
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

243- White Bull Pirates

On a deserted island there were many marines hunting animals and collecting fruit.

There were two young men walking behind an old man. The young man with afro-haired spoke to the old man, "Commodore, are you really planning to take the children and the injured man with us? I think taking them with us will cause trouble for us."

The other young man was annoyed by the afro-haired young man's words, "Sengoku, our job is to help people, so we will definitely take them with us."

"Garp, you're an idiot. Don't interfere with my conversation with Commodore, and go eat some rice crackers somewhere else." Sengoku looked at Garp with disdain which made Garp angry and the two started to fight.

Old Commodore punched the two of them in the head, causing them to cry out in pain, "Stop fighting, you brats!"

"Sengoku, tell me why you think taking them with us will cause trouble." The old Commodore picked up a red fruit from a tree and began to eat it.

"We're going after a pirate, and they're going to get in the way of our mission." They have the option to stop the mission here and go back to the sub-headquarters for the sake of these kids and the injured man, but the consequences of that will be more severe because that group of pirates is very brutal and if they leave them, that group of pirates may kill a lot of people. "If we take them with us, they will be a weak point for us and the pirates will use against us."

"I understand what you mean, but we cannot leave an injured person and a group of children on this deserted island." Old Commodore sighed, "Sengoku we marines have a job not only to catch pirates but also to help people."

"Sengoku , Garp, you both have to remember that the Marines are the justice."

"Everyone has their own concept of justice. My justice is helping people who need help no matter what, even if it means sacrificing my life."


After more than an hour.

When the Marines were ready to return to the ship, several people hiding behind the trees came out and started shooting.

Many marines were wounded because they did not expect it and relaxed their defense a little, but immediately after that, according to the instructions of the Commodore, the marines started shooting at these people as well.

Garp and Sengoku ran towards these people and started using their fists to fight. Seeing this, the Marines and the people fighting against them began to draw swords and began to fight closely.

The people who set up the ambush had no chance against the Marines and after a while they were defeated.

The Marines began to quickly treat their wounded comrades and were ready to return them to the ship.

"Commodore, these guys are White Bull Pirates." Sengoku verifies these people and finds out that they are the same group of Pirates that they were assigned to catch them.

"Fuck, the ship is in danger!" Concern appeared on the face of the old Commodore, then he commanded the marines to take the injured to a safe place, while the rest had to follow him to the ship.


At the same time on the ship Marines.

Almost all the Marines were defeated and only a young blue-haired girl and five children remained to fight.

"This is really amazing, I've never seen a child this strong in my life." A black-haired pirate with an old wound on his face running from his mouth to his ear let out a light laugh as he licked the blood on his sword.

Lapanui was sweating profusely as he grabbed his bleeding shoulder, 'I'm sure I got a lot stronger after training with Sensei but it's still hard to defeat this pirate.'

Lapanui is too strong for a kid as he learned Rokushiki and Haki from Ethan for a month.

What made Lapanui frustrated is that even though he's fighting this guy with two of his buddies he still loses and the thing that made him even more frustrated is that the guy he's fighting doesn't even know how to use Haki but they still loses to him.

The reason for this was obvious that although they have learned to use Rokushiki and Haki, they are not skilled in these techniques. (Although their talent increased when they became Ethan's disciples, their talent didn't reach that of Sanji and wasn't even close.)

So after a period of fighting, Lapanui and the other two children lost.

At the same time, Tsuru, Isoka and Rongo are defeated by a white-haired young man, who is the captain of the White Bull Pirates.

"Catch everyone, we'll use them as hostages." The pirate captain laughed loudly as he gave orders to his subordinates and then walked towards Tsuru.

The white-haired handsome young man grabbed Tsuru by the throat and looked at her face, "You are so beautiful. How about we have a little fun?"

The pirate captain licked his lips as he smiled as he tightened his grip on her throat, causing her to suffocate. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be pleased because I have good techniques."

With great difficulty Tsuru spit on this pirate's face, "Don't think you'll be able to defile my body, you scum!"

The captain was not angry at this but on the contrary a savage smile appeared on his face, "This will make it more fun. Resist as much as you like. Whenever you resist, you will surely make me feel more pleased."

Tsuru coldly looked at the pirate captain and she grabbed his arm with both her hands and then with all her strength kicked the area between my legs and everyone in the ship heard the cracking of eggs with a very loud cry of pain.

The idiot loosened his defense because he thought she couldn't fight and now because of that he would never have the ability to have children.

After she kicked him, he left her, so she quickly grabbed the gun that fell from her during the fighting and tried to shoot him, but the pirate captain gritted his teeth and kicked her in the face.

