
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

239- Henzo

"Vice Admiral, we have seen the SHD pirate ship, what should we do?" Suddenly a marine entered the cabin with a worried face.

An old man over the age of sixty looked at this soldier and spoke softly. "Don't attack them and don't go near them."

Vice Admiral is an older man with messy blond hair, thick lips, and wears black sunglasses. He has fairly honed muscles and has bandages wrapped around his arms. He wears a black tank-top under a Marine's coat and also wears long gray pants and green boots.

"Then should we tell the headquarters?" The young Marine sighed in relief as the Vice Admiral was not too hasty and reckless to attack Ethan and his crew.

"No, don't tell them, I'll tell them later, so you can leave now."

After the Marine left, the old man turned to look at the four other people in the room, "It's finally time!"

"Yes, we are looking forward to seeing the teacher again."


Some days after Strawhats leave the goat island, they found an island and dock at a rocky shore.

After that, Freya reduced the size of the ship and took it with her, and at this moment an officer came to tell them to pay tax of docking their ship, but he was surprised that he did not see any ship.

After a while the officer focused more on the faces of Ethan and the girls, his back filled with cold sweat and his lips turning blue from fear.

"It's okay, we won't cause trouble if you don't start it." Ethan smiled as he patted the officer on the shoulder and then started walking away with the rest of the girls and his daughter on the shoulder.

When the tigress walked next to the officer, she growled in his face, causing him to fall on his butt and pee in his pants, then a smile appeared on her face as she walked behind the girls.

After Ethan and the girls left, this officer went to change his clothes and then went to tell the mayor what had happened.

Even though they had everything available on the ship, the girls still wanted to walk around town and shop so Ethan had to accompany them but suddenly there's an old man that call them and ask them about Rainbow Mist. "Did you guys saw Rainbow Mist when you come here?"

"Rai - rainbow what?" Zora asked in confusion.

"Sigh, so you're stupid." The old man sighed while turning his face away from Zora.

"HUH? WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM OLD MAN? YOU'RE THE ONE ASKING." Zora screamed at the old man as her teeth turned into shark teeth in a comical manner.

"Calm down!" Sanju grabbed Zora's shoulder and a big smile appeared on her face at the same time raising her thumb to the old man, "You shouldn't be angry with the truth."

"Looks like you want to die!" After that, a fight started between the two of them, but Ethan and the girls ignored it because they were used to it.

"Can you tell us in details about Rainbow Mist?" Robin was curious and wanted to hear more from the old man so they decided to go to a restaurant and continue their conversation there.

Certainly not all girls want to hear an old man's story so most of them went shopping.

"Ethan what's wrong?" Croco waved her hand in front of Ethan's face when everyone started walking away while he remained standing looking at something but there was nothing in front of him.

"Nothing." Ethan smiled at her and his daughter, who also looked at him curiously.

Then Ethan followed the girls to the restaurant and there was a big smile on his face.

After that, Ethan followed the girls to the restaurant and there was a big smile on his face. The girls didn't know why Ethan was happy and the only person who knew this was Freya.

[New mission available]

[mission: Rainbow Mist!

objective: Get inside the Rainbow Mist.

Reward: 10,000,000 Points.]

All he needs to do is enter the Rainbow Mist and he will get enough points to develop one of his talents into semi-divine, for sure he will be happy with that.

After arriving at a restaurant, they sat down to eat while listening to the old man. "My name is Henzo, i'm researching about Rainbow Mist."

Then he start to tell the story about Rainbow Mist and Robin took out the book about it. Hanzo that only want to be called Professor, immediately take it and read it. But then the shopkeeper tell them to not believe Henzo because he is the Mayor's dog.

Henzo use tax that they got from citizen for his research, so many citizen hate him. The Mayor, Wetton believe that in the Rainbow Mist there's a lot of treasures. So he start to take tax on anything to fund his research about Rainbow Mist, and Henzo is the researcher. That's why citizens call him Mayor's dog.

[New mission available]

[mission: Defend Henzo!

objective: Turn people's hate from Henzo to the mayor and make them gain the courage to stand up against the mayor.

Reward: 20,000 Points.]

Seeing the mission, Ethan smiled while thinking about how to divert the hatred towards the mayor.

They just stay silent , but then there's a drum sound from outside and all the citizen quickly finished their food and drink. When the drum sound end, a bunch of officer lead by a middle aged man with reddish hair come in. He start to collect tax from anything that the citizen doing, even someone that only have a bit of his drink left need to pay tax.

The person with red hair and glasses is the mayor's son.

Then the mayor's son noticed Ethan and the girls and recognized them directly which made his feet tremble in fear, which made the citizens and Hanzon amazed.

the mayor's son: 'Damn, why wasn't I told that a dangerous person like this had arrived on the island.'

"You, return the money to that man." Ethan spoke darkly because he had heard that the money was intended to feed that man's wife and daughter.

"As you like!" Very quickly and without any hesitation, he returned the money to the civilians and looked at Ethan with a small smile as sweat trickled down his forehead, "Sir, I didn't know you were on this island, forgive me for not receiving you well."

All the civilians opened their mouths wide and he couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

Ethan: "Get out of here before I smash your teeth."

Very quickly, he and the officers who were with him walked out and then ordered them to tell the rest of the officers not to cause trouble with Ethan and today they will not collect taxes.

Ethan looked at the civilians in the restaurant, "You are all pathetic people, you keep silent about the injustice that is happening around you. If someone takes taxes by force from someone you will just stand by as if it were none of your business."

"Do you know what the worst problem is, is that you know that your turn will come at any moment and you still do nothing."

"You think your life is miserable because of Henzo and blame him for everything that happens just to make you feel better."

The civilians' faces turned red, one of them stood up and said angrily, "You don't know anything, the mayor and his minions are very powerful."

"Yes, if we try to fight him, we will meet an even worse fate."

"Wan Henzo is definitely the cause of everything happening to us, if he just stops looking for the Rainbow Mist we won't need to pay such high taxes."

The civilians did not listen to Ethan and started screaming, forgetting that Ethan had frightened the mayor's son.

The words on Ethan's forehead popped up as he looked at the idiots in front of him, "You're just idiots, you should think about it."

"Do you really think that all the money that is taken from you is going to fund Henzo's research? Perhaps he was given only 10 percent of that money while the rest was taken by the mayor for himself."

"Do you know what this means? It means that even if Henzo isn't around to do research on the Rainbow Mist, the mayor will milk your pockets to dry. After all, all the mayor cares about is money."

The civilians were no longer arguing with Ethan and remained silent, and after a while Ethan spoke again, "Have you tried standing against the mayor?"

"Some of us have done that and have been beaten to death or imprisoned." Fear appeared on the faces of the civilians.

"You are really pathetic." Ethan looked at them disdainfully, "I bet the people who tried to stand up against the mayor numbered only ten and when they were beaten and imprisoned you were so frightened and none of you dared object to the mayor again."

The civilians lowered their heads because Ethan was right, or in fact the people who confronted the mayor were actually less than ten.

"Have you ever thought about whether you could overthrow the mayor, if all the townspeople came out and fought against this injustice?" Ethan kept talking until he convinced the people in the restaurant that the one they should hate was not Henzo but the mayor.