
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

138- Onigumo died?

"You are very strong, but you will not be able to defeat me with swords." Onigumo moved very quickly while swinging the saber in his hand horizontally, and a blue air compressed projectile was shot towards Ethan.

"Don't be cocky, I'm very good at using a sword." Ethan swung both katanas in his hand at the same time in a cross, and an X-shaped air compressed projectile was released.

The air blades collided and the blue air compressed projectile was shattered while the X-shaped air compressed projectile continued heading towards Onigumo.

"It doesn't matter, even if you are good at using a sword, you will die here at my hands." Onigumo stabbed both of his sabers into the air blade, then swung his two sabers sideways causing the air blade to scatter.

"You can't kill me, you're the one who will die here." Ethan disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Onigumo and swung the katana to his chest, but Onigumo was able to block the attack before he was cut off.


The two sabers and two katanas collided forcefully, and a powerful wave of air was blown from the middle to the surroundings.

Sparks started to appear from the katana's contact with the saber, and Onigumo looked at Ethan seriously. 'His speed and strength are really great, unfortunately he's a pirate and not a marine so he has to die here.'

Gradually Ethan started pushing Onigumo back step by step, but at this moment Onigumo's hair started to move and formed three pairs of black arms.

Then these arms pulled out six sabers and began swinging them toward Ethan with great speed and power.

Ethan quickly retreated, dodging the sabers, and then Ethan noticed that all eight sabers had turned bluish-black, meaning they were covered by Armament Haki.

Ethan noticed Onigumo and saw that except for three pairs of black spider arms there was a spider-like abdomen behind his back and under his Marine coat.

Using Soru, Onigumo moved very quickly, approaching Ethan, and then swings his sabers wildly at Ethan while charging at them.

Ethan used the Armament Haki to cover his katana but the color remained the same.

He then used the Observation Haki to try to locate the path of all the sabers trying to cut him, then started blocking and avoiding.

During all this there is still time for Ethan to attack Onigumo.

*clang* *clang* *clang*

When the two touch, they attack quickly. The Marines and the girls saw two figures constantly flashing in the field, and each collision produced a powerful wave of air.

Sparks are flying everywhere from the collision of the sabers and the katanas and cut marks are beginning to appear on the deck, while pieces of wood can be seen cutting and flying everywhere they pass during the fighting.

Any marines who were close to them were cut off so everyone started to retreat in fear.


"What a great fight. I really want to fight a skilled swordsman too." Zora looked at the fight and praised it, then she got excited and wanted to fight this same fight.

'opening.' A Marine noticed that Zora was focused on fighting so he approached from behind and turned around to stab her, but as soon as he got close to her his head was separated from his body.

Zora looked at the headless body falling to the ground, then she sighed, "Fighting the weak is so boring, isn't there another strong opponent here."

Then she looked at where Lucy was fighting, "Although Lucy's opponents are rather strong, they are not strong enough. They couldn't even hit Lucy once."

Lucy uses Gear Second as she moves quickly while Max and Maxton talk, even though the two are using Soru but they can't catch up with her speed.

Max and Maxton became Lucy's punching bag.

If the two of them hadn't used Tekkai when they received punches, they would have been defeated a long time ago, but they will fall soon even if they keep using it.


While Ethan was dodging the saber, his foot slipped due to the blood of a Marine who was on the ship's floor.

Onigumo's eyes flashed. This was an invaluable opportunity, very quickly and with all his might he swung eight sabers toward Ethan.

"ETHAN!" Zora who was watching the fight screamed in concern, drawing the attention of all the girls to the fight between Ethan and Onigumo but what happened next shocked them.

The eight sabers hit Ethan's body, but contrary to everyone's expectations, Ethan wasn't cut off and they didn't see blood, but sparks flew everywhere while the eight sabers couldn't pierce the black scales covering Ethan's entire body.

The Marines all looked at this in complete shock and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Even the women of Ethan were shocked by this because they could sense the power of the attack, especially Zora because she was sure that the Vice Admiral's attack was stronger than any attack she could use with her current strength.

'Impossible, I used one of my strongest attacks with Armament Haki in this attack.' The person most shocked was, of course, Onigumo because he knew how powerful this attack was.

Ethan jumped back but Onigumo followed him and started attacking fiercely again, but Ethan continued to dodge and block and did not let the sabers reach his body again.

Although he knows that Onigumo's attacks will not be able to penetrate the dragon scales, he still dodges and blocks attacks because he is trying to develop his Observation Haki and Armament Haki.

As expected after a while in the Onigumo fight, Ethan started to improve in blocking, dodge and attack, Observation Haki and Armament Haki started to improve very quickly, apparently due to Ethan's Super talent in haki and fighting.

The katanas in Ethan's hand sometimes began to turn bluish-black, but soon returned to its natural color. This continued for a period of up to a few minutes, after which the color of the two katanas fixed on the bluish-black.

'This scum pirate is using me to sharpen his haki.' Anger and shock appeared on Onigumo's face, anger because he was being used for training, and shock because Ethan was already starting to get stronger during the fight. 'That's bad, this talent can't be let live especially because he's a pirate.'

Onigumo's eyes flashed and he began plotting how to kill Ethan, but he couldn't kill him unless Ethan reverted to human form.

He looked around and saw that most of the Marines were defeated until Max and Maxton were defeated.

At this moment the katana in Ethan's hand swung very quickly towards Onigumo's neck and cut off his head.

Ethan grabbed Onigumo's head and shouted toward the Marines, "Your Vice Admiral is dead."

Ethan watched the despair on the Marines' faces as they looked at the Vice Admiral's head. They did not expect their leader to be killed.

upon seeing the figure of Ethan covered in black scales with horns on his head and wings and a tail behind his back carrying Onigumo's head dripping with blood they were sure they were seeing a demon.

"Surrender and give us all your supplies." Ethan smiled and gave orders to the marines, and some marines who were feeling afraid listened to his orders, but the rest looked at Ethan sharply and angry, but they did nothing and stopped fighting, but they did not listen to Ethan's orders either.

Seeing that the fight was over, Ethan returned to his human form, but at this moment Onigumo's headless body moved to Ethan very quickly.