Although he was feeling indescribable pain right now now bearing it and looking at her with bloodshot eyes, "FUCK YOU BITCH!!! I WILL NOT KILL YOU, I WILL TORTURE YOU SLOWLY, I WILL PEEL YOUR SKIN OFF YOUR BODY, I WILL MAKE DOGS EAT YOU WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE."

Then he kicked her in the stomach while she was on the floor and the bastard kept kicking her but the anger inside never subsided.

"My torturing you is not enough to calm my anger, so before that I must destroy you psychologically." He grabbed her by the neck again, lifted her off the ground, and looked into her eyes with hatred. "You don't like to be raped, do you? Then after I kill Commodore and the rest of your companions I will make my whole crew enjoy your three holes. You will become the sex slave of my crew."

Suddenly one of them moved at an incredible speed and punched the face of the pirate captain.

Before Tsuru fell, a tall young man carried her like a princess.

"You!!" Tsuru looked at the young man in shock because the person carrying her was the same person who was very injured and she didn't expect him to wake up so soon let alone move.

"Hello, you were causing such a commotion that I woke up." After Ethan said this, blood came out of his mouth and his wounds opened from the movement and his body began to bleed again.

'Damn what's going on? Why are my surgeries not healing as usual?' Ethan closed his eyes and started checking his injuries using magic, 'Fuck, there is spacetime energy stuck between the wounds preventing me from healing.'

Seeing blood coming out of Ethan's mouth and then closing his eyes, Tsuru became anxious as a complex feeling permeated her, 'Despite his physical condition, he still showed up to save me.'

Tsuru quickly made Ethan lower her to her feet and then looked at him and saw that the bandages that were white had turned red, which made her become more anxious, "That's bad your wounds have opened."

"It's okay I'm fine." Ethan smiled at this girl he didn't know, 'Once I remove the spacetime energy, I'll be really fine.'

"Haha, you have too much strength for someone who is injured." The pirate captain laughed angrily as he got to his feet.

Because of Ethan's punch, his nose was broken, his front teeth fell out and his handsome face became disfigured, "I will make you regret doing this to me."

"I will not regret saving a beautiful lady, on the contrary, you will regret the day you met me." Ethan let out a wry laugh, "Of course that's if you survive."

Tsuru looked at Ethan in a lukewarm, 'He is too arrogant for someone who is about to die because of his injuries.'

"Also, I will definitely make you regret hurting such a beautiful face." Ethan put his hand on her cheek which has an obvious bruise and is slightly swollen.

Her heart rate increased slightly and a slight redness appeared on her face, and she did not know what to do in this situation.

"You bastard! I will kill both of you in the most horrible way." The pirate captain could no longer tolerate provoking Ethan and decided to use his Devil Fruit.

A smile appeared on Ethan's face as he walked toward the Mintaurus but Tsuru grabbed his hand and tried to stop him from fighting, "Stop!"

'Is this girl an idiot? It's not like we have a choice not to fight.' Ethan raised an eyebrow while looking at Tsuru.

"Let me fight with you." Tsuru looked at Ethan seriously and was ready to fight to the death with Ethan.

At this moment a sword was about to cut off her head but Ethan grabbed the sword in his hand.

"You fools, do you think the captain is the only person on the crew? Look around and feel despair." The fat man who tried to cut off her head laughed.

There were a lot of pirates already surrounding them.

Ethan didn't care what the fat man said and broke the blade of the sword and used the broken blade to cut the fat man's throat. "You are just ants, no matter how many you are, they can easily be crushed."

After saying that, a strong aura came out of Ethan's body, and moments later, the pirates fell one by one, and at the same time the ship started to creak and cracks began to appear on its surface.

Only two of the pirates remained conscious, the captain and the vice captain, but both of them had their bodies covered in sweat and were on the verge of collapse.

"what happened?" Tsuru looked around Lake.

"It's Conqueror Haki." Ethan smiled as he looked at the two who were about to collapse and then moved very quickly towards the Vice Captain and cut his head off with the broken blade.

"You motherfucker!" The pirate captain's body was starting to get bigger, white hair starting to cover his entire body and two horns popping up from either side of his head, he had transformed into a shape similar to a Mintaurus.

Then he ran towards Ethan at full speed and as soon as he got close to Ethan he tried to use his horns to stab him but Ethan simply grabbed him without making any effort.

'That's weird, why can't I feel my body?' The pirate captain looked at Ethan, who was holding him by the horn, and was very frightened, and moments later, his eyes darkened.

Ethan tossed the pirate captain's severed head and walked towards his disciples who seemed excited that he was fine.