
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

22- Zora and Lucy

"Where did Lucy go?" Ethan looked around but couldn't find her, then noticed a group of men moving quickly out of town talking, "Hurry up, the two girls have been found, Omaeda-sama orders us to go there quickly."

'Is it possible that they're talking about Kuina and Zora, I'd better check it out,' Ethan thought when he heard one of the men say it. Then he started chasing them quietly so that they wouldn't notice him.


Kuina and Zora were running fast and suddenly a girl appeared in front of them and bumped into them.

"Sorry, are you okay?" Kuina quickly said to the girl in front of them and helped her to stand up, then started running away with Zora.

'It seems I've seen these two girls before' The girl sat thinking trying to remember where she had seen them, then exclaimed in surprise "They are the two strong girls Nami and Ethan were talking about."

"Wait," Lucy shouted as she ran after Zora and Kuina.


Twenty people gathered around a ship of distinctive design and their faces were covered with a big smile. The leader of the bandits looked at his followers and said, "This ship will be sold at a very high speed, so we should never miss it, and this ship has brought us an extra reward."

And when he said the last word, a big smile appeared on his face, which made some bandits curious about the extra reward, so one of the bandits came forward and said curiously, "What is the extra reward?"

"There are two pretty girls on this ship, we can do whatever we want with them after they get caught and then sell them at a high price to the slave traders, hahaha." After saying this he laughed out loud, then ordered his followers to attack the ship.


As soon as Zora, Kuina and Lucy get out of the city they are surrounded by twenty men.

"Why did you follow us?" Zora said as she looked at Lucy warily.

"Are you with them too?" Kuina said while pointing at the twenty men surrounding them.

"No, I'm not with them," Lucy said with a smile, then pointed at them and continued to speak, "I'm here to make you two my friends(Nakama)."

"Friends? We're wanted by the Navy. Why do you want to be friends with us?" Zora asked skeptically.

"Why don't we attack them while they are scattered now?" One of the men asked the person in charge of them in a low voice.

"Even if we attack them now we will definitely lose so there is no point in attacking, our job is to delay them until Omaeda-sama arrives here, so their conversation is in our best interest." He smiled and answered in a low voice as well.

"I don't even care if you're wanted by the navy, after all I'm a pirate, he heard you're strong so I want you to join my pirate crew, shishishi" Lucy grinned.

"I refuse, do you want us to be bad? What a nuisance." Zora said this, she pulled one of her swords and started walking toward the twenty men.

"What's wrong with being a pirate?" Lucy asked.

Zora wanted to attack the twenty men but stopped when she heard Lucy's words and looked at her with disdain. "Pirates are the scum of society, who wants to be like them?"

"Why bother? You're already known as a criminal and evil person." When Zora heard Lucy's words, she got upset and approached her and grabbed Lucy by her vest, and said, "I don't care what people say, I never regretted what I did."

"So then? But I decided you'd be one of my friends." Lucy folded her hands under her chest and showed a big smile.

"You can't decide this for yourself, I'm the one who has to make that decision" Zora yelled angrily as she grabbed Lucy and shook her hard, thinking 'Who the hell is this stupid girl? didn't She hear what I'm saying.'

"How about that, if I help you defeat these guys, you'll join my crew," Lucy said while swinging her arm wildly.

"I don't need your help with this, I can defeat them all by myself." Zora said while leaving Lucy and then turned her attention to the twenty people but she saw them all fall to the ground while Kuina stood near them waving at her "Zora, I'm done with them let's go before Omaeda arrives."

"It's too late, I'm already there." Zora looked behind her and found 30 men standing 20 meters away from her and a huge man in the middle of the crowd with two swords on his back was looking at them with a smile.

"Omaeda, you damn traitor, I'm going to kill you today since you're here." When Zora looked at the man, she felt very angry, but she didn't attack recklessly because of the anger.

"You can't kill me anymore, I'm much stronger than the last time we met, I found a devil fruit and ate it. Anyway, I didn't come here to kill you, an organization called Baroque Works invited me to join them, so I agreed and I came here because I want you to be my partner." Omaeda said with a smile, walking toward Zora and then stopped when he was two meters away from her.

"She's refusing to join you, she's on my crew now so she won't be able to join you." Lucy said as she stood defiantly in front of Omaeda, this is a struggle for recruitment.

'This foolish girl, I haven't agreed to join her yet' Zora thought in annoyance and then looked at Omaeda thinking 'But it's more honorable to join this girl than to join this bastard'

"I didn't talk to you, bitch." Omaeda pulled one of the swords attached to his back and tried to cut off Lucy's head with it.

Zora pulled one of her katanas out of the sheath and repelled the sword swinging toward Lucy's neck, and said to Lucy, "Why didn't you dodge this attack? You obviously could have."

"I was just sure you were going to stop him,shishishi." then a smile covered Lucy's face as she laughed.