
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

154- Pirate crew of zombies

In the end everyone agreed to help Vivi.

Since Ethan is completely naked, the girls bring clothes for him.

Then Vivi went to find Igaram and talk to him and tell him that Ethan and his crew will help them, during which Ethan went and turned all the dead into undead.

Undead Gem stood in front of Ethan and behind him were more than a hundred undead.

"Gem, can you tell according to his (you) memories who is stronger, you or Mr. 5 with his devil fruit." Ethan sat on a chair and looked seriously at the first undead he had created.

Gem paused for a moment in thought and then spoke respectfully. "I can definitely defeat him if he doesn't use his Devil Fruit abilities, and it's hard to know if I can defeat him if he uses them, but I still has a 60~70% chance of defeating him."

"You can tell me why." Ethan smiled, he guesses it's because the undead don't feel pain and they can show 100% of their strength because of it.

"Unlike humans whose minds restrain their strength in order not to harm their bodies, we can use 100% of our physical strength because we do not feel pain."

"and even if our flesh and muscles are shredded and our bones broken we can still fight efficiently."

"And more importantly, with enough death energy, these injuries can heal without leaving a trace."

"Also, we cannot be killed unless our heads are completely smashed."

"With all of this, you should have a 100% chance of defeating Mr. 5." Ethan asked confused.

Undead Gem: "Yes, but if he used Zenshin Kibaku and blew up his entire body, I wouldn't survive it."

"This is a powerful Devil Fruit but it wasn't used well when it was with Mr. 5." Ethan looked at the devil fruit in his hand.

The Bomu Bomu no Mi resembles a dark purple apple covered in S-shaped swirls with a rope-like yellow stem. The coloration and shape also make it resemble a stereotypical bomb (black and spherical with a stringy fuse). The stem is tattered at the end, making it look like a lit fuse.

He was planning to return this fruit to Gem but changed his mind, he wanted to use it in a better way. "Then tell me what kind of undead you are and the hundred behind you."

Confusion appeared on Gem's face and the Hundred Undead behind him.

"I think they're zombies." Freya appeared next to Ethan.

"Are their bodies going to rot or decompose later?" The first thing that came to Ethan's mind when he heard the word zombie was the rotting dead bodies walking slowly.

"No, that won't happen. It's not the same kind of zombie you see on {The Walking Dead}." Freya let out a chuckle.

"Freya, can I use death energy to create different kinds of undead?" If he could create a stronger undead, that would be even better.

"Yes you can, but not in the raw way you're using right now. You're just collecting death energy and inserting it into a dead body and this will only create zombie, and if you use it on bone remains it will create skeleton."

"If you want to produce more advanced types of undead, you have to combine death energy with magic." After Freya finished explaining, she looked at Ethan and saw that he was looking at her in amazement and disbelief, which made her ask him in confusion, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're more useful than I thought, I think you're starting to get a little better." Ethan laughed as he patted Freya on the shoulder as she looked at him with a dull look.

"This is not funny."

"Anyway, I have another question. If I send more death energy into Gem's body, will that make him stronger." Ethan stopped joking and got back to the main topic.

"The death energy that you give him will be stored in his body and only help him heal himself when he is injured. But he can extract different death energy from the people he kills and with this death energy he will become stronger." After that, Ethan and Freya talked for a while about this.

After this, Ethan gave a ship to Gem and made him and the Hundred Undead part of his fleet.

[Gem (Captain) : He will get a 15% increase in talent]

[Miss Monday (Vice Captain) : She will get a 10% increase in talent]

[Mr 9 (Vice Captain) : He will get a 10% increase in talent]

[A hundred undead : Will get a 5% increase in talent]

Yes, Miss Monday and Mr. 9 are dead and have been transformed by Ethan into undead.

Mr 9 was killed by Mr 5, and Miss Monday was killed by Nojiko.

Nojiko didn't mean to kill her, she accidentally injured a major artery in her leg, causing her to bleed to death.

"Ethan, we're ready to set sail." At this moment, Nami came and talked to Ethan while she showed him the Log Pose which points to the next island now.

Ethan nodded and after a while all the girls gathered.

came the voice of Igaram from behind everyone causing all of them to turn back around. As they all turned around, Ethan and the girls immediately wished they hadn't turned around. Standing in front of them was Igaram dressed as Princess Vivi.

"My eyes." Ethan rubbed my eyes as if he wanted to forget what he saw, 'Damn this is worse than shown in the anime, I really want to vomit.

Fortunately Sora was asleep and did not see this scene, if Sora was awake the first thing Ethan did would have been to cover her eyes with his hand.

"It's- *cough* *cough*- Ma-ma-ma- it's going to be okay, princess." he said as he stared at the group.

"I've come up with a plan." he added causing Ethan to raise his eyebrow.

"Igaram what are you...?" Vivi tried to form a sentence but was too stunned by Igaram's appearance.

"Listen to me carefully, Princess Vivi." he said in a serious tone.

"Once Baroque Works intelligence unit learned about what happened here agents will be sent after you immediately. And since they are aware that you learned the bosses true identity you must-" he said but was cut off by Vivi.

"Yes knowing them they will send a thousand agents after me."

"Thus my plan, disguise like this I will pretend to be you." Igaram said while looking down at Vivi.

"I will take these Seventeen dummies on board with me and I will sail a straight course to Alabasta." For the first time everyone noticed that Igaram was pulling a chariot with several dummies, apparently wanting to use them as a substitute for Ethan and the girls.

"While Baroque Works is busy chasing after me the rest of you will head to the Alabasta Kingdom following a less direct route," he said causing Ethan to nod his head understanding the plan.

"Why don't you take seventeen of my subordinates instead they will be of greater help to you." Ethan pointed to the former bounty hunters who had become undead.

Igaram was shocked and didn't know how Ethan was able to treat them but he didn't ask "No, they'd- *cough* *cough*- Ma-ma-ma- they'd better go with you, they will be of great help to you, perhaps."

"No, my new subordinates will not come with me to Alabasta, so you can take seventeen of them."

"We will be forever grateful, thank you." Igaram said before he walked over the water where a ship was docked and hopped it.

"Now I Vivi will leave from here." Igaram said imitating Vivi causing everyone to laugh except for Ethan.

'What's so funny about that?' A chill was running through Ethan's body when he heard Igaram talking like that.

Vivi and Igaram said their goodbyes and the ship sailed away from the island.

Freya placed the small model of the black pearl Freya in the sea, and after a while it began to expand and grow to its normal size.

"We have to sail too"

Everyone was staring at the ship as it sailed further and further away. When the ship was about half a mile away from the Island it was suddenly swallowed up in a giant explosion causing everyone's eyes to widen in shock.

"What! They're after us already, that's impossible!" Nami said in shock.

Vivi dropped to her knees with her hands over her mouth in shock as she could not believe what she was seeing, believing that Igaram had just perished in the explosion.