
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

135- Sailing

While Ethan was talking to Freya in his mind, Lucy patted him on the shoulder in order to get his attention, "Ethan, we've been here for a long time. We have to go to the Grand Line."

He looked around and found that all the girls were already ready to go, nodded, "Let's go."

Desire led them to where the ship was docked, although there was no need for that because Freya already knew where it was.

More than thirty concubines followed them to bid farewell to Ethan and their former leaders.


Ethan has been at Desire's house for three days. Two days later, the Marines knew he had not left the island, after searching for half a day, they found his ship and tried to destroy it.

But whenever they put their feet on the ship, a mysterious force threw them away from it, no one could board the ship and they didn't know why. (Freya was on the ship and smacked everyone who set foot on it and threw them off it so fast that they didn't even notice what it looked like.)

They tried to destroy it with cannons, but the cannons left no dents on the ship.

Even before they tried to destroy the ship again, they heard that Ethan was coming, so the Marines decided to ambush Ethan and the girls and patiently waited for Ethan to come to make a surprise attack.

As soon as they reached the ship, the Marines led by Smoker surrounded them and started shooting without saying anything.

Ethan's face didn't show any shock, as he knew about the Marines because Freya had already told him.

Seeing the Marines firing their guns and cannons, Desire used her Fruity ability to create a barrier around everyone.

Cannonballs and bullets hit the barrier, but they didn't leave a single scratch on it.

Ethan smiled widely and began to impose his will on the will of all the marines in front of him.

Ethan used the Haoshoku Haki and his strong will fired into the Marines and began to overcome their will.

Moments later, in front of the wives and the concubines's eyes, the Marines begin to lose consciousness and then fall to the ground with foam coming out of their mouths.

Once again the only person left standing among the Marines was Smoker.

Smoker gritted his teeth while clenching the Nanashaku Jitte clenchedly in his fist.

'I know I can't defeat him but I have to buy some time for the Vice Admiral to arrive.' His best option is to talk to Ethan to waste time, but what surprises him is that Ethan completely ignores him and starts talking to the girls.

'This damn boy is treating me as if I don't exist.' Rage starts to burn inside Smoker.

In front of Smoker's eyes, Ethan bid farewell to his concubines and gave them two small ships the size of a fist, and then told them that when these ships were placed on the sea, they would expand to return to their normal size.

One of these ships for his concubines and the other for Bartolomeo.

Lucy looked at Ethan with sparkling eyes, while asking him how he did it and he replied that Freya can do it, not him.

After saying goodbye to the concubines for the last time, Ethan and the girls started walking toward the ship, completely ignoring Smoker.

"Wait, Black Dragon and Straw Hat. How dare you ignore an enemy standing in front of you." The smoker shouted angrily.

Ethan pretended to be surprised as he looked at the smoker as if he had never noticed his presence,"Sorry I didn't notice you."

Then Ethan looked at Smoker with a sarcastic smile. "Maybe I didn't notice you because you are so weak."

Smoker looked at Ethan in shock, not expecting Ethan to insult him.

The anger was evident on Smoker's face as he looked at the girls who had boarded the ship and then looked at Ethan who was about to board the ship as well.

He ignored him again.

Smoker calmed himself and then turned the lower half of his body into smoke and then quickly moved toward Ethan.

When Smoker was about to hit Ethan, Ethan disappeared from his spot and appeared behind Smoker.

Then very quickly Ethan punched Smoker's back with his full force as he used lightning to cover his fist and when he punched Smoker he spread lightning all over his body to make his attack even more lethal.

The smoker fell to the ground while smoke came out of his body.

After that, Ethan boarded the ship, but noticed that Smoker was trying to stand up, which means that he did not lose consciousness, but Ethan ignored this and ordered Freya to sail.

Smoker looked at the ship that was moving away and then lay on the ground while looking up at the sky, for the first time in his life he felt so insulted.

"Purupuru Purupuru"

Smoker pulled Den Den Mushi out of his coat, then Den Den Mushi started to speak.

"Smoker, did you gain some time for my arrival, where is the enemy now?"

Smoker: "I couldn't gain any more time, he just sailed towards the Grand Line."

"Scum, you couldn't even gain a few minutes of time. But it doesn't matter, I'm near the entrance to the Grand Lane. I'll head over there and wait for them."


"Everyone, we're heading towards the Grand Line, we'll be entering the Grand Line soon." Lucy said excitedly causing them to smile.

"I think we should say something to mark this occasion." she said causing them to nod their heads. Alvida and Clara went into storage and brought a barrel of booze out and sat it in the middle of all of them. Lucy was the first one to put her foot on the barrel and spoke.

"I'm going to be the Pirate Queen!" she said with a smile.

"I am going to the Grand Line to find the All Blue," Sanju said as she put her foot on the barrel.

"The world greatest swordsman," Zora said she place her foot on the barrel.

"I'm going so I can draw a map of the entire world," Nami said as she put her foot up.

"I going to help my little sister achieve her dreams...and keep her out of trouble," Nojiko said causing everyone to laugh while Nami groaned.

Nojiko: "It can also be said that I want to become the best sniper in the world, since I have a talent for it."

Kaya: "To become one of the best doctors in the world, there must be a lot of knowledge and books about medicine in the Grand Line."

Ann: "I want to be strong and my magic improve even more, and I need strong opponents for that."

Ethan: "Then you're going to be the Queen of Magic."

Ann: "That sounds good, I'm going to become the Queen of Magic."

Kuina: "I want to make the most powerful sword in the world."

Carmen: "I want my great cooking to be famous all over the world."

Hailey: "I just want to be with Ethan."

Clara: "I don't know I didn't have a target before, but you can say I want to make some good clothes out of the finest yarns in the world and that they are durable so that they are not easily destroyed."

Desire: "I want to become Ethan's shield, which protects him."

Alvida: "I want to enjoy my life and have some good adventures."

Makino: "I want to live a happy life with everyone."

Ethan: "I want to be the most powerful person in this world, and to be the king of the world."

"And now to the Grand Line!" Ethan said as they all brought their foot up and smashed the barrel.