
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

126- Hailey (+18)

It's been three hours since the party started and Ethan has often talked to Desire and Clara and gotten to know them better, but he still hasn't asked Desire to join his crew that he plans to tell her after the party is over.

After talking to them for a long time, Ethan sat alone now.

Ethan sat on a cask while sipping some beer as he looked at the girls dancing and enjoying the party. Although these girls are not as pretty as the girls in his crew, their dancing and the way they move their bodies is a beautiful sight that Ethan can enjoy.

"Hello handsome, we meet again." A girl appeared beside Ethan with a big smile on her face.

As soon as Ethan took a look on her face, he recognized her, it's the girl who works for Clara.

"Hi, although we've met before, I don't know your name." Ethan smiled sweetly at the girl.

"You can call me Hailey." After that, Hailey stuck to Ethan for an hour, talking to him about different subjects, but mostly about her private life when she was the deputy captain of the Clara Pirates.

"Come with me, I want to show you something interesting." She grabbed his hand and dragged him to a different room.

Ethan entered the room and looked around but did not find anything of interest, the things in the room are a bed, a wardrobe and a simple mirror hanging on the wall.

Ethan heard the door lock sound so he looked behind him and found Hailey looking at him with a very big smile, "How do you say we have a little fun?"

'Does this girl want to rape me?' When Ethan thought about this, he really wanted to laugh out loud.

In fact, he kind of expected this from her after seeing her behavior in 'Clara's Tailored Clothing'.

"Don't worry about your weak sexual stamina, I've bought medicine for you that can keep your dick erect for hours." Hailey pulled a box of medicine out of her pocket, which she bought after meeting Ethan.

She still believes that Ethan had sex with Clara and that he had poor sexual stamina.

She really wants to lose her virginity to someone as handsome as Ethan, but she wants to have fun too.

Ethan's eyelids twitched at the sight of the medicine in Hailey's hand. 'This foolish girl'

Ethan took the medicine from Hailey's hand and then crushed it and threw it on the ground, causing Hailey's eyes to open wide. ''why did you do that? This would have made you feel a pleasure that you have never had before."

"I don't need this kind of medicine. I am the one who will make you reach heaven of pleasure without using these medicines." Ethan grabbed Hailey's wrist and then pulled her to him and kissed her lips.

Hailey is pretty and can be compared to the girls in his crew so he doesn't mind having sex with her even though there is no mission for it.

Hailey is a beautiful girl with purple hair, white skin, and eyes the same color as her hair, but a little lighter.

She is wearing a short dress that shows her beautiful white legs.

Hailey slowly opened her mouth and allowed Ethan's tongue to get inside.

Ethan kissed Hailey firmly and stuck his tongue deep into her mouth and began exploring her mouth with his tongue. Hailey moved her tongue around his tongue inside her mouth and then closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling she got from the kiss.

Ethan moved his hands and started to caress Hailey's body while kissing. He stroked her back with the palm of his hand, then moved one of his hands to her neck and grabbed her tightly and started kissing her more fiercely. While the other hand moved down and grabbed her butt tightly.


Hailey started to moan at Ethan's touch, she moved her arms around Ethan's back and hugged him tightly.

'It feels so good~' She didn't expect to get so much pleasure from just a kiss.

When Ethan and Hailey's body touched, Hailey felt Ethan's erect dick on her stomach. She knew what it was and her body started to get more excited, her pussy getting wet as if impatiently waiting for the moment this thing would enter her.

One of Hailey's hands moved toward his lower body and she began to rub his erect dick with her palm. When Hailey felt his size, she was shocked, 'It's so big.'

'This dick will be inside me soon. I'm so excited.' Ethan felt Hailey's hand slip inside his pants and caress his dick back and forth, and he felt pleasure spreading through his body because of her soft hand.

Ethan let go of her butt, then started lifting her dress and directed his hand towards her pussy and started fondling through her underwear.

"Aaahhh~" Hailey separated her lips from his, let out a loud moan and looked into Ethan's eyes with lust.

Hailey's underwear was wet, and it got even wetter because of Ethan's caressing of her pussy. Ethan tilted her underwear a little to reveal her pussy and then gently inserted her middle finger, then began to carefully explore her insides.

"Aaahh~ more~" Hailey moaned louder when his finger got into her pussy, she felt ecstasy as his finger started to move faster. After a while, Hailey came to his hand and her legs started trembling and her legs were no longer able to hold her body.

Ethan carried her onto the bed and made her lie on it, but contrary to Hailey's expectations, Ethan did nothing else and started walking to the door of the room.

'Will he leave me like this, doesn't he want to have fun too?' Hailey did not understand why Ethan left her at this moment.

Ethan smiled and opened the door and a group of girls who had been leaning on it fell to the ground.

Lucy, who had fallen with the rest of the girls, stood up and looked at Ethan with a big smile.

Hailey's moan was very loud and everyone in the building heard it.

Within moments Bartolomeo was kicked out of the building leaving only the girls with a red face in it as they continued to hear the roaring moans.