
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

176- Massacre

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Alex's POV:-

'What is the councilor doing over there with these people?' I began to suspect that the councilor has betrayed us, that we had been deceived, and what happened next confirmed my suspicion.

The tall person spoke to the bald person and then the bald person started brutally attacking us.

Before my eyes, blood, bowels, heads and arms were splattered as the bald man swam in the blood of my fellow soldiers.

The terror inside me now could not be described in words, I began to regret that I had not accepted my friend's offer and went with him instead of staying here.

Because I didn't want to die I lay on the ground pretending to be dead and used the blood and guts of my fellow soldiers to cover me, I really wanted to vomit but I prevented myself from doing so, while trying to calm my breath and then put some ice in my mouth so that no vapor would come out during my breath.

"I have to survive this, I don't want to die." After a while the place became quiet, and because of the frightening calm, I even started hearing my heartbeat, which increased the fear inside me.

'Fuck please don't find me.' I tried to calm the fear inside me but it only made me more afraid as I remember how my fellow soldiers were torn and imagine that would happen to me too.

Just thinking about it makes me so afraid of the pain that might happen that I'm starting to feel the pain as if this is really happening to me.

'Stop thinking, calm your mind, don't be afraid, you will survive.' I started trying to talk to myself intellectually in an attempt to calm this fear inside me

After a while I was able to calm down and my body felt relaxed and after waiting a while and not hearing anything I was sure they were gone, so I slowly opened my eyes and wished I had never opened them.

His face was close to mine and I could see that savage smile and eyes showing an immense thirst for blood.

I wanted to scream in fear but he grabbed me tight by the neck and lifted me with one hand.

I couldn't take a single breath anymore because of his strong grip and I started to feel the strength in my body evaporating I couldn't move a single finger anymore while tears were flowing from my eyes and at the same time my bladder emptied its contents.

As I nearly passed out, the bald man loosened his grip, allowing me to breathe.

He looked at me with a contemptuous smile and then stabbed my shoulder with his claws, I started screaming as tears started to come out of my eyes and mucus ran from my nose.

I could no longer feel my surroundings from the pain and screaming, but the only words I heard from the bald person gave me some hope of living, "You can go."

He left me and I fell to the ground, he looked at me waiting for me to stand.

I slowly stood up and looked at him for a moment and saw that he was signaling me to go.

I looked at him for the last time and then began to walk away with difficulty. At first I suspected he was playing with me, but even though I'm so far away now I don't hear anyone following me.

'Did he really let me live?' There was some happiness inside me and a fountain of hope began to erupt in my heart as my steps quickened.

My joy only lasted for a few seconds, then I felt that my body became lighter than the right side. I did not feel any pain at first, but after a while I noticed the disappearance of my arm and then the pain spread to my brain as I screamed and rolled on the ground.

The hope within me vanished and was replaced by despair as I looked at the bald man with a hideously sinister smile.

"It's so amusing, giving hope and then taking it away. You give me great facial expressions. Ha-ha." The bald man started laughing, enjoying my suffering.

This fear inside me, this pain that pierces my soul and tortures me, he enjoys seeing this.

'Why is this happening to me?' I began to wonder as life seeped out of my body and my vision began to darken.

'I hate this'

'I want revenge'

'I want to torture him like he did me'

'I wish I could survive to see his suffering'


Ethan walked towards his daughter playing with the snow to form a snowman.

After playing with his daughter for a while, the ghost came to tell him that Wapol's subordinates has been gathered, so Ethan left his daughter with the tigress to protect her.

Ethan moved quickly following the ghost and after a while a group of 47 soldiers appeared in front of him.

All the soldiers were trembling as they looked at Ghoul and Skeleton but Ethan didn't care about that and walked towards the ghoul.

"These are the only ones who are loyal to Wapol, the rest were so happy because of his death so we didn't bring them in and let them go." Ghost spoke to Ethan.

Ethan didn't care about these details and started with the order of the Ghoul, "Kill all these soldiers and suck the death energy inside them."

Ghoul howled with joy and lust for blood as he rushed towards the soldiers and began cutting them with his claws and tearing their flesh with his fangs.

The soldiers started screaming in fear as they saw the Ghoul attacking them and brutally tearing them down.

They started shooting at him but he was very fast and he dodged them all while using his claws to cut the guns and their arms, the ghoul looked at them as they rolled on the ground in fear, suffering and pain and started laughing.

Some soldiers started running away at full speed but the ghoul moved with amazing speed and cut off the head of everyone who tried to escape and then started killing everyone and starting to absorb death energy from them.

The ghoul noticed that there was a person pretending to be dead lying next to the corpses, which made a big scary smile appear on his face.

"This is cruel and disgusting, it seems his nature has changed after he turned into a ghoul or maybe he has always been like this." Ethan sat watching the new Wapol brutally murder his former subordinates without an iota of mercy.

"According to my memories Wapol has always been cruel and evil and I don't feel any difference between the old and the new Wapol." The ghost floated next to Ethan, and according to the memories he had of Wapol, he was eating everything from weapons, houses, and even people.

"It is better that he not be killed in this brutal manner from now on because it will tarnish my image in this world."