
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

122- "I will not leave the Marines"

"You shouldn't do something reckless again." Tashigi wiped tears from her eyes as she looked at Ethan seriously.

"Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee this. But I certainly wouldn't do anything that might really hurt me." Ethan patted her head gently.

Tashigi sighed but suddenly she remembered that Ethan was a pirate, so she quickly slipped away from his embrace.

'Tashigi, how many times do I have to remind you that he's a pirate? You shouldn't have a good relationship with him, you should catch him.' The good part of Tashigi spoke.

'She's right, you should catch him....' The evil part of Tashigi spoke in agreement with the good part. 'Then tie him up in your room and make him just for you.'

Good Tashigi: 'Or you can make him a Marine.'

evil Tashigi: 'Or you could leave the Marines and go become a pirate on his crew.'

Tashigi yelled in anger in her mind, 'I'm definitely not going to leave the Marines and become a evil pirate.'

Then she looked at Ethan in a different way as if she was seeing an evil person, causing Ethan to wince "Don't look at me like that, not all pirates are evil."

"No, all pirates are evil, and the proof of that is that you deceived me."

"I gave you a hint that I was a pirate, but you chose to keep doing it."

Tashigi's face turned red upon hearing this.

Bartolomeo and Ipponmatsu looked at the interaction between the two and felt strange, not understanding what Ethan meant by his last sentence.

"Tashigi, let's talk as we walk to the execution platform." Tashigi hesitated a little, but eventually walked with Ethan and Bartolomeo out of the shop and began walking together to the execution platform.

After they left the shop, Tashigi challenged Ethan to a sword duel. "If I defeat you, you will stop being a pirate."

"You know you can't beat me, right?" Ethan looked at Tashigi strangely.

"Are you making fun of me for being a girl?" Resentment appeared on Tashigi's face.

"No, I am just so strong that even Captain Smoker will not be able to defeat me." To make it easier for Tashigi, Ethan mentioned that he is stronger than Smoker.

Tashigi wanted to deny it but Ethan didn't give her a chance to speak, he pulled the Yubashiri sword from its scabbard and said, "Attack me with the strongest attack you have."

Hearing this, she pulled her sword out of its sheath as well, then ran to Ethan and swung her sword toward him with the strongest attack she could.

Ethan easily repelled her sword attack and then quickly swing his sword and strike her sword, the force of the attack was strong enough to drop the sword from Tashigi's hand.

Shock was evident on her face. She didn't think she would lose so easily, she looked at Ethan while asking sadly, "Are women too weak and can't become strong? Can I really become a strong swordsman even though I'm a female?"

For some reason when she easily lost to Ethan, the first thing she thought of was that she lost because she is a female and females are physically weaker than males.

Since she was young, Tashigi has been jealous that males have such a strong physique that they can quickly become stronger than females by training their bodies.

Also, females have large breasts that hinder them from swinging the sword the way they want, but experienced females this thing will not hinder them.

"No, strength is not related to being female or male. For example my entire crew is made up of females and they are all very strong, Zora and Kuina are two skilled swordsmen who can defeat the strongest swordsmen easily even though they are female."

"So you can become very strong, stronger than anyone, even if you are a female."

"If you keep thinking like this, you will not become a strong person."

Hearing these words from Ethan, the sadness within Tashigi's heart disappeared, and she felt a little grateful for the pirate in front of her.

Ethan walked over to Tashigi and hugged her, whispering in her ear, "Being a female is also an invaluable advantage."

"What is the advantage?" Tashigi asked curiously, not resisting Ethan's hug.

Ethan whispered something in Tashigi's ear which made her blush and then tried to punch him while she said, "You really are a bad and evil pirate."

She was listening seriously, believing that there was a special advantage in females to become stronger, but she did not expect him to say such a shameful thing.

After Ethan finished joking with her, he looked at her seriously, "Have you decided what you're going to do, are you coming with me or do you want to continue to stay in the Marines?"

"I can't betray the Marines to become a pirate, I can't come with you." Tashigi looked firmly at Ethan as if to say that she would not change her decision no matter what.

"It means we will part here, but I will give you one last gift." Ethan hugged Tashigi and kissed her.

At this moment Freya spoke and in Ethan's mind,

[Are you sure you want to increase her talent even though she doesn't join your crew, you won't gain anything if her talent increases.]

'It's okay, do it'


[10,000 points have been spent]

[Her talent increased by 50%.]

Tashigi felt a cool and refreshing feeling flowing from Ethan's mouth to her mouth and then all over her body, and that feeling that made her almost reach orgasm.

Moments later, Ethan separated the kiss.

Tashigi looked at Ethan in shock, "What did you do?"

"You'll know that after you start practicing again later." Ethan smiled and then started walking away from her and headed to the execution platform.

"Ethan, I'm definitely going to get strong and…" Ethan smiled upon hearing this but the sequel made him fall comically to the ground, "And I'm going to catch you, you evil pirate!"

After Tashigi said that, she didn't walk past Ethan, but headed toward her house.


Then Ethan and Bartolomeo walked to the execution stage, and the two saw how Lucy screamed that she was going to be the Pirate Queen.

In order to make the show more exciting and interesting for the viewers, Ethan made the sky thunder loudly. Then he punched a hole in the clouds to send the sun's rays down on where Lucy was standing.