
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

268- Flame Pirates

Linlin stood up with difficulty and looked at Ethan with anger and malice, although her clothes were torn from behind but her her body did not receive much damage.

But there was still a very small wound on her back and she felt pain for the first time in her life.

"I will never forgive you, thief." Linlin screamed and a sun appeared in her other hand.

She looked at Ethan and spread her arms, and lightning and fire shot towards him at great speed, burning and destroying everything in its path.

From the midst of the flames, Ethan emerged completely unharmed and quickly moved towards her, punching her in the face and dropping her to the ground. "You have really tough skin."

Ethan stood on her breast and looked at her with a smile, "But this area of ​​your body feels soft as if it were a soft bed."

At this moment a short person arrived and was pulling a large cart of candy, but upon seeing Linlin fallen to the ground and someone standing on it, sweat started to appear on his forehead, 'Who is that person? How did he manage to bring down Linlin?'

Moments later more people arrived with carts loaded with lots of candy.

The scent of the candy entered Linlin's nostrils who was lying on the ground so she opened her eyes and quickly stood up and headed toward the candy while drooling.

Streusen and the pirates of Linlin quickly turned away because they did not want to be eaten with the candy by mistake.

"You, is your name Streusen?" Ethan appeared behind the short man.

Streusen quickly turned away from Ethan, "Who are you?"

"Me?" Ethan pointed to himself and smiled, "My name is Arthur, the leader of the Mercenary's Guild."

As soon as he heard that, Streusen became nervous. 'Are we going to be arrested here?'

The Mercenary's Guild was established seven months ago, but it gained a very large reputation in such a short time.

In the first months they were arresting pirates a lot, but now they have reduced their arrest of pirates and started targeting specific pirates.

They began to focus more on trade or requests to protect the nobility and make deals with other companies in order to protect these companies from pirates or something else.

The purpose of this Guild became unknown, because it branched out to include all kinds of businesses, including trade, tourism, building buildings and ships, arresting pirates, providing protection to other companies, and so on. They are engaged in all kinds of businesses, whether simple or large.

But the strange thing is that in whatever business they enter, they do not fail and succeed with great success because of the talents within the Guild.

The name of the Mercenary's Guild did not really represent what the guild was doing.

"Arthur, please don't arrest us." Streusen trembled and his face turned pale because he had previously seen with his own eyes how Ethan could bring down Linlin and did not seem to have suffered any damage, "We didn't plan to attack this town but someone stole Linlin's candy which made her berserk."

Ethan knows that Streusen is not lying and also knows why Linlin was yelling that he was a thief a while ago.

"Well, Well, I didn't expect the Mercenary's Guild leader to appear in this place."

Ethan looked at the rooftop of a building and saw a beautiful woman with short blue hair with one arm wrapped around the neck of a red-haired girl.

"Is this girl a member of your guild? She has a sexy body." The blue-haired woman grabbed Rosie's large breasts and began to move her hand across her body until it reached between her legs.

Tears appeared in Rosie's eyes as she closed her legs tightly, preventing that woman's hand from reaching the area between her legs.

"Get your dirty hands off her!" Ethan looked at that woman coldly.

"Hahaha~" the woman licked tears from the corners of Rosie's eyes, "This girl will be my sex toy and after I finish it I will share it with my captain."

"Don't worry, you'll enjoy it." Seeing Rosie resisting even more she whispered in her ear, "As the captain's dick is so big it will make you feel a pleasure you won't get from any other man, I'm speaking from personal experience."

Ethan's eyes get colder as he hears what the woman is saying and sees how her hand is running around Rosie's body.

"It's Kairi." Streusen bit his lower lip in anger and fear. "She is the one who stole Linlin's candy and made her berserk, and she is also the vice captain of the Flame Pirates."

Ethan didn't care about this information and used his spacetime ability to teleport to that woman's side and punch her.

But his punch passed through her face.

Ethan frowned and grabbed Rosie and took her from the woman's hands.

Ethan pulled away and put Rosie on the floor.

"Thank you, Arthur-sama." Rosie sighed in relief and then spoke seriously, "Arthur-sama you should beware, she's very strong."

"Although she is the vice captain of one of the Five Emperors, she has similar strength to them." Rosie was a specialist in gathering information so she knew a lot and started telling Ethan about this woman named Kairi.

The Flame Pirates were pirates who first appeared forty years ago and weren't interested in anything but their own pleasures.

These pirates are under the leadership of two people, Kairi and Cyrus.

Because of their recklessness, lust and search for their own pleasures, they have always been fighting battles for the past forty years, and most of their battles were life or death battles.

In the end, because they fought many battles and won them, they began to gain fame and the pirates began to join their group and become under their command.

In fact, they did not care about fame and despised it when the Marines nicknamed Cyrus as one of the Five Emperors.

During their years as a pirate they fought many fights against the Five Emperors and most of their fights ended in victory thanks to Kairi.

The last fight between emperors was five years ago and at that time two of the five emperors allied and attacked the Flame Pirates.

The Flame Pirates were dealt a lot of damage while their allied enemy didn't lose too many pirates but had some damage as well.

But it was the Flame Pirates' victory in the end.

Both Kairi and Cyrus were able to stop and defeat two emperors.

It was a one-on-one fight that ended with Kairi defeating one of the Five Emperors.

Kairi gained great fame at that time and was dubbed the Hidden Emperor, although she works with one of the Five Emperors, but she has a similar power to them.

After that battle a bounty of 3 billion was placed on both Kairi and Cyrus' heads.

Now, after five years, their bounties have increased very little because they did not make much noise and the other emperors did not attack them anymore.

The Flame Pirates were considered the strongest pirates of this era.

As for their current bounty after five years:



Bounty: 3.2 billion Belly

Age: 59



Bounty: 3.2 billion Belly

Age: 60
