
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

158- Ethan VS All Girls

Lucy looked at her wanted poster and then at Ethan's and was sad, "Why is Ethan 300 million while I'm 200 million? It's unfair we both are the captain."

"That's because he killed a Vice Admiral, while you didn't." Makino patted Lucy on the back to console her.

"Why is my bounty 67 million while mosshead is 120 million? Obviously I'm much stronger" Sanju said grimly.

"The Marines have good eyes and they know I'm stronger than you, ero-cook." The corner of Zora's lips rose into a mocking smile.

"Let me prove who is stronger, mosshead." Sanju stopped eating and stood up while Zora did the same and they were ready to fight.

"Zora, Sanju, stop fighting, we're eating." They could not disobey Ethan, so the two of them sat down on their chairs.

Meanwhile, Ann was trying to comfort her depressed bird, "Balloon, don't be depressed. They must have thought you were just a normal animal."

*chirp* *chirp*

*But I am not an ordinary bird, I am a bird that can use magic.*

*How dare they put only 1,000 Belly as a bounty on my head.*

'At least it's 1,000, not 50.' Ethan thought of Chopper.

"Don't worry, as soon as they know your true strength, they will put a bounty in the millions on your head." Balloon felt better hearing Ann's words and decided it would do something interesting or defeat a powerful enemy in order to raise its bounty.

Nami didn't want a bounty and she's a little scared with her bounty but at least she think the photo in the wanted poster to be very cute.

"Only 500,000." Kaya said while looking at her wanted poster.

"They must think you can't fight, but if they knew your true strength they'd put the bounty of over 100 million Belly on your head." After all, Kaya can lead anyone into an illusion except for those who use Observation Haki.

"Makino-san, you're not expected to get such a high bounty." Vivi said in shock, as she got the impression that Makino is a kind and weak woman and is just a cook on this ship.

"This is probably because I defeated someone with a bounty of 40 million Belly." A gentle smile did not leave Makino's lips as she answered Vivi's doubt.


It's been three days since the crew sailed.

Ethan sat in one of the training rooms while his eyes were bound with a black cloth.

Suddenly Hailey advanced very quickly and used her spear to try to pierce Ethan's body, but Ethan moved quickly and evaded her attack.

Ethan can receive her attack and will not show any scratches on his body but if he does that then there is no sense in the training they are doing.

Clara, who is closest to Ethan, used the rapier in her hand to try to cut him, but he managed to pass by her and using the palm of his hand hit her stomach and sent her flying backwards at great speed.

Sanju grabs Clara before hitting the wall of the practice room, while Alvida swings her mace behind Ethan.

Ethan knew Alvida was attacking him so he dodges and then covers his arm with Armament Haki and when he nearly punches her, Nojiko shoots him.

Ethan dodges the gunshots while Alvida quickly turns away from him while at the same time Zora, Kuina and Hailey rush towards Ethan.

Hailey grabbed her spear with both hands while stabbing three times at great speed, meanwhile on both sides of Ethan Kuina and Zora moved trying to cut him with katanas.

Nojiko kept shooting and with her skill and talent she could shoot without affecting the attacks of the other girls.

Ethan took out two katanas that were hanging around his waist and swung them with great speed forming a tornado around him that fended off all attacks at the same time.

After that, Ethan disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Nojiko and kicked very quickly, but before he hit her, a barrier appeared between them, which repelled his attack and did not show any scratch on the barrier as if it was indestructible.

Ethan fought against all the girls in the crew and continued to excel in this fight for a long time until the girls started cooperating more and coordinating their attacks.

The longer the fight lasts, the girls discover new ways to cooperate and make better joint attacks.

The fight went on for hours and Ethan always had the upper hand.

*Diable Jambe*


Sanju's leg turned a yellow-orange as if it was on fire, after that she moved quickly.

Ethan tried to evade, but Ann used her fire magic and Nojiko used her pistols to shoot everywhere there was a chance for Ethan to evade.

Meanwhile, Nami uses the Perfect Clima-Tact to create lightning over Ethan and attacks him.

Ethan was struck by lightning that Nami created first and then Sanju kicked his face with great force.

Ethan is fired at Lucy.

*Gear Second*

*Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling*

Lucy stands still, bends forward and moves her arms upwards at speeds which they can no longer be seen, leaving only jet streams in their place, very much like how the Jet Pistol looks.

The hits land so fast that, after a volley, they seemingly connect simultaneously. The circles of air bursts from the punches surrounding Lucy, resemble the many barrels of an actual Gatling gun.

Not only that, but with every punch she sent, Lucy was able to use Busoshoku Haki, which made her attack more powerful.

Ethan used Tenkai and Busoshoku Haki to defend himself from Lucy's powerful attack.

Because Ethan's feet were not on the ground he was sent flying towards Mikita who moved so fast as if she was disappearing.

*Ten thousand kilo.*


Imagine what would happen if something weighing 10 tons moved too fast and hit a person.

With both feet, Mikita hit Ethan's chest and Ethan flew toward Zora, who prepared to use her strongest tactics.

*Kiki Kyutoryu: Ashura*

To onlookers, it appears as if Zora gains an additional pair of heads and four more arms, all wielding duplicates of her swords—each appearing twice more, for nine swords total. At the same time, an indistinct, six-armed, asura-like silhouette forms behind Zora, the same entity she comes to resemble.

*Ashura: Makyusen*

Zora, holding her swords so that the blades are pointing toward Ethan, leaps toward him at great speeds, powerfully slashes him with all nine of her swords at once, before ending up in a stance that has the blades resemble a wheel shape.

Although Zora cut him off, he was still affected by Mikita's blow and still flew and crashed into the training room wall. And from the force of the collision, the wall, which was supposed to be as hard as steel, was shattered and Ethan's body came out onto the deck of the ship.

"Girls what are you doing, how dare you do that." Freya who was watching the fight cried out in anger.

"Did we go too far in hitting Ethan?" Most of the girls lowered their heads with some guilt.

"But Ethan told us to use all our strength, Kyahahaha!" Mikita laughed.

Freya didn't care why the girls said and ran towards the opening in the wall and what she said after that made most of the girls fall to the ground from shock.

"How dare you do that to my beloved body." Freya looked at the hatch while saying indignantly.

"That's what you mean!!!" All the girls screamed in shock, they thought she was talking about Ethan but she was talking about the ship.

Moments later, the door to the training room was opened and Ethan walked in, not injured at all, but his clothes were torn to shreds.

"Ethan, you really are a monster. After receiving all these powerful attacks, you are still completely fine." Mikita said in confusion and shock.

"That's because I covered my body with dragon scales, so naturally I wouldn't get hurt." Ethan spoke with a smile.

He was happy with the cooperation the girls had in the last attack. He also benefited a lot from this fight and made great progress in learning Observation Haki and Armament Haki.

"Dragon Scales?" Mikita tilted her head in confusion.

"that's what I mean." black scales began to cover his entire body, then two large horns appeared on his head, wings and a long tail appeared from his back.

"You are a a Zoan type devil fruit user!!" Mikita and Vivi said in a shocked voice, it was the first time they had seen Ethan using it even during a fight before he hadn't used it.

"Then that's why you are called the Black Dragon." Vivi said in realization.