
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

150- Another Eternal Love

[New mission available]

[mission: save the princess!

objective: Soon Vivi will be attacked by Mr 5 and Miss Valentine, you have to choose the right time to save her.

Reward: 10,000 points]

'Then you want me to wait until Vivi is in real danger then I'll save her.'

[You are right, the greater the risk to her life, the greater your chances of winning her affection.]

'But I won't wait to see her get hurt.'


Nojiko heard foot steps and something whistling through the air behind her.

she ducked just in time to avoid a ladder being swung like a baseball bat at her head. The ladder hit the wall next to her and broke into splinters as she turned to face miss Monday who stood glaring at her with anger filled eyes.

"I will break you to pieces." Miss Monday said as she put on a pair of brass knuckles.

"You can't defeat me. You know very well that no ordinary person has a chance of surviving a bullet fired from a pistol."

"Tsk," Miss Monday grit her teeth.

Nojiko pointed her pistol at Miss Monday and fired, but Miss Monday pulled out a door from one of the houses and used it as a shield as she ran towards Nojiko.

"Arrogant Bastard!" She yelled before she started swinging at her.

Nojiko moved flexibly and dodged every punch Miss Monday sent out.

Seeing her attacks being easily dodged only made Miss Monday even more angry as she kept swinging harder and faster to try pound her into the dirt no longer caring about getting her bounty.

Nojiko has a bounty of 2 million on her head, which is a small amount that Miss Monday doesn't need, so she doesn't care about the bounty on Nojiko's head.

While dodging, she shoots Miss Monday in the leg, causing her to scream in pain, but she continues swinging her fist toward Nojiko.

After dodging another punch, Nojiko hits Miss Monday's head with the base of her pistol, causing her to fall unconscious.

"First time in my life I see a girl with all these muscles, even most men are not that big and muscles." If it wasn't for her voice, Nojiko would have thought she was a man.

"I wonder if Ethan likes this kind of girl too." Nojiko let out a chuckle.

"For your good luck, Ethan told me not to kill four people, including you."

Within a few minutes, Nojiko defeated Miss Wednesday, Mr9 and Mr8.

"That was very easy." Nojiko said as she climbed up a building and sat next to Ethan.

"You are becoming very strong, Nojiko." Nami hugged Nojiko from behind happily.

"I wouldn't have been this strong without someone." A gentle smile appeared on Nojiko's face as she looked at Ethan.

"I didn't do anything, you were the one who was putting in effort in training in order to become stronger." Ethan kissed Nojiko's forehead, making her smile the cutest.

"Also, if you weren't taking me with you, I would still be just an ordinary village girl." She is also grateful that Ethan saved her and the village from Arlong.

"I love you, Ethan." After saying this she kissed him.

It was just a touch of their lips, neither of them used their tongues, and it lasted a few minutes like this.

Nogiko separated the kiss and looked at him with a very sweet smile, her face becoming even more charming with the moonlight shining around. "Thank you for giving me a chance to become stronger to protect my sister and everyone I love."

"I love you too, Nojiko." Ethan patted her head gently and she had a very gentle look on her which made her face turn red, but there was no lust but only love.

[Congratulations, Nojiko's love for you has reached 100]

'She is the second girl to reach the mark of eternal love.' Ethan felt happy and hugged Nojiko tightly.

Nojiko and Lucy are the only two girls in the crew who have reached the mark of eternal love.




[As a reward for Nojiko's love for you to reach 100, you will be given a gift box.]

'gift box? But I didn't get anything similar from Lucy.'

[It's a new addition after the system update.]

[But since Lucy has reached Eternal Love, there is another gift box.]

[Do you want to use the two gift boxes now?]

'No, not now. I want to talk to Nojiko more. Maybe I'll open it up after we set sail.'

The rest of the girls gave Ethan and Nojiko some space to talk and after a few minutes Ethan and Nojiko walked towards them while holding each other's hands.

"Now can you tell us why you want these four to survive?" Zora pointed to the three who had woken up and also to the unconscious woman lying far away.

"You will understand everything after watching what happens next." Ethan replied, looking at the three below, which made all the girls look down too.


"Does this girl really only have a 2 million bounty on her head? With such strength, I wouldn't be surprised if she was given a 20 million or even 30 million bounty." Mr 8 sighed as he tried to get up but was having trouble getting up.

"She's a real monster, but why didn't she kill us?" Mr 9 sighed as he leaned against a building wall.

"You're right, she could have killed us, but she didn't." Miss Wednesday is sitting next to Mr8 trying to help him get up.

"Kyahahaha, You guys are so pathetic, you get defeated by one girl." Those sarcastic words and a distinctive laugh caught the attention of the three.

"Miss Valentine, Mr. 5. Why are you two here?" Mr 8 looked at them in astonishment.

"Did you two come here to laugh at us?" Mr 9 spoke in annoyance.

"We have a mission." Mr 5 said simply.

"I understand, the boss must have sent you in order to eliminate these pirates." Mr 9 sighed in relief.

"That's right, let's track her down and show her what Baroque Works can really do," Miss Wednesday said.

"Kyahahaha, you are wrong." Miss Valentine laughed sarcastically.

"Seriously Miss Wednesday stop with the jokes. We didn't come here to clean up your mess," Mr. 5 said as he placed his hands in his pocket.

"Did you really think we came all the way to the beginning of the Grand Line just to help you?" Miss Valentine asked rhetorically.

"Kyahahaha, you are even more pitiful than you look," she laughed.

"But, what mission are you here for?" Mr. 9 asked in a confused tone.

"The boss sent us in order to kill the one who knows his secret, although we don't know the secret he is talking about." Mr. 5 asked as he took a few steps forward.

"Our company motto is the mystery. Everyone's identity is to be kept a secret no matter who they are. If some someone is dumb enough to nose around the boss's busines..well the...that is a crime punishable by death," he said grimly.

"So, while we were conducting our search about who had learned the boss's secret we discovered something, Kyahahaha!" Miss Valentine said as she spun her umbrella. "As it turns out a rather high ranking induvial from a certain kingdom manage to infiltrate Baroque Works."

"A kingdom?!" Mr. 9 yelled out in surprise.

"But wait! I may wear a crown but I am not a king or anything like that, I swear it is just an innocent little hobby," he said pleading with the pair to believe him.

"Shut up you idiot! We didn't mean you." Miss Valentine shrieked in a high pitched voice.

"The one who knew the chief's secret is one of the missing from the kingdom of Alabasta." Mr. 5 said.

At this point, Mr. 8 is shaking in fear as he stared at the ground. 'They found out...'

Before anyone could react Mr. 8 pulled his bow tie and from the curls in his hair gun barrels poked out and fired five times on the pair of Baroque Works agents.

"You will not lay a hand on our princess so long as the captain of Alabasta security still stands!" he yelled as he fired five more times.


"The princess of Alabasta," Zora said as she stared at Miss Wednesday.

"Is that why you didn't want us to kill them? Because she's a princess." When Ethan saw the look Zora was giving him, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. It was as if she was saying 'maybe you want to put your hand on her too.'

Ethan "Although I know she's a princess, I don't do that because she's a princess."

Nami: "Anyway, what is a princess doing in a place like this?"

Sanju: "Maybe because she hated her family and wanted independence."

Kaya: "In any case, from what they said, it seems that she infiltrated Baroque Works for some purpose."

"Don't princesses usually have underlings to do those sort of things for them?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah they do but Alabasta is currently in a civil war. So maybe all of her underlings joined the rebels." Ethan said.
