
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

272- Refusing To Help

There was a man walking quickly towards one of the buildings with a serious face and as soon as he got there he started hearing angry screams from a woman he knew and he was surprised because he had never heard her screaming in such anger before.

As soon as he walked in and saw her face, he was shocked because he almost didn't recognize her because of her current disfigured face, if it wasn't for her similar voice, hair and aura, he might think she was someone else.

"Bring the doctors, you bugs!" Kairi kicks one of the men around her who is trying to calm her down, "Bring the best doctors ever!"

Kairi kept kicking that person's face until she smashed his head and killed him, making everyone around her very frightened.

"Kairi, wasn't that guy one of your favorites?" Cyrus walked towards her and patted her shoulder with a smile.

Kairi calmed down a bit and some regret appeared on her face as she looked at the dead man under her feet, "Damn, not only was he handsome but he's good in bed too, unfortunately he died like that."

"It doesn't matter to me that I have many other men." Kairi looked around at the handsome men she had collected over the years, and for the first time saw fear on their faces instead of happiness, "Don't worry I'm calm now, clean up and don't forget to get all the doctors as soon as possible."

The handsome men listened to her and one of them started cleaning up while the rest went to get all the doctors on the island.

"This is something new. I've never seen you lose yourself in anger before." Cyrus hugged her and looked at her with a smile, undisturbed by her disfigured, bloodied face. "What happened? And who did this to you?"

"Just as we were planning I went to make Charlotte Linlin our whore, in the meantime I ate her candy so she got berserk and started destroying the town." Back then Kairi didn't stop Linlin and enjoyed watching that girl destroy the town while she was looking for her. "Then the Mercenary's Guild leader appeared and easily defeated Charlotte Linlin."

After that, she explained everything and how she was defeated and how she killed Rosie, but fear appeared in her eyes as she remembered the Conqueror Haki that exploded from Ethan's body.

"I will gather our pirates and destroy the Mercenary's Guild for you." Cyrus left her and started walking away.

"No, I am the one who will destroy them. for now you are gathering information on them." A cold look appeared in her eyes, "Killing that girl did not extinguish my anger, I will destroy his guild and all those he loves and make him suffer but for now I have to treat my face."


At the same time, on another island, Ethan told Emma what had happened.

A sad expression appeared on her face because she knew who Rosie was and she herself treated that girl when Ethan first brought her in and kind of treated that girl like her own daughter, but what saddened her the most were Ethan's current facial expressions. "What are you planning to do now?"

His face was very cold but his eyes were burning with anger and sadness. "I will gather all the guild members to attack the Flame Pirates, and I will completely destroy them."

"I will help you." Emma looked at him firmly.

"No, you are pregnant." Ethan's expression did not change as he looked at her.

"But you can't fight them alone." She gritted her teeth, "There are two Yonko-level people and under their command are two pirates with a bounty of over 1 billion, while you are the only strong person in the guild."

"I will ask for help, although I know they will refuse but it is okay to try." After saying this, Ethan disappeared from his place.



"If you help me take down the Flame Pirates, I will help you kill the rest of the Five Emperors."

"I never expected you to ask us to help you with something." The Fleet Admiral looked at the masked person sitting in front of him with a smile, "But unfortunately I have to refuse your request."

"If we help you bring down the Flame Pirates, the rest of the emperors will feel threatened and start an alliance among themselves." The Fleet Admiral clasped his hands under his chin, "This is something we don't want to see so please leave."

"You will regret this." Ethan looked at the fleet admiral coldly.

One of the Vice Admirals was furious at Ethan's disrespect, "How dare you speak to the Fleet Admiral like that, you bastard!"

Ethan didn't say anything, just coldly looked at the Vice Admiral and used the Conqueror Haki.

The Vice Admiral's body trembled and he began to breathe hard, and fear was evident in his eyes as he looked at Ethan.

Ethan stood up and walked outside without saying anything.

As soon as he walked out, a blue-haired girl greeted him with a smile, "Did he agree?"

"No, he refused." Ethan said nonchalantly.

"Arthur, why do you want to overthrow one of the Five Emperors?" Tsuru asked out of curiosity. "Also, you want to overthrow the Flame Pirates, who are considered the most dangerous among all the Five Emperors."

"It's personal reasons." Ethan patted her head, "I have to go now."

"Shouldn't you visit your disciples? Also, it's been a long time since we've been together." Her face blushed a little while playing with the tip of her hair with her finger.

"I'm sorry but I have to do something important now." Ethan noticed that she felt sad and she thought he was ignoring her and might want to break up their relationship.

Ethan sighed and hugged her, "I'll spend more time with you later but now I really want to bring down the Flame Pirates."

Then Ethan tells her that Kairi killed someone dear to him.

"Tsuru, see you later." Ethan kissed her forehead.


On an island full of flowers, Ethan sat in front of Rosie's grave.

He was closing his eyes while trying to improve his manipulation of space. He was trying to create a technique that could hit Kairi even if it made her body intangible.

An hour later Ethan opened his eyes and looked sadly at Rosie's grave, "I'm sorry but I have to go now."

Ethan stood up and sensed Kairi's location using the space mark he had implanted in her body and noticed that she hadn't left Sunrise Island since she went there.

He really wanted to move there and kill her quickly, but he prevented himself from going because his technique was not yet complete.

'A bitch's Devil Fruit abilities are very annoying if she cooperates with other people' Also on that island, the entire Flame Pirate crew was there, and if he couldn't kill her quickly, everyone would gather on him, and even with his current strength, the fight would be impossible to win, 'I have to gather strong allies.'

'Or I can make strong allies.' Ethan thought Charlotte Linlin and someone else if he taught these two Haki and trained them for a while they would be able to help.


"Arthur-sama, I didn't expect you to visit us." Sweat appeared on Streusen's forehead as he looked at Ethan.

"Where's Linlin?" Ethan asked directly and did not want to waste time.

"She's playing with toys right now." Streusen guides Ethan to where Linlin is.

Ethan entered a giant room and saw several toys dancing and singing around Linlin clapping her hands happily.

Linlin noticed Ethan's presence and got scared, the toys sensed Linlin's fear and stopped singing and dancing and looked at Ethan in fear.

The moment Ethan used the Conqueror Haki is still engraved in her mind, which made her feel scared just by seeing him, but her fear disappeared moments later when she remembered how she had given him some candy and he thanked her for that. "what are you doing here?"

"I want you to be my student." Although he cannot make her join his organization, he can make her his student and also form a cooperative relationship. "I will teach you Haki and many more skills."