
The Start of Something Amazing

'I can't believe a god is helping me. He's even giving me a chance at a new life as well as granting me wishes and bonus gifts. How could I ever repay such a thing?'

"I apologize for intruding on your mind young Maverick, but there is no need to think that way. It is my pleasure to aid all children of the sea. Spirits of adventure such as yours and your mothers are truly a sight to behold. Though you were held back in your first life due to being bound to a wheel chair, you still managed to make the most of your life. You were a gold medalist in the the Paralympic Games after all. So I am honestly keen to witness what you'll be capable of in a less restrictive setting with a more beneficial starting point."

"Regardless of your reasoning I still want to say it again… thank you. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything you've done." Taking a cue from historical dramas and anime, I bowed deeply towards the primordial god. When I did my soul hummed softly as the blue light emanating from my core seemed to deepen.

"It was and always shall be my pleasure." Pontus stated fondly while scratching the back of his massive head, seemingly embarrassed by my display of gratitude.

"Ehem, now Caspian, I do believe I have kept you here far too long. Off you go my friend. And please, don't hold yourself back or let fear dictate your actions. Do your best to enjoy your second chance at life. The world your going into happens to be one of my favourites after all." Pontus remarked sagely as he clenched his mighty fist, nearly crushing me inside it before I could blink.

I didn't even have time to say a single word let alone panic before he wound back his titanic arm. I felt a brief moment of trepidation, then at a speed far too fast to process, Pontus hurled me into the murky black waters of the deepest parts of the sea. At that point all thought left my mind. I was catapulted through the ocean like a cosmic torpedo.

Before I knew what was happening my world was rotating around me faster than I could fathom. The scenery moved by so quickly it looks like nothing more than an endless blur.

'It feels like I've been tossed head first into the spin cycle of a washing machine.' The more I fought the harder it was to move. Like the current itself was keeping me held firmly in place. After an intense struggle I simply let go. Relaxing myself and allowing the waters to wash over me. For some reason I'm not afraid in the least. Giving in to the raging rapids seemed like the most logical solution. I leaned my head back and simply enjoyed the ride.

The speed was dizzying in the extreme. Like the worlds most intense water slide. It felt as though I had travelled around the worlds ten times already. The darkness around me was oppressive and terrifying. Yet deep inside all I felt was excitement.

It was then that I was reminded of the words that preceded the start of every One Piece episode; Wealth, fame, power… Gol D. Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained this and everything else the world had to offer and his dying words led countless souls to the sea.

"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place! Now you just have to find it!" These words lured people to the grand line in pursuit of dreams greater than they ever dared to imagine.

This is the time known as the Great Pirate Era!

I put a map of the East Blue in the comments if any one is interested

Professor_Zzyzxcreators' thoughts
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