
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

164- The Challenge

"Say, Mr. Dorry." Vivi said politely getting the giant's attention. "How long does it take for the log to reset on this island?"

"One full year!" he said with a smile causing Lucy's eyes to widen and Vivi to pass out.

The only person whose expression did not change was Ethan because he already knew it.

"One year?" Lucy asked causing Dorry to nod his head before he replied.

"Yes, most people never survive that one year. They usually succumbed to the elements or get eaten by an animal." he said before he turned the meat over on the fire.

"Ethan, it looks like you already knew this." Vivi looked at Ethan whose expression did not change at all even after hearing that they had to stay here for a whole year.

"Yes, I know that, and that's why I kept it." Ethan took out of his pocket the Eternal Pose that had been given to him by Nico Robin.

Vivi's eyes flashed but she frowned after a moment that she still doesn't trust Nico Robin and still has doubts that the island that Eternal Pose refers to is just a trap.

Just then Dorry took the meat off of the fire and place a large piece of the dinosaur in front of the group.

"Eat up my friends." he said before he picks up another piece from the fire and bit into it.

Ethan took the katana out of its sheath and cut the meat very quickly and then distributed it to the girls and the duck and put a large amount in the aquarium but it shrunk and looked like a grain of salt, surely this piece of meat couldn't fill Laboon's stomach.

But this made him think of the possibility that they would become self-sufficient in terms of food in the ship. 'I will hunt a large quantity of sea kings and breed them in the aquarium and we will have an endless supply of sea kings meat.'

After that, Ethan walked to Vivi.

Vivi took the piece of meat from Ethan before looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

Ethan smiled at her as he places his hand on her shoulder before he spoke.

"Don't worry, I said I was going to get you home and stop the war and I will." he said in a calm voice causing her to smile slightly before nodding her head at him.

Then Vivi asked Dorry why he stayed here on this island, so he told them that he had been here 100 years ago fighting against another giant and even he forgot the reason for the fight after such a long period.

"Dorry, I know about you and Brogy, and I know why you've been fighting for a hundred years." Dorry looks at Ethan in shock while Ethan tells them about the reason for the fight.

While everyone is talking Lucy is eating meat very quickly while Sora is just listening and not participating.

after Ethan finishes explaining Dorry starts laughing out loud. "Gegyagyagyagya! I really don't care because of our fight, what matters is who wins in the end and proves who is the strongest and the champion of Elbaf and this is also about honor"

Vivi was shocked, that the reason for their battle was too trivial and not worth wasting a hundred years of their lives.

But what shocked Vivi the most is that Ethan knows what happened 100 years ago. "Ethan, how do you know all this?"

This question also intrigued Dorry so he looked at Ethan, but Ethan disappointed them by not giving them a definitive answer "I know more things than you can imagine."

Then the corner of Ethan's lips rose to form a charming smile as he continued "In fact, the reason I came to this island is to meet you and Brogy and challenge you to a fight."

Vivi opened her eyes wide in shock, while Dorry looked at Ethan seriously, "Are you sure about that? We Elbaf warriors will not tolerate anyone during the fight and will use all our strength to achieve victory."

"I know." Suddenly one of the volcanoes off to the left of the rock erupted causing everyone to look over at that.

"Well then, it's time to get going." Dorry said before he got up from his sitting position causing Lucy and Vivi to look over at him in confusion.

Ethan noticed something about Dorry, his whole demeanor changed, his eyes became cold and his posture was that of a warrior getting ready for war.

The volcano then erupted a second time before Dorry spoke.

"Please forgive me, that's the signal my opponent uses to mark the beginning of our fight." he said as he picked up his shield and sword.

"If the outcome is not decided during this fight, I will tell my opponent that you want to fight us." Dorry looked at Ethan seriously and then started walking toward his opponent.

Ethan looked at the battle with a big smile on his face, excited to fight the two of them after their fight was over.

After a while Dorry and his opponent falling down to the ground before they started laughing with each other.

Dorry and his opponent then got up and his opponent handed him something before they went their separate ways. Dorry came back over and sat down with some barrels in his hand.

"Brogy has agreed to fight you and I also agree to fight you. Our fight will start after the volcano erupts." he said as he sat down.

Then he pointed to the barrels in his hand "Brogy said he has guests over and they gave him these wonderful refreshments, he was kind of enough to share them with me."

"He said that lady made the drinks out of nowhere, I wish I could have that ability and make endless drinks for me. Gegyagyagyagya!" he said causing Luffy to chuckle.

"The lady you're talking about is from my crew." Ethan smiled because Dorry was obviously talking about Makino.

"Gegyagyagyagya! Then I should be thanking you for this lovely refreshments a well." Dorry started laughing then he held up two barrels between his fingers before he broke the tops in with his thumb and began drinking.

After a while the volcano erupted indicating that it was time for Ethan's battle against the giants.

Then Ethan and Dorry went to the battle site to meet Brogy.

Ethan looked at Brogy who was approaching and smiled.

Brogy is a giant who dresses in a Viking costume, which consists of a red overall with golden button straps, fur linings, a leather strap around his right shoulder and another as a belt, yellow pants with black stripes and fur linings at the bottom, yellow shoes, and a red helmet with two horns. Brogy has a blond beard shaped like an axe's blade, beady eyes, a wide grin, and a pig-like nose.

"Hi Brogy, I'm Ethan." Ethan walked toward the giant while introducing himself.

"I am the greatest warrior of all of Elbaf, I am Brogy. I'm a little curious as to why you're challenging us" Brogy smiled while resting his giant battle axe on his shoulder. Whatever Ethan's answer may be, he will accept the challenge.

"I want you to recreate the Giant Warrior Pirates and be part of my pirate fleet." Ethan believes that it is unfortunate that these two remain on this island without using them, and he also wants them to participate in a war between Whitebeard and the Marines if it occurs.

"I agree if you can defeat us." Dorry smiled and then looked at Brogy, "I'll go first."

Brogy agreed and sat aside to watch the fight.

"Your weapons are very worn and about to break, so this is a gift from me to the two of you." A beam shot out of Ethan's hand and landed on Dorry's shield, long sword and even his clothes, and moments later the shield, sword, and clothing were restored as if they were new. After that, Ethan did the same with Brogy.

Although this cost him some points, this is a very small price compared to the points he owns.

"I thank you for your gift, but I will not go easy on you in a fight." Dorry smiled while holding his long sword tightly.