
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

216- Titi

Ethan was willing to go on and do so with Crocodile, but it was already morning and it was time for their journey to continue.

If he hadn't done it five times with Misty, he would have had a special time with Crocodile too.

But the five times he did to her was worth that time.

Freya made the ship smaller and then the crew started moving. All of Ethan's crew were unaffected by yesterday's events and talked to each other normally, but the three girls from the Navy and the two girls from the Baroque work group remained silent, thinking about what they had done last night.

But after a while Ethan progressed and about starting a conversation with them, he finally managed to get them to talk to him normally.

Only Misty was feeling a little shy and wanted to stop talking to Ethan but she couldn't get away from him so he kept trying to talk to her and eventually she gave in to his urge and started talking to him.

The only person who looks at Ethan with killing intent and some lust is Crocodile.

But Ethan didn't care about this and completely ignored her and because of this, she became more and more upset.

He plans to slowly taste her later.

While Ethan was talking to Misty he grabbed her hand, she looked at it and didn't say anything, after what they did yesterday, holding each other's hands wasn't a big deal.

In fact, even if Ethan does more than that, she doesn't mind anymore because they've already done that and nothing will change anymore.

At this moment Kuina walked towards them with a key in her hand, "Ethan, using this you can break free from these handcuffs."

How did Kuina make this key? He doesn't know, 'How could she do that when she didn't even know what the key looked like?'

Ethan was thinking of keeping these handcuffs until he completely possessed Misty's heart but Kuina sabotaged this plan on him.

Ethan took the key and freed his hand, Misty looked at the key and then looked away, not expecting Ethan to freed her.

But Ethan also freed her and gave the handcuffs to Kuina, "Take this, we might use it for something."

"Why did you set me free? Wouldn't it be better to keep me tied up? Aren't you afraid that I might attack you?" She looked at his hands in shock.

"Are you going to attack me?" Ethan looked into her eyes.

After hesitating for a while, she said no.

"So that's good!" A small smile appeared on Ethan's face.

There was a complicated emotion within her upon seeing Ethan's expressions. "Will you let me go if I wanted to?"

"If you want to, I won't stop you." Ethan grabbed her hand again, "But I don't mind if you stay with me a little more."

Misty looked at the clear sky and then said, "I guess I will stay a little while until you leave the Alabasta Kingdom."

Ethan was expecting her to go but upon hearing her answer he quickly wrapped his hand around her waist and kissed her.

She was startled by the sudden kiss but did not resist and let Ethan kiss her.


After a while everyone arrived at Alubarna.

Alubarna is built on a plateau near an oasis, to the northeast of Arabasta.

most of Alubarna's structures follow the conventions of Islamic architecture, such as domed buildings and towers.

Access to the city is done through five long flights of stairs located to the west, southwest, south, southeast and east.

Ethan and the girls entered the city through the southern gate.

Ethan and the girls look at the people who are wandering around this boomtown and do not seem to know about the fighting that happened yesterday and about the downfall of their new ruler (Crocodile).

Keep walking until you reach Alubarna Palace.

It's where the royal family and their servants live, located in the center of Alubarna.

"Crocodile led us to the place of Vivi's mother and also the place of Nico Robin." Ethan looked at Crocodile and made her walk forward.

Ethan didn't see Nico Robin in action, which made him worried about her but he felt comfortable when he asked Crocodile yesterday about her and she said Nico Robin was in the palace.

Crocodile snored, and she began to walk in front, and when the guards saw her, they made way for her.

She didn't say she was caught or tell the soldiers to attack Ethan and the girls, she knows that such things are useless, she herself lost easily not to mention some weak soldiers.

"Queen, who are they?" One of the soldiers was brave and asked Crocodile.

"If you don't want to die, get out of my face!" She looked at the soldier angrily, then continued walking without taking another look at the soldier.

Ethan and the girls entered the palace and no one stood in their way thanks to Crocodile and eventually stood in front of one of the rooms, Crocodile pointed to the room, "Both Robin and Titi are in this room."

Crocodile entered the room first.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Nico Robin looked at the person who had entered without even knocking on the door, but upon seeing Crocodile, the annoyed expression vanished and she said with a smile, "She hasn't told me where the Poneglyph is yet."

But even before she could say anything else, she saw Ethan enter the room too, which made her feel shocked.

"Hi, we meet again Nico Robin!" Ethan smiled happily as he saw that Robin was fine.

Nico Robin looked at Crocodile and then at Ethan and the rest of the girls and she didn't understand why Ethan was with Crocodile.

"We have already defeated her and we are here to liberate the kingdom." Ethan put his arm around Crocodile's neck as if they were friends, the two were about the same length.

Robin was really shocked to hear that.

"mom!" At this moment Vivi screamed while darting and hugging a beautiful lady which caught everyone's attention.

Titi is a woman in her thirties with long wavy light blue hair, with two locks hanging down, one on either side of her head, which out at about shoulders-length. she wears her hair down but held back by a clip.

she wears a long-sleeved pink dress, with gold accessories at the waist and arms, and a cape, red on the outside and dark blue on the inside.

She also has a very mature body(big boobs, big buttocks and slim waist) and she looks like an exact copy of Vivi after the time-skip.

Titi hugged her daughter tightly and was in tears of joy at seeing her daughter after so many years.

Ethan looked at the mother and daughter who looked like a copy of each other, and strange feelings emerged in him when he remembered his mission.

"Vivi, what's going on here?" Titi looked around in astonishment, not understanding what was going on here.

After that, Vivi started telling her mom a lot of stuff from her meeting with Ethan to this day but she definitely deleted a lot of her story including what happened yesterday.

Titi gratefully looked at Ethan and the girls and then formally introduced herself to them and said gratefully, "I really thank you for helping my daughter and my kingdom. When I read about you in the papers earlier, I couldn't believe that pirates would save a kingdom but it seems I was wrong."

Ethan walked forward and shook Titi's hand, "Please don't thank me, I'm doing it because I want it."

"Now let's start our plan." Ethan looked at Crocodile with a big smile, "I want you to order the soldiers to gather the people in front of the palace and then I want you to tell your true plans public and exonerate Titi."

"Do you know how much effort I've put in to keep my reputation clean and to get these people to consider me a hero?" Crocodile looked at Ethan angrily, "You can take Vivi and her mother and fuck them somewhere else, people already consider me the ruler of this kingdom."

Both Vivi and Titi's face turned red upon hearing Crocodile saying that, due to anger because she wants to rule the kingdom after all the havoc she had caused and they also felt a bit ashamed upon hearing the second sentence she said.

"Everyone get out of the room! I want to talk to her a little privately." His crew listened to him and walked out of the room but Sanju looked at Crocodile with envy before leaving.

Misty clicked her tongue while looking at Crocodile and Ethan and then walked out of the room and after a while the rest of the women who were not from his crew came out.

Ethan walked towards her but she backed away, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, just a quick massage will make you think better."