed many buildings and her body only stopped after traveling a very long distance and crashing into a space cage.

The punch was much stronger than it was a month ago, but Kairi was very careful and when Ethan hit her she manipulated into space to transfer most of the force to Earth, destroying a wide area of ​​the island and making a hole 300 meters in diameter.

Although it transferred most of the force away, the punch was enough to smash her front teeth and create a crack in her skull.

The second punch broke five ribs and some of her internal organs were crushed.

'Although she has great offensive powers, her defense is very weak.' Ethan thought about this when he teleported to Cyrus's side.

Ethan punched Cyrus so hard in the ribs from the right that he spurted blood out of his mouth, but his bones didn't break as easily as Kairi's. He then grabbed Ethan's arm and prevented him from moving, then placed his other hand on Ethan's chest and Ethan's entire body caught white fire. "Don't underestimate me, brat!"

While Ethan's body was burning, he moved his right hand and punched Cyrus's left ribs, and did not stop there, as he continued to punch his face and chest in succession. Although his body was now burning in flames he continued to punch Cyrus.

Cyrus left Ethan's left hand because of the pain and wanted to get away, but Ethan kicked him in the chest so hard, which made him fly away and crash into a building.

Ethan manipulated into space and quickly removed the flames from his body and his body was severely burned but Ethan thought, 'This injury is less than I expected.'

[This is because your body gradually acquire immunity to the flame and at the same time your haki becomes stronger the more you get an injury and then treat it.]

Ethan nodded and then healed himself with life energy again.

Although Ethan can fight even if he does not heal himself with life energy, he prefers to do so.

Then Ethan bought another outfit and mask from the regime and put them on.

Ethan's eyes turn cold as he searches for Kairi using the Observation Haki.


Kairi stood up with difficulty and used the Observation Haki to search for Adonis.

Once found, she used teleportation to appear in front of him, "Adonis, treat me quickly."

"Kairi-sama! You're badly injured again." The blond-haired man frowned and said worriedly, "If I cure you to the perfect condition, my life will be shortened again."

"If you don't cure me and Cyrus, no one can stop him and we will all be killed." Kairi spoke hard as she fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Adonis sighed and then used Chiyu Chiyu no Mi to cure Kairi to her perfect state within moments, but using his fruit in this way made his life shorter.

After fully regaining her strength, Kairi uses the Observation Haki to check the location of Ethan and Cyrus and feels that Cyrus is being kicked and sent away, "Adonis, go treat Cyrus while I stop that bastard."

Before Adonis left, Ethan appeared in front of him, his hand pierced Adonis' chest and shattered his heart, causing him to die straight away, "I didn't expect you to have Chiyu Chiyu no Mi user in your crew."

Kairi opens her eyes wide as Ethan pulls his arm from Adonis' body and drops his body to the ground and quickly produces a large pool of blood.

Ethan didn't care about the dead body beneath him and quickly walked toward Kairi with killing intent